Who is the Avatar of Synthesis and Who is the Lord Maitreya
Transcript of a lecture given in Iceland on 19 September 1998 Dear Iceland and the people from Iceland. My name is Ananda Tara Shan. I visited you many years ago – more than 15 years ago. I hoped that I was coming back soon but it took those years to return. When I returned, which was some days ago, I returned to Iceland with the Avatar of Will and the Lord Maitreya. Throughout this afternoon you will understand from what I say, who is the Avatar of Will, and who is the Lord Maitreya. You may have read about the Lord Maitreya in books, but He is not quite the person you have read about in books. He reveals Himself as the Maitreya, the Lord of Love, in a unique capacity as the Risen Christ without intermediary [of] Jesus or other Masters. The Avatar of Will, who came to this Earth in 1986, reveals Himself as the Lord of Synthesis, the Protector of the Christ. He has a special role to play on Earth and I would like to explain those roles of the Risen Christ today and the Avatar of Will. But first before we get this far, we have some songs to play because we need to harmonise. I will be transmitting throughout this afternoon. Transmission: I, Who am the Avatar of Will; I, Protector of Christ; I, the Will of God; I have descended onto this Earth with a purpose that I shall reveal to thee, Iceland. When I, throughout this afternoon, speak and transmit in words and energies the Will of God, the Will for this country, this nation, the Will for this world, I ask you to relax and listen to Me and not be afraid of My voice, for I speak through thunder and lightning. And in My hand, I carry the sword of Truth and Peace. And it is now the first time I stand on this soil overlooking that ocean into which I have descended a fragment of Myself, for this country is destined to be the New Avalon hidden in the mist and protected by the Inner Government of Earth – a new paradise on Earth. I shall explain. Iceland, I am the Lord Maitreya, the Risen Christ, the Revealer, the Liberator, the Bodhisattva, the World Teacher. I have things to tell you this afternoon about this age that you are about to enter into and the change that shall occur before the age takes place. I, and the Avatar of Will, travel within the bodies of Ananda. After the song that we shall sing together, I shall explain about My work and how you can participate, for the time has come which you have awaited, the Christ has appeared on Earth. Through disciples in every land, through groups of goodwill, through the world servers of every land, I work and function. But in no books can you read, in no books can you study and learn what I shall impart upon you today. For that time has come when I reveal My true nature to humanity and a purpose of Myself, as I walk in the midst of humanity. Not through one soul but through many, for such is the reappearance of the Christ today: through the many, the souls who are awakened, who respond to My call; the souls who sit in this room and wish to be utilised in the bringing of this Earth to sanctification, to new life that shall begin in a few years when the Day of the Will has come to an end, in 2005. I shall explain why I have come to Iceland, My cooperation with the Avatar of Will, the present work of the Hierarchy, and the changes of the Hierarchy, which are many. You stand upon the threshold of My age, the Age of Maitreya. Let us find peace and happiness together, for you are a blessed people in a blessed country. Your country has been blessed to be one ‘Land of the Heart’ of a certain number of ‘Lands of Heart’ on this planet. And you number the Children of the Heart, My children, who shall walk on this Earth with Me throughout age upon age, the new humanity who shall inherit the Earth of whom I spoke through Jesus. When I said that the meek should inherit the Earth, I meant the Children of the Heart of whom there are millions on this planet, but few know it. There are so many reasons for coming to you today. One of the reasons is I must find more Children of the Heart in this country, for upon you, I shall build the new Iceland. A momentous event has occurred. Let us celebrate. [End of transmission] I have chosen three songs that we shall sing and Tara and Greg shall sing with us. In all spiritual work, we sing because we are so full of joy when we are in company of great beings, or try to invoke them. So we shall sing. Which song shall we start with? Lord Maitreya Great Spirit. Now, when you sing with me and my dear friends that I have brought with me on this journey, you can do what you like. You can stand, you can dance around, clap. Do whatever you want, if you feel that is you. [Song: Lord Maitreya Great Spirit] Why we sing about the Lord Maitreya being the Great Spirit is that very recently the Lord Maitreya, who takes on one task after the other, took over that of becoming the Great Spirit for the Native American people, as well as the Great Spirit for the Aboriginals in Australia. He has taken on so many tasks to help humanity that we can soon write a book about all those