The Lord Maitreya - Part 2
A transcript of the question and answer session held after a lecture given by Ananda Tara Shan in Copenhagen on 27 September 1998 Okay, well, we have half an hour for questions and answers which means, of course, that I cannot answer all these questions but some are similar. I’ll just use these questions to talk lightly about certain topics. People, they think to – they think they have to be very special to work for the Lord Maitreya. They think that, if they’re depressed or have imbalances, they can't work for Maitreya. They think if they have some shadow, some darkness, they can’t work for Maitreya. No, Maitreya has to work through people and He has to take them as they come, and whether they have darkness or depression or imbalances – well, they also have moments without. And if you notice great people on this planet, whether they have been composers or artists of some kind, religious leaders, they have moments of depression because the more light that you invoke, the more difficulties you may have, taking the personality, after the light has been used up. Say, for example, when you are used to make a beautiful piece of art and the forces of light use you. Afterwards, when the piece of art is done, normally the person is cast into depression or disappears into darkness momentarily, because the light that he or she was used to has lifted from him or her, and they feel their own weaknesses and defects of the personality, and they can’t bear them. And so you will find that, the more you work for the light, the more you get used to the different vibrations, and the friction gets less and less, and the depressions get less and less, and the imbalances will be rectified and the shadows will disappear. One has to learn to forgive oneself when one is a human being. And the best way of learning to forgive oneself is to work for the Lord Maitreya – that’s what I found – and take every lesson as it comes. Q. There is a question about the dark energies that would manifest in Europe, which I obviously spoke about ten years ago; and Yugoslavia, former Yugoslavia. And what happens there is a dark energy force in action, because when people start to fight because of religion and because of different colours of skin or appearances or beliefs, then we are dealing, of course, with the baser self in human nature. And what we see in former Yugoslavia is, unfortunately, a battle within many people’s nature, and some of those very evil natures, which is why we obviously can’t end that war that easily. If the United Nations was strong, which it will be in the future, it would then move in and stop war. There are certain ways of doing it – we can’t discuss it here today. When people – when small children are fighting, grown-ups have to stop the fighting by moving in and doing something about it. When people fight in a country and they are killing and maiming its own population, then other people who know better and who work for the forces of light, have to move in and put a stop to the warfare. And nobody dares to do that yet, because they are afraid of doing it for certain reasons – that they don’t want to interfere in other nations' work – but, in such cases, they have to learn that all countries belong to the Earth. We are one nation soon on this Earth. We are all brothers and sisters and, if some are killing each other in a gruesome way, others have to put a stop to it. But we cannot discuss political situations like that here. It would take hours to discuss the situation and what the Avatar* says about the conditions down there. Q. There is also – while we are talking politics, there is a question about: ‘Is there an inner meaning or greater meaning with what President Clinton is going through right now, of resistance, personal difficulties and so forth?’ I would like to say that every President of the United States has always been used by the forces of light and some have been used more than others. But, as they’re human beings, they are also used by forces of darkness. Only adepts work only for the forces of light – if they are adepts working on the right hand path, that is. President Clinton is a man of goodwill; he is not a disciple and he, unfortunately, has a problem with sex and that problem is destroying his country, because a president is the symbol of his country. He is the energy of the country, of his nation, and when he suffers from an illness, and I think we can look upon his sex problem as an illness, and not taking responsibility really within for that problem, then it has a disturbing effect on the entire nation. And even if he has been a very good president in many ways and shows to be a very excellent person dealing with certain problems, he should be removed and his vice-president take over, because he has a destructive effect in the karma of his nation now. And I shouldn’t wonder that he will be taken off the job in some way or the other. When somebody says that President Clinton is used by the Hierarchy, I would say, ‘Yes, but he is also used, such a person, by the negative forces.’ Some presidents have been amazing disciples and sort of nearly only worked for the forces of light, but we must understand human nature. Human nature has both forces in it and gives way to them. We must understand that, when we have certain offices that are of a national kind, we have to be very careful of our actions, and President Clinton hasn’t been careful. He has let himself be ruled by his, I call it 'illness', and that cannot benefit the nation. So something will happen because it makes America weak, and America is a country which still is the strong force of light in this world, and we need it to be that for many, many centuries still. Also, I would like to say that it’s amazing with most of the presidents that I’ve seen, how they change when they get into the office, when the energy descends upon them; and how they work out very well – or less well – but in a crisis situation, the presidents have worked out very well. I hope I have given an answer here to this question. Q. There is another question: ‘Why people who suffer and who have no consciousness that they suffer for a good purpose, why are they not helped or comforted?’ I don’t know. I have never met anyone who suffers who is not helped or comforted by some people. The most comforting thing is to understand about the divine wisdom, study Theosophy and learn the lessons. Understand why there is karma, why there is reincarnation, why we have problems and look into those problems. I just know that no person suffers alone on this Earth unless something dreadful in the past has given a very dreadful karmic situation, and that most people would be comforted by learning truth which Theosophy has a lot of. Often when I see television, I notice that when – we know this of course – when certain people are being interviewed, priests and clergy and so on, they cannot answer questions. And I always say, ‘Why don’t they discover Theosophy and study Theosophy, and they would be able to answer questions about life and death?’ As long as too few people have this knowledge, people will find a lot of suffering in getting no answers to life. There is nothing as wonderful, even if you suffer and have difficulties, than having – if you have answers to life. Understand that you're soul, understand about the evolution of soul, understand about the development of the personality and, as I said, the Law of Cause and Effect, and so forth. I have noticed that so many people are dreadfully lonely. Not when they join, hopefully, a spiritual organisation that gives answers and where they meet spiritual people. But I have noticed that people are dreadfully lonely because they are on the lookout for soul and they can’t find soul. They don’t know what they are looking for and they think the answer is in drinking a lot of beer or alcohol, having a lot of sex – they have a life that is not that over-exciting in some ways. They cling to the wrong things in life. They are looking for that energy which makes them whole. They look for this energy in relationships, and in people and in nature, but they can’t find it. They have to find it within themselves. In spiritual organisations, when people are not looking very happy and when they suffer, it’s due to them not working for the Cause. It’s due to them not making the effort and they have such a guilty conscience, they know it, and they feel dreadful because of it. For disciples, I don’t think there could be anything more dreadful than forsaking the Master, to Whom they have promised their love. And many people do it these days, and they must feel dreadful within. So, there is a lot of suffering on this Earth, and we will continue to have suffering until humanity lives by right human relations principles and have love, and have learned to love each other. So, we will still have suffering, I expect, a long way ahead of us. It is also the path of Christ, you know. The path of Christ is one of suffering. You suffer because you will not give up your desire, and when you will not give up your desire and live according to the will of your soul, of God, then you suffer. We all do. And the Lord Gautama Buddha came 2,500 years ago to tell people that they suffered because of desires – having too many desires, uncontrollable desires that they wouldn’t get rid of. And then the Lord of Love, Jesus Christ, came and taught that we had to love each other. And if you love, then you will see that your glamours and illusions are diminished, and that they don’t become important any more as you become a person who lives a life in honesty and truth. So many people suffer from dreadful illusions and glamours on the planet Earth which is because, if you live an astral consciousness, you live in the worlds of glamour; if you live a mental consciousness, you live within illusion; and we all have many, many glamours and illusions built up over many lifetimes. To get rid of glamour and illusion, you live with Christ, you serve the Christ, and the great Lords of the Hierarchy, the Cause, God’s Cause, God’s work, and then you will just see these glamours and illusions are disappearing. I can only teach what I have learned myself. I don’t teach from books. I don’t find that’s very stimulating to either myself or you. I teach what I have learned and I have learned that my glamours and illusions are disappearing rapidly because I serve wholeheartedly the Lord Maitreya. And that is unique, because even serving the other Masters didn’t help my glamours and illusions. I know, therefore, it can be done. Q. There is a question about why the Lord Maitreya is 'the greatest' – sounds like He is a boxer or something – well, the champion, the boss. I call Him 'the boss of the Hierarchy' – it’s because He is the boss. The Lord Gautama and the Lord Maitreya are equally very great in the Hierarchy. They are two great Sons of God, together, of course, with the other departmental leaders. But, the Christ being the Master of Masters, that name gives itself as the ‘boss’ of the Masters and the ‘boss’ of humanity. He is the vehicle that the Lord of the World uses to work in humanity and help humanity. The Lord Buddha is much more distant away. He appears, or has appeared for the last 2,500 years, only at Wesak, blessing humanity and the Earth. But lately, lately, He has actually started to work through Maitreya more closely. So, the Lord Maitreya is working with the Lord Gautama. That’s something totally new that the Christ and Buddha are actually merging, and the two great brothers appear in the work of trying to establish a new world religion and a new order of life on the planet. So when some people, the Tibetan Buddhists, teach that the Lord Maitreya, He is far away in the Tushita Heaven and Gautama, well He is very far away – it is not true. The theosophists think the same thing, that these great beings are so far away that we poor, poor souls cannot contact Them. It’s a lot of baloney. They are close. They have always been close: the Lord Maitreya very close, as the Christ; the Lord Gautama Buddha now very, very close. And They are contactable because this is the time where we are contacting the Hierarchy, where the Hierarchy is externalising on Earth, which means They are coming into embodiments, many of the Masters, over the next 500 years, taking more charge in world affairs and other situations. So, if you ask – if somebody asks you, ‘Who is the Lord Maitreya?’ –He is the boss, and that should give you the answer. Q. ‘Will the Scandinavian countries have a special mission in the New Age? Will something special happen in 2012 and the years after? Will there be any big catastrophes?’ I will just not quite answer this question but say that the Avatar of Will arrived, as I told you in the lecture, in 1986 and He has implemented the Judgement Day. Judgement Day is a period of seven years and it started this year, 1998. Therefore, Judgement Day is completing its special work/effect on Earth and humanity, in 2005. Then the Hierarchy will decide what to do about the planet. So, the Avatar of Will works through three phases of work, of effects, on this Earth and we have already, unfortunately, approached the second phase which was not necessary but humanity learns very little unfortunately. If we enter into the third phase, we will not survive on this planet, but millions of people will be taken up in motherships for a time and be replaced on Earth. In the second phase, we are having on this planet, safe zones. That means that certain countries are safer than others to live in and certain places in those countries are safer than other places. Australia, Daylesford, is very safe because of the work that’s happening there. And if we enter the third phase, because humanity is totally violently opposed to peace, then we will see things happening on this Earth that will see humanity removed for a moment and others pass away. I hope it won’t come to this because the plan was that that would happen in next incarnation. In the next embodiment, the third phase was going to be implemented. But, it doesn’t look good and what I’m really worried about is that the Danish population seems to live in a dream world. They are very close to the world here. They live in Europe. I mean, if the Australians are living on an island, however enormous it is, and feel sort of insulated and isolated from the world in certain ways, that shouldn’t go for the Danish people. And what I’m very much wondering about is, why cannot people face up to reality and see that things are speeding up? That we are having trouble on this planet and why, when they see this, are they doing very little about it? Why cannot they understand, people who are into spiritual work, that they have to – they have to act, they have to cooperate much more than before? Many people say, ‘Oh, we have children. We are going to work when the children are grown.’ Don’t you understand there won’t be any life for you or those children if you don’t work, if you don’t cooperate? Don’t you understand there is no time left, that we are at the end of the period, we’re at the end of time where a new time is starting and we have violent friction at this time in Earth’s history and that we need – we need everyone – every man, woman and child to do their duty and simply set aside their, well, different personalities and difficulties cooperating in-between, and get to work. You know, I really wonder, even in Australia and everywhere, even with our own members, why can’t they put their personalities aside and just work. Who cares if somebody does this and that, as long as we work for the Cause, and we spend all our energy in the Cause for generations to survive on this planet. This bickering, this bickering, this always – you know – at each other’s throat, what does it help the Cause? It cannot help anyone on this Earth. Everyone must forget their different personalities, set them aside as much as possible and just get to work. You don’t have to be an initiate or disciple to understand we are in a very difficult situation on Earth and it’s not getting any easier. And you can read about it in every paper; you can hear about it on the radio; you can see it on television. You know, some people have some strange ideas. I heard many years ago, when I came into the Theosophical Society, that Denmark was protected. It was a country which had a cross in the flag and there was a prophecy, or someone had told, that the countries with crosses in their flags were totally protected against cataclysmic actions. Now that’s not how I saw it. I saw Denmark becoming a little, little, small island with only water around it. And then I have seen that the Avatar has given Denmark a chance to really get going and see what happens in a year or two. We cannot close our eyes to what is happening on the planet Earth, however little we like what we are seeing. And studying books and taking courses of in-depth, esoteric wisdom doesn’t help the planet. It’s too late if you don’t take part in direct action, energy work that is active, the services, meditations that are active, sending out, sending out prayer, invocation, evocation – constant. And now we, down in the head-quarters, have put together papers with appropriate prayers and the Great Invocation given out by Christ many years ago in the Alice Bailey books, and the invocation that He has rewritten through me so His name comes through. People can say these invocations whenever they choose and more, and prayers for that country and for the world. We have got to be active. Doesn’t help if you have a whole library of books at home and you sit and study. It’s good to study, to learn, but you’ve got to be – if that’s your only action, then it won’t help you and your spiritual growth. You’ve got to be active, whether out in the outer life, healing, helping people in some way or the other, but active with energy because the world is built of energy. You are energy and the planet is energy. It’s just the energy of matter. It’s – you can see it, it’s visible, you live in it, it’s visible to your eye, it’s visible. You are feeling it but, to others who can see further up, it’s only energy. And when you want to change a bad energy, you inject a good energy. You have to change, to transmute. The bad substance of the negative substance of energy has to be transmuted into positive substance. And if people do energy work, service work, healing services, they are creating – it is an alchemical process which is ancient as time itself. You create, you change negative energy – base metals to gold – to positive energy. And who is behind this energy? The Lord Master R. He has become the Master of the Violet Flame in the world and with utilising the violet fire and the violet flame, which we shall at the service tonight, we shall see that we actually transmute big, big, negative substances into positive [ones]. And you don’t do this studying and taking part in schools and workshops. It’s fine but it's not enough – it won’t help the Earth. It’s an illusion that disciples live in, that they can help the Earth by studying books. So what can we, as light workers, do to further Christ’s plan for Denmark and Scandinavia? Gather yourself in groups and do something – either meditations, group meditations, active group meditations, dynamic group meditations where you simply send the energy concentratedly into a part of Denmark or into the world, wherever it is needed. And simply, the Earth Healing Services where the group is meeting, where the Hierarchy is invoked, where the Archangels are invoked and where the energy is assembled, sucked up by an enormous deva and used wherever it’s needed. That is why the Hierarchy builds churches, temples, halls that can be used for energy work. They know that it won’t take many years from now and the people will be streaming in, because they will be desperate. But disciples shouldn’t – they shouldn’t come when the situation is desperate. They should have come before and the situation wouldn’t have been desperate. They should have learned about that karma. The disciples have learned through many, many lifetimes to transmute karma and they should do something about it. Personal questions, I won’t have time for today. Q. ‘What is love and how does one receive and give it?’ It’s a good question. I could do a whole workshop about what is love. Love is when you feel something wonderful, or something – you want to protect some people, you want to help them, but you have no baser feelings or motives in that feeling. You give energy because you love, because you feel that you want to but you don’t expect anything in return. And you don’t expect, you don’t expect gratitude or ‘thank you’. You do it because a part of you is keyed towards that work and that duty and that loving, and you just do it. And when you work for the Lord Maitreya, you are taught what love is. And He teaches you to give, give and give and give. It’s very, very strange because you cannot be a disciple, you cannot –you cannot go through the portal of initiation without having been able to love and give love for many lifetimes. Why suddenly have the disciples become so unloving and so separate, full of separatism and unforgiveness and intolerance? The Second World War did the last thing. It broke them. See, we the disciples have been very, very naughty over the last many centuries and we – the Hierarchy used the Second World War to break us. And They broke us, also me to a certain extent. But the problem is that when we then incarnated again, we might not be as strong, as gracious as we had been for a time, but ... [gap as tape is turned over] … as if they’re afraid of: ‘If I work for the Christ I will end up being tortured again’ and have not understood that life may be torture and torment, but it is also joy and happiness. It is many things, life, and a disciple has been through so much torture and torment that they should actually have got used to it by now and simply seen it as, well, what happens in life when one is trying to change the world. It’s a very, very sad thing. The Second World War was necessary. The two world wars, the first ones, couldn’t be avoided. They were a cleansing and healing work that the Hierarchy knew was important – couldn’t be avoided. But unfortunately we had a number of incarnations there. All the disciples had several incarnations in the Second World War and we suffered dreadfully in concentration camps; outside. We had three, four, five different embodiments happening at the same time, as quick karma payment, so that we could enter into this life and work for the Lord Maitreya. But it didn’t work out well and the Hierarchy – and the Hierarchy discovered that. It had a side effect – a very bad side effect that the fear before incarnating this time was enormous in people. And some, or many, haven’t been able to overcome it. And the memories are so strong because we just ... They let us tumble into this life. We had no rest, of course, on the inner levels, no rest; we just incarnated straight away. And we incarnated with our astral bodies we have had before, mental bodies, and the astral bodies remembered the pain, the torment, the torture and the dreadful lessons learned. And I have seen one disciple after the other giving in to those memories and cannot work, but sit at home like hermits, or hiding away from people, studying, doing their stint but not, not – being antisocial, not wanting to be with others, hiding away. But you – they have to overcome it. You cannot hide away when the world needs you. So, this is what’s happening at the moment on Earth, and it’s a sad picture. Q. ‘How do you recognise your assignment?’ By deciding to live the dharma. By always saying ‘yes’ to what comes your way and doing it the best way possible. And if you don’t like your assignment, you still have it. It won’t disappear because you don’t like it. And if you don’t like it and you don’t do it, you will have to do that assignment plus the next one coming, in your next life. It will be a very difficult life. The interesting thing is, you will have the assignments you didn’t do building up, and they will have to be done. It’s like a school, a college. If you want to go through examination, manage your exams, you’ve got to do your assignments. And if you have only done half, you have to do them before sitting for the exams. It’s the same thing on Earth. If you don’t do your assignments, you can’t get your exams, you won’t be admitted into the portals of initiation. And even there, you fail because we don’t – we don’t transmute the personality until between the third and fourth initiation. It has changed. It was the third for many thousands of years. Now it’s nearly – we have to get into the fourth. The Lord Maitreya received His first initiation on Atlantis. It was so difficult in those days; it was nearly like taking the adept degree. But everything has changed on Earth. You have learned so many lessons that in order for you to get the same consciousness, you have to step into much higher initiations. So where before, the third initiation gave you a totally transmuted personality, it doesn’t do it anymore. So many things have changed and nobody – well, it doesn’t seem as if people know about it. Yes, well one last question. There are so many but what I’ll do – I’ve got the idea: I’ll take the questions with me to Australia and I’ll answer them down there and send them out like papers because people have all these questions and they should be answered. Is there a good one here? [Ananda is reflecting for a moment.] What is that – I don’t even know the word in Danish; I’ve forgotten. Would you please not call the Masters ‘El Morya’, ‘El’ this, ‘El’ that? They are not called that. Some people call Them that in American literature but They are not called that, it’s foolish. The ‘El’ name is used in the Archangels. Morya is simply Lord Morya, Lord Kuthumi, Lord Jesus and forget about all this ‘El’. And the Lord Morya is of course a most fantastic Master. He has been a Master for many, many, many, many lives and a majestic Master. He is the Master for all mystery schools on Earth. All esoteric work goes through the Lord Morya. Not only is He the Chohan of the first ray, He is responsible for all esoteric education, and what was it more … [the] business world. The first ray has a lot to do within the world of business. They are trying to change the dishonesty, the greed in business by sending disciples into the world of business who have better principles and will change the world of business. It will take a generation to two, but the Lord Morya is behind that with His helpers. So you see the Masters, They’re not only responsible for millions of people who are approaching Their ray, but They are responsible for so many other offices. They are of course not physical human beings any more, though They preserve Their physical bodies and They use them. They don’t have physical functions any more. They are soul entities, and of course, with such an expanded consciousness that you have no idea. That’s why They are what They are, and can take on these assignments that They take on. So, I will answer these questions, many of them, and I will write the answers down and simply send them out, because many of them are very good but it will take a long time to answer. Some of them are lecture-style questions. Q. Such a little question like: ‘Are there other planets like ours?’ Not in this Solar System – but there are [in other solar systems], not many. ‘Q. Will I be visiting Denmark again?’ Yes, I hope to be visiting in 2001. So, I would like to finish this meeting and hope that – I know I and other teachers, we speak more or less about the same things; what else do we do? Try to instigate some action on Earth; try to get those lazy bones to work; try to get rid of the inertia and the apathy – we all have to struggle against that, even I have to. It’s easy, it’s easy to sit at your desk and simply just dream the time away and not meditate because that’s active work, but simply just sit there and wish yourself to be on another planet or live in another time, or having another body and having the powers of an adept. And if you could just appear in Denmark whenever you wanted – you just send that thoughtform off and you could appear in Denmark and Iceland, and wherever, at the same time, and wouldn’t it have been lovely, but ... But, if you notice something, the disciples of the Hierarchy are not well. Many of them are not well. I’ve met lots who are not well, and they’re not well because we can’t take the burdens. There are too few of us. We have to carry too much. The body can’t take it. And we still have to work on because we love – we love this humanity after all and this Earth. We have been here for so long. We love the Masters. We just carry on. [This is the end of the recording on the CD that is published with this booklet.] [Now a song is sung and, as part of that song, there was a transmission from the Avatar of Synthesis.] Transmission: [I ] Am the Avatar of Will. I come tonight at the Earth Healing service with the Sword of Spirit in My hand. My first work on Denmark commences and the last on the Michael night. I Am the Avatar of Will. Listen Denmark. A new life begins here. The Will of God descends tonight and I shall be there. [After the Avatar of Synthesis speaks, the transmission continues in energy only. Ananda is aware that it looks uncomfortable for her body when she is transmitting the Avatar of Synthesis, therefore she explains the following and then completes the afternoon with some finishing words. Please note that this last part has been translated from Danish.] It looks uncomfortable, but it is the Avatar of Will when He goes through all the bodies. And He is then running the service, together with the Master R, the Count of St Germain. It has been a cosy afternoon, dear friends, and I've been happy speaking to you. So, I hope that we will meet tonight for the service and can work together, because it is a Resurrected Life Service, the beautiful service where we work with the Spirit of Resurrection. And there's so much Spirit present that the body temporarily gets much better, and those who participate and get the lovely energy, they feel much better. But you use the energy you get, that's why you regularly have to go to these services and participate, because then you continue to get the energy and can continue to send it out. So I'll see you tonight, dear friends, at 8.00 here. And if I don't see you again on this journey, I will maybe see you next time. Goodbye everyone. *Ananda is referring to the Avatar of Synthesis. |