The Light of Easter
January 2000 It is at the Easter School that every one of us celebrates the Christ within, as a memory of the Christed one who became one with the Glory of God, and who triumphed over matter as He rose from the cross of matter into the heavenly arms of Father-Mother God. And as He rose, we shall all rise. This very powerful event, enacted in both a physical way and a spiritual way, taught us that one day we would, as individuals and as souls having gone through the fourth initiation of crucifixion, built upon much suffering and human torment, rise from the cross of matter and stand victorious over those forces which hitherto did bind us to our fleshy imprisonment and to the desires and whims of our lower self. Many of humanity are coming to their own resurrection and their own ascension. The Spiritual Hierarchy has given out tools and means for us to combat our inner darkness that we may resurrect into the Light that is our true nature and being. At this time of the year, the Cosmic Christ and different Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy, with great support from the angelic host, send renewed life to Mother Earth and to her beautiful outer vestment, nature, rekindling life not only in her but in her human population with downpourings of Light in all the splendour of a magnificent rainbow which shall shine over the Earth on the Aries full moon. Christ with all His golden auric emanation overshadows the Earth and rains blessings upon humanity, reminding them of His eternal love for them. Easter is truly a celebration which all human beings attend knowingly or unknowingly. It is the yearly rebirth of nature as well as of those hearts which respond to His Love, and they sing, ‘Holy art Thou, O immortal one, pour out Thy Love upon us.’ Easter is one of the most important festivals each year. Cooperating with the flow of energies there brings us one step closer to our own holiness, due to the Spirit of Resurrection. In due course, ascension shall be the end result. Let us come together and join our hearts in the most glorious celebration of the One who has gone before us, Jesus Maitreya, who showed us the way. |