tasks. But you will hear more about it as we go along. Now the next song, Radabo, should really lift them up, should really get their attention. Music is very important in spiritual work. Have you ever been to a spiritual meeting without music? The music is the language of spirit and, because we don’t know each other so well and [it’s] therefore difficult to talk to you as a group, if we use music first to harmonise our inner bodies with each other, it will be easier for me to talk about the Lord Maitreya and the new Theosophy that He has released over the last ten, fifteen years. It is very difficult, you know, when you are used to talking to certain people, to go out into other countries and talk to groups of people you don’t know. And well, I know that some are born oratorical talents, but I am not that. I need to feel that I know you, that our souls are in some way in contact with each other, and then I will talk better. So let’s see what happens with this song, if we can get to some communication on the inner levels. [Song: Radabo] Okay, let’s start from the beginning. In this lecture I have been thinking, thinking how to present it so it sticks together, because there’s so much information that sometimes it may sound as if you talk in east and west at the same time. But we’ll try. Let us start with the Lord Sanat Kumara who came down to Earth millions of years ago in order to help Earth in its evolution, and humanity in its evolution. And because of His coming, He and the Masters that we some of them know… [no sound for a few seconds]… not that humanity has reached perfection, but some of humanity actually has done that over the centuries. And that is due to the evolutionary process that was brought to Earth by the Lord Sanat Kumara from Venus, and the discipleship path that He brought with Him which takes people from a meager budding beginning, as soul and human being, and brings that human being to adept stage and higher stages of evolution. Two souls volunteered – great souls – came to Earth and volunteered to try to become the first Buddha and the first Christ. Until They became Buddha and Christ, we had to have Masters from other planets. There were no human beings. There was not a soul who had gone through human evolution and managed to take those two initiations. And those two souls became the Lord Gautama Buddha and the Lord Maitreya. Now, the Lord Gautama Buddha, He is known by everyone as the Buddha of the Earth, but what you may not know is that nearly all World Teachers, known World Teachers throughout the ages, are incarnations of the Lord Gautama Buddha: Hermes, Orpheus – name it and He has had nearly all of them. And the Lord Maitreya has had the rest. So, if you ever read about the Lord Krishna and you just love the Lord Krishna, because Krishna was total love, there you have the embodiment of the Lord Maitreya before He became ‘Maitreya’. So 2,500 years ago, the first soul who went through human evolution, managed to take the Buddha initiation in the flesh. That is an enormous task – no-one has done it up to now – none but the Lord Gautama Buddha. And His brother, the Lord Maitreya, became the Risen Christ, the Christ, because He became the Risen Christ when He incarnated through Jesus (utilised the Lord Jesus’ body that is), and became the Risen Christ before passing away in that embodiment. Now these two great Masters, these two brothers, are responsible for a number of things on this planet, together with very great Masters, because we have on this Earth three departments: the Department of Will – the department called the Centre of Shamballa where the Will of God is known; and we have the Hierarchy which is headed by the Lord Maitreya – the Love Centre of the planet; and we have the Centre of Humanity which is governed by two Maha Chohans, the old one and the new one. The new one being the Master R, the Count of Saint Germain, a name many of you have heard but may not know that He is the new Maha Chohan, the Lord of Holy Spirit for this Earth. I would like to talk about the Christ. The Christ is the Lord Maitreya. Jesus and the Lord Kuthumi are His two assistants. The Lord Jesus came to this Earth in order to become on this planet Earth, the Lamb of God. That is a special role in itself. That means that that soul takes on World Saviour embodiments, one after the other, and will be killed in all of them – a sacrifice that Earth will be preserved and continue, and humanity continue its evolution. The Lord Jesus is an enormous soul, but He is not meant to stay on this Earth. He is here for a period and He is leaving in 500 years when the Lord Maitreya finally takes the Buddha initiation in the flesh. And that is one of the revelations of the new time, and the new world religion is built upon it, namely that the Lord Maitreya is returning, not, as many people expect, as the Christ because as that He has appeared already. No, He appears as Maitreya the Buddha – I call Him the 'Christ Buddha' – and it is Him I am going to introduce to you because He has never ever worked as Himself. He has worked through other Masters and They have been known but never have you ever met the Lord Maitreya, with His present vibration, as the man and Master Maitreya. He is the Christ for two periods, two great periods in Earth’s history: the Christ in the Piscean Age and now in the Age of Maitreya, the Aquarian Age. Why we call it the Age of Maitreya is because He is the Spirit of the Earth. That is something totally new. The Spirit of the Earth has been another entity which also has been released recently. This Earth has many offices in the Hierarchy, and all possessed by many great entities from other planets. But the Lord Maitreya is slowly taking over a big number of them, because His love for humanity is so enormous that He has taken on more responsibilities than any other Christ has ever done. And what happened in the World War years, between 1936–39 and 1945? There were many talks in the Council of Shamballa and the Lord Christ decided to reappear on Earth. But not as ‘the’ Christ walking down the road followed by a number of disciples and speaking to masses here and there, but appearing through His disciples living in all countries. It is a group avataric presence. If you are waiting for the Lord Maitreya to return, and that is something which is not understood, He shall return as the Buddha. Then He shall reincarnate, His last incarnation on Earth, and [He will be] followed by all the disciples, arhats and Masters who are now preparing for that embodiment which is exactly 500 years ahead. Now, if you knew about the workings of the Hierarchy, you would know that it takes 500 years to prepare for the coming of a Cosmic Avatar. And it also took 500 years of preparation for the Lord Jesus to come 2,000 years ago, and to be overshadowed by the Lord Maitreya. Why it takes 500 years is that every soul which is incarnating with this World Teacher, has a certain number of lessons to learn, and has to learn them throughout that period so that they can support the World Teacher nearly to perfection. Those souls who supported the Lord Maitreya through Jesus 2,000 years ago, many of them are now Masters in the Hierarchy. They have risen to very lofty heights of development. And the souls who are now walking the Earth, preparing to accompany the Lord Maitreya in His life as Maitreya Buddha, are now all being trained. The Lord Maitreya has started a new way of life and He calls that way the ‘Way of the Heart’. See, what happened on Earth is that all disciples went in training as Children of the Mind. Their minds were stimulated, the higher chakras were stimulated, and it cost the heart chakra’s development. Very few disciples on this Earth have developed the heart chakra to perfection. So those children that are now disciples and initiates have been walking a path called the ‘Way of the Mind’. And, because they have been walking that path and the heart chakra has not followed, they have developed the mind too much, and there are problems because of that. So the Lord Maitreya, very quickly in the war years, started to stimulate the heart chakra of humanity and the heart chakras in the disciples, so that a number of souls on this Earth could start to work as Children of the Heart leading, as teachers, the other Children of the Heart to the Lord Maitreya. This new way of life, the Way of the Heart, is going all the way into average humanity – to the very beginning of average humanity – and it’s also called the New Mystery School because the mystery schools of the ancient times will be occurring again in a certain new way. Now we of the old school, we who have walked the Earth for millions of years, either on the inner levels or on the physical level, we have been part of many mystery schools [which] have trained us to work in a specific way, with great beings. And then that work got abused in the days of Atlantis, and many of the mystery schools closed down because of black magic and only very few were open to very few pupils. Instead, the Hierarchy worked on the inner levels, and has continued to do that, so that when you are being trained as disciples today, all the knowledge which is imparted from the Hierarchy comes from within, not from the physical level. That is why you have to do meditations and contemplations, and learn to attune with your soul and spirit and with the Hierarchy, for you are being trained by listening in on that special vibration which is your own soul and spirit. It became too dangerous to impart upon people the secret knowledge and the secret formulas with which many people could work with forces on this Earth – with spirits, with devas and smaller natural forces – because the human temperament and the human nature is such that we tend to abuse everything we learn because we are not perfected human beings. So the Hierarchy had to close down to that. And instead we now have many people who do not quite remember what they have learned, but they are remembering now, because the Lord Maitreya wishes people to remember. So the door is opening up between the physical level and the etheric and astral levels quicker than I have ever seen