The Christ
Excerpt from a talk given by Ananda about the Christ Melbourne - 28 February 2001 Imagine a brilliant star that gives light to an entire solar system or universe. That light is Christ who gives light to all living beings on Earth. He is the Light of the World. He stands as the Christ, the Solar Deity, in all human beings until each individual becomes conscious of being a Christ. He is the Christ who is God parent to all people until they become aware of their own Christ consciousness. Then He withdraws in order to embrace instead of standing in. He is the Teacher of all, helps all people to become their own teacher, their own Master self. And His lessons are many. In cooperation with the Hierarchy and the Angelic Kingdom, He makes up lessons which assist the individual in reaching his or her ultimate beingness. He loves as God loves His/Her children. He incarnates the Love aspect of God, of God's nature, whereas Buddha incarnates the Wisdom aspect of God's nature. His Love is endless and fathomless. It is as the darkest most silent depths, as it is as the lightest most fiery sun which, when it radiates on you, brings you life and breath. The Christ is the Path of Initiation. He is the Initiator. His message is the same whatever religion he speaks in: Love each other. His message is simple. God is Love and He/She wishes that all living beings love each other on Earth as they shall in Heaven. This message flowed into the world 2000 years ago through Jesus Maitreya and not many people managed to live by that Law of Love, though this Age shall see the Children of the Heart live this Law of Love – the love which breaks all barriers and limitations and thus fully opens the gateway to the Kingdom of God on Earth. When Father Spirit and Mother Matter are at one with each other, the Christ is born. Let us talk first about Christ within and without. We have, all of us, a higher self that is the soul, but we have also the Christ on Earth, an office which is the World Teacher for all people and all angels, and this World Teacher is called the Lord Maitreya. He is the Risen One, the one who utilised the body of Jesus 2,000 years ago to take the Christ initiation whereupon Jesus took the Adept degree, the Master initiation. The Lord Maitreya is known under many names in many religions. The Christians think that they have the right to call Christ their own, and only their Son of God. They do not understand that the World Teacher, the Son of God, is one of many Sons of God. And even though a great Son of God, together with His Brother the Buddha, Gautama Buddha, it is a fact that even though the Lord Maitreya is the chief, the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, He is one great Master but there are more. And Lord Jesus is one of them. We must not diminish such great Masters by limiting them to one kind of people, one race or one little group. They are belonging to all people, because to all people these great Masters are older brothers – or sisters, if they are ladies. The Lord Maitreya uses a triangular force to reach humanity at the moment. And this triangular force is between Him at the top of the triangle, and Lord Jesus is down on the left side of the triangle, and the Lord Kuthumi, who is also a Christ, at the right side of the triangle. But the Lord Maitreya also specifically works with another Master called the Lord Morya, and the Manu - the one above the Lord Morya - who is the Manu for this people, these kinds of people we are today on Earth, belonging to the Aryan race; and the Lord Maha Chohan, the old one and the new - the old one, the Lord of the Holy Spirit. The new one who has become the new Maha Chohan on Earth is the name you may recognise: the Master Count of St. Germain, the Master R., the Master of the Violet Fire/Flame. But we have on Earth a multitude of Buddhas, and we have a number of Christs, though They are not sