The Key to Maitreya Theosophy
October 1999 Maitreya Theosophy is the Mother of all religions, for Theosophy is the Divine Wisdom and Maitreya, the Lord of Love the Risen Christ, is the Wisdom essence in all religions. All religions are built upon the Divine Wisdom. Truth is higher than all religions. Truth is God. God is Truth. Truth is found to give life to Wisdom. Truth is the living essence in Wisdom. The true theosophist lives as he speaks. His heart is aflame with wonder and awe, respect and love for the knowledge of the Godhead, and the Godself within, which are acting in unison, and his entire being is irradiated by the unity of his Spirit self with that of his soul self and his personal self. A true theosophist lives in the knowledge of his divine and his human constitution and acts, through that knowledge, with harmlessness and love towards all living beings. Due to the understanding of the Law of Reincarnation and the Law of Karma, each word spoken, each action taken, is well thought over and considerate towards all living beings. The aim is to live in peace with oneself and others. The purpose is to live in the consciousness of one’s own divinity, and in the consciousness of the divinity in other people. |