for many, many thousands of years. The Christ has groups that He works through: the New World Server Group – many belong to this in here – and initiates, and He tries to accomplish certain things in the world so that He can actually take government of this world. Now, there are two forces in this world that always fight each other. It is the negative force and the positive force. And the negative force has been very strong because it has always worked in the world of matter, and been stronger in the world of matter than in the worlds of light. So we have a Lord of Darkness who has ruled the Earth from the physical level. He has done very well actually, because he has managed to nearly destroy the whole planet by now. And then we have the Lord of Light, who is the Christ, and His disciples and They have not been able to work closer, for many, many thousands of years, than the astral level. So, if you could not tune in and work on the astral levels, you could not contact the Hierarchy. Now we see that the Hierarchy is approaching the Earth through the etheric level, and that’s why things are happening. That’s why we are going to have something, a phenomenon happening on Earth, called the ‘great change’ because the vibration is so strong from the appearance of the Hierarchy on the etheric level that it is creating effects in the Earth body itself – not only in the human population but in the Earth body itself. And there is a battle going on – the famous Armageddon – but on inner levels, not on Earth. Even though we have many battles, we have many wars and we have dreadful actions against humanity on Earth, we still haven’t reached the great battle yet. And we could still avoid it. The Lord Maitreya is teaching about Him[self] for you to get to know Him and love Him, because He wants for you to avoid going through the third phase of destruction on this Earth, which means that the Earth would tip and humanity would die (those who are not saved in a special way). So we have problems now because, after the Avatar of Will came to Earth 1986, so many things have been stepping up, and we can see that more problems have occurred in every country due to the stepping up of energy of the Will of God. And people are finding it difficult to manage time, manage themselves.Physical health is deteriorating in many people due to stepping up of vibrations and so forth. The Avatar of Will has never been on Earth before. He calls himself the ‘Captain of the Logos’ – God – and He is a mighty being who has been called in by the Hierarchy because They couldn’t manage to teach the Earth population, sufficiently quickly, certain lessons. You see, the Hierarchy is not allowed to step in and take away the free will of humanity and, because of free will, They have not been able to do as much as They would have liked to do. And, for that reason, humanity has taken wrong ways and roads,and has actually nearly come to the time of total explosion. See, you live on the Earth and you think everything is all right perhaps, even if there is a war here and there. You cannot see the effect upon nature of different bombings, of dreadful bombings, warfare, use of arms; even the use of cars, the use of aeroplanes. Modern living has now an effect upon nature which is so dangerous that nature is ready to react in a very dreadful way. When nature is treated badly for many, many thousands of years, it reacts. It is a self–defence mechanism. And when it reacts, it will cause enormous earthquakes, floods and can also tip the Earth's axis. All these things have happened before on this planet. We are not talking about anything new. What is new is that it is a worldwide affair, and not a separate local affair in a country or two. And if you notice what’s happening on Earth, you can see for yourselves that there is a stepping up of natural catastrophes and suffering of all kinds; and diseases – viruses that cannot be battled. And so we live in a time of immense danger. And that is why the Lord Maitreya appeared on Earth through certain disciples in 1970’s, and has taken a very great, active role in Earth affairs since then, because of the danger. And He has also invoked, not only the Hierarchy on this Earth to stand ready and prepared for this dangerous situation, but He has also invoked support and help from other planets. I am not talking about negative extra-terrestrial beings. I am talking about highly developed and spiritual entities that are also ‘extra-terrestrials’ for us, but are much higher of development than those grey ones you hear about, and those black ones and – whatever they are called. The whole Hierarchy is in alert and you feel that something is happening. It worries you and you are nervous about it. You don’t know why you are nervous. You just know that you feel something is looming before you, something dreadful. And I am coming to tell you that we can actually avoid a lot of that dreadfulness if we cooperate now with the Lord Maitreya. There is still time. The Avatar of Will commenced this year on seven years He calls the ‘Judgement Day’. The Judgement Day