It is not how much time to spend, it is how the time is spent.
Listen to the children, be with the children wholeheartedly.
Show the children love and respect, give discipline with understanding of the karma of the individual.
Be happy that the children are lively and inquisitive, free and natural.
However, law and order both physically and spiritually must be upheld.
Teach the children to respect all people, all objects, all food, all divine scriptures, for everything is of God.
Teach the children to be responsible for their own actions as well as duties performed.
Teach the children that there is justice in the world for all, no matter colour or creed, power or poverty.
Teach the children to be grateful for life and to understand life after life.
Teach the children to know nature on the outer as well as on the inner, for they are composed of nature, have come from nature, and will return to nature.
Teach the children to love one another, for love is the permanence and immortality of all sentient beings.
Without love the world topples; with love the world is kept in balance.
There is so much to tell and so few who listen. Start with these, My first instructions, and the children will strive to learn.