in the New Testament is seven years. He calls those seven years the ‘Day of Will’. When these seven years have passed with cataclysmic actions and things starting to occur on the Earth, then and first then, will the Hierarchy decide what to do about the future of the human population and the Earth. But we are already in the first ‘Day of Will’ and everything has been stepping up. And Iceland has been chosen as one of the countries on Earth which shall be a very spiritual focus; and yesterday the Lord Jesus, a Master whom you know so well and love so much, took responsibility for this nation. The Lord Jesus has helped you, throughout the Piscean Age, as much as He could, to find within you peace and tranquillity, and goodness, and piety. He has been the mediator for the Lord Maitreya. But Lord Jesus has now gone to work on the first ray, which means He is working also more under the Will of God. And the Lord Maitreya, the Risen Christ, is taking over as the Lord of Love and is trying to teach about the hope that is in the future and still is, and that we can do something all of us, if we cooperate. Now, you may ask me: ‘Are we not cooperating? I am meditating; I am part of a spiritual group; I am doing this work for an idealistic cause.’ But I am talking about something different. I am talking about devoting and committing more time, money and energy to Maitreya’s Cause, in some way or the other because you will understand that what is going to happen here is that the Earth will remain but the population may have to go. And, if that is decided upon, then it is too late for you to commit any time worth mentioning because you will be removed. Now the Lord . . . [words are missing due to tape changeover] … their own soul, their immortal self, the teacher within and the Lord Christ helps with that task. The Lord Christ has been, for all of humanity, the soul, because as long as you could not find your soul, He became the soul for you. But now He wants you to find your own soul, and He wants you to find it quickly. And it can be done if you meditate on finding that soul, and letting the soul and the will of your own soul manifest in your daily life. That can change the entire planet and life on the planet in very little time. When people become a disciple or a member of an organisation, or a guru organisation, they very often place their lives in the hands of the guru. They let the guru decide what to do for them and that must not be so. A guru in the new day and the new age is a person who becomes a way shower. He or she shows you the way to the soul, for you to connect with your own soul, and he teaches, or she teaches, how your soul can take charge of your own embodiment. In the old guru organisations that are running according to the old schools, the gurus take responsibility and they become your soul and they act on your behalf, and you just have to obey and listen to what they say. But it cannot help you any more. This is not the way that you work in the new age that we have entered into. The Hierarchy teaches [that] you must connect now with your own soul and you must find your Godself within, because you have to find out now that you are part of God; that God lives within you; that you are a child of God. And then you can do greater things than Jesus and other great teachers have done throughout the ages. Now, I don’t know about you but I was born loving God, and I found out in this life that people don’t know God, or they don’t like God and they don’t want to hear about God. They don’t want to speak about God; they are afraid of God; God is the reason for their misfortunes in life, and so on. And you have to find out that there is only one person who has created your karma, the way you live now, and that is yourself through past incarnations. Nothing to do with God. God has tried always to love you and help you and appeared as the God of Love through Jesus and Maitreya. Through Buddha, God appeared as the Lord, the Light, the Wisdom and through Christ, the Love, the Light. And now God is appearing as Justice. Justice prevails – that’s why the Avatar of Will has appeared on the Earth, for justice is now going to happen. Every human being is going to go through the Law of Cause and Effect – the ‘Law of Karma’ in the East it is called – and in order for you to quickly learn to cancel many of the negative debts, much of the negative material that you have brought into this life, you start to cooperate with the Christ, and you will see how quickly you lift yourself above your past karma and your past lives, and learn. It is true what every World Teacher has taught that you, within yourself, you contain that spark of God and spirit that makes you really understand all the Divine Laws, if you want to, and live them, if you want to. It is a way – you’ve got to decide what you want to do now. You have to make the decision which way are you choosing now. That is what Judgement Day is all about. Do you choose darkness or light? That is what They all say, these great beings. And you have to choose now. And your choice will decide whether you become a Child of the Heart; whether you incarnate on this Earth the next time or you are being transferred to other planets, because this Earth will have a very small population in about fifty to a hundred years for many will be removed, and only the Children of the Heart remain on planet Earth. So your decisions actually decide: Do you want to learn that you’re soul and spirit now? Do you want to learn to become a Child of the Heart and stay on Earth or do you want to be transferred to another planet and take a slower turn? So it is a very important time you are living in and you become creator when you make the final decision, co-creator with God. Now, what has much of the priesthood taught you through the last 2,000 years? See, what did the priesthood do? They actually separated people from God. They taught that Jesus was God – the only God. You were nothing. You just had to obey, and if you didn’t live exactly by the teaching taught by the church, you were a heretic to be burned or exiled, thrown into hell fire – and it continues to be that way. Very few of the priesthood spoke about love. Very few of the priesthood spoke about everyone being Christ within, everyone being God within and that you should make the decisions that would make you either that or nothing at all. So the new message is: The New World Religion is bringing people to initiations where the consciousness is changing totally, and it can only happen if you make some decisions now. And there’s not much time to think. So what do I bring you? I bring you the knowledge that we have a certain number of millions of Children of the Heart on the planet. Their Lord is the Risen Christ. Why is He called the Risen Christ? Because He rose on the cross, He overcame Himself and He became the Christ for the entire world. He took not your karma on Himself, but He taught you that you are the Christ and if you live with the Christ in yourself, there is nothing you can’t do. But the priesthood didn’t teach that. They taught you to be dependent upon them. They wanted power, not free people to become themselves living with their Christ and spirit within. And now we have millions upon millions of people who suffer dreadfully because they have been taught this doctrine through 2,000 years. Even in other religions, but mainly in the Christian religions, have people been tormented. It is not that I haven’t had a number of lives in that priesthood myself. That’s why I know what we did to people. It is something that happens when you connect with your soul, you start to remember your past incarnations. Not ones that you would like to be, because it suits you, but the ones that you have been and, when you start to remember, you suffer because they haven’t been very good and they haven’t been nearly as God-like as you would have liked. You have been tormented and you have tormented others, and in-between you may have had some saintly incarnations, but mainly the bulk of your incarnations have been – you have been a dictator type, a power egomaniac, and you have caused suffering and pain. And you discover this when you connect with your soul. You lose your illusions, you lose the glamour and that is, for many people, the most difficult thing in the whole world. And unfortunately it has to happen quickly because we haven’t got any more time left. I can’t tell you – I can’t give you ten incarnations to learn to live without glamour and illusion because you only have some years. So, it really does happen now that you are given the chance – no matter if you are average humanity or pre-disciple or a disciple – to simply learn to walk the way of the light or the way of darkness. And then you have to live with your choice. See, the Lord Maitreya is a beautiful man. He is, just like the other Masters, enormously well built. I mean, They don’t have any more problems with physique or diseases. They are filled with the God power. They are perfect. He’s got violet eyes and red curly hair. He is easily distinguishable because the other Masters look different. He’s the only one who looks so beautiful, with His red, fiery hair and His violet, amethyst eyes. And He is preparing the world for an age which you can call a ‘golden age’. But we stand on the threshold of difficulties, and that is creating fears in people. They have a feeling that something fearful is awaiting them, something they are dreadfully fearful of. And I have learned – because I have had the same fears, like everyone else – I have learned that when I live with Maitreya in His world and protected by Him, I have learned not to fear what is happening, or coming to happen, but live in the now and know that, if anything really serious should happen, I would be protected in a certain way. And if I should pass away, it will happen in a very excellent way. I will be drawn out of the body quickly. And that is something that happens when you work for the light. When you work for the darkness, I can tell you, you’re going to suffer, because the way of darkness loves to make people suffer really much, and have violent deaths, dreadfully violent deaths. So, it is not that I am coming with a dreadful message of death. I am just coming with the good message that we can actually change around the situation on Earth, even if we have reached a crisis point; that the Lord Maitreya is stimulating goodness and goodwill in all people, but that you have to respond by opening your heart to Him; and, if you open your heart to Him, to dedicate your life totally to the life of good and goodwill, and let it lead you wherever it takes you. But there is no more time to discuss this, or think about this, for years and years and years. The message of God is not new. No religions teach anything really new – the essence is all the same. What is it that religion teaches you? It teaches you, or should teach you, that you are soul and spirit; what the evolution of Earth is about and where it leads you; how you can overcome pain and suffering. The Lord Gautama Buddha incarnated to tell you that you had to overcome desires to have a good life. Well, that is easier said than done. It is something we discover very quickly. Then the Lord Christ came and said we had to love each other. That has not been really easily done either on Earth. So, for 2,500 years, we have tried to learn something that we have never learned – yet, and that is to overcome desires, to do away with evil ambitions and to love each other. And the Lord Maitreya speaks about nothing else than love. He doesn’t care any more about academic skills, academic educations. He doesn’t care about the way you look, your appearances. He doesn’t care whether you are depressed, whether you are crippled, whether you are beautiful looking. He only cares about one thing – that you love each other. Talks about nothing else. And He says that, if you cannot love humanity, then you can’t live with Him, can’t work with Him, and you can’t stay on the planet Earth, because the Children of the Heart live by love. They love humanity more than themselves individually. And so, it took me 15 years from when I became an accepted disciple of the Lord Maitreya 15 years ago, to learn what He wanted, to understand what He wanted. And I also have learned the difficulty of loving. It is easier to like. It is very difficult to love. And when you love, you don’t have to love people, you have to love their souls. So I would advise you to try to love people’s souls, and come to terms with you all being brothers and sisters. Now, I also have separated myself from other people, even looking down upon other people who weren’t very spiritual, or nothing special – primitive souls. And then I said to myself recently, ‘I have got to remember that, whatever people are on the physical level, we are still all brothers and sisters in soul and spirit, because we all have the spark of God within us.’ And talking to myself like this has taught me that – a beginning of loving people even though you may not like their personalities. Because, if you send evil energies to someone or you do something dreadful to someone, you do it to yourself, because you are all brothers and sisters. If you are evil towards a fellow human being, you are evil towards yourself – it backfires immediately. And the Lord Maitreya talks about us having to live by the Right Human Relations Principles and they are the principles that were brought forth in the Noble Eightfold Path by the Lord Gautama Buddha. And the principles are teaching that we have to love each other and, if we do this, we live in Christ, we live in peace with our own light self. And it doesn’t matter where we live, we will live in peace with everyone. It sounds easy doesn’t it? Just say, ‘I can decide upon this today.’ And you will decide upon this today, most of you, and in about two hours from now, you do something that teaches you it was not that easy after all. You get annoyed, or angry, irritable, and suddenly people look like they’ve looked to you always, and you don’t like them anymore. So, it doesn’t come that easily, but I have learned that you can talk yourself into some sense. You can become realistic, and if you understand a little bit about the theosophical principles, then you know that there are explanations to everything, and to all your answers, explanations. And I can tell you, when I hear the clergy – when I hear priests on television, they try to answer people’s questions about life and death and can’t answer them, I sit and I say, ‘Theosophy – you haven’t studied Theosophy’ because, when you study Theosophy, you just learn all the answers about the human evolution, the reason for dying, for living – everything. And that Theosophy came down with the Master Sanat Kumara. It is that old. It is the Knowledge of the Universe. And in 1875, it was decided by two of the Masters, Morya and Kuthumi, that They wanted to reveal the existence of the Hierarchy to the human population, and They made Themselves known through Their messenger, H. P. Blavatsky. And out came books about theosophical principles. And now we have new principles coming, new material coming directly from the Heart of Maitreya, which is why we call it Maitreya Theosophy. It is a much higher vibration and it is a higher level of tuition. And it is for people today – it is for the Children of the Heart who live on Earth today. I just want to say, before we have a short break and you can ask me lots of questions – I would like to say to you it’s not easy to be a Child of the Heart, especially when you have been a Child of the Mind for thousands of years, because you think – not from the heart, you think from the mind, and there is a great difference. But see, the whole thing that is happening on Earth – what the Lord Maitreya is subjected to is He’s being trained to be not only the Love, the Heart Master, the Avatar of the Heart, the Lord of Love, but also He’s being trained to become the Lord of Will. Two forces are going to work though Him, the Will and the Love, and that has never happened before. It has always been either/or. Either you are Lord of Will, or you are a Lord of Love. Never has the Christ been working with those two forces, and He has His own difficulties. And I, who am being trained to try to follow Him in a smaller way, I am also being trained and I can tell you, it is very difficult. For fifteen years now, the Hierarchy has tried to balance the Will and the Love in me, and I will truthfully say I haven’t perfected it yet, because I am an old disciple of Will and learning to be a disciple of Heart. Well, I can tell you I have nearly given up a number of times – but I can never really give up. See, They have hooked me, the Hierarchy. They have given me visions of what is going to happen on this Earth, if I don’t work with Them. And my own children are in danger of becoming extinct. That is a mighty instigator. When you see what could happen to the generations, your own children, then you are certainly instigated to continue the work. Okay, perhaps it is not the best of motives always, but it is one motive and it works. So what I say – I say, if you have children and you want the children to have a life on this planet – and not a dreadful, suffering, tormented life, but a good life, then you will do something about it. Especially when I tell you we have difficulties around the corner, and that we now have to cooperate with the forces of light, truly make every effort. There is already an emigration happening on the inner levels. What you do not know is that this enormously heavily populated planet is actually less populated today than it was ten years ago, because the people who have passed away the normal way, have been already transferred to other planets. We are not as many dis-incarnated entities on the inner levels as we were some years ago. People are leaving. They have been sent, shipped off to where they belong, and a great number of Children of the Heart have been given the choice of making the decision, at the latest, in their next embodiment. A Child of the Heart means that you learn to love. And I would say, having lived on this Earth for a long time, that is the most difficult thing to learn. It is easier to learn everything else – easier to learn languages, to cook, look after kids, be a good architect, a wonderful artist – everything is hundred times easier than learning to love. So I won’t – I won’t sit here and tell you this is easy. Many do. It is not easy at all. It is a decision that we make, and I made my decision before this embodiment. I was in that council. I was in those meetings when the Lord Christ said that He thought time was now ready to incarnate through disciples and groups. And I incarnated with that knowledge. To me it is natural, like eating and drinking, that the Christ has reappeared, and the way He works today. And to you it will also be natural because, the moment you start to connect with soul, you actually will remember meetings and happenings on the inner levels. When you dream and you sleep, you learn and you will return with those dreams and lessons intact in your consciousness. There are so many things I could tell you, but I would like to tell you that the Theosophical Fellowship has its own meditation system. It is meant for people who want to connect with soul and who haven’t really learned much about meditation in other lives. I was given the Basic Exercise* by the Lord Djwal Khul. He is the Master who wrote through Alice Bailey, these books. And I still use that meditation today. It is a wonderful cleansing meditation, and it connects with soul and spirit. And it is meant for ordinary people who have never really meditated in other lives – not much – that they actually can learn to connect with soul, because we are in a hurry now. As I said, we cannot wait too long. And it is the right of every human being to connect with their own soul, their own immortal self. I have been through the whole treadmill myself, this life. I know it can be done. And so I can teach it today, and I have a system that has been created to help people who wish to choose the way of the light, the Way of the Heart, from this embodiment onward. *'The Basic Exercise' is the original name of the practice now called the 'Flame Meditation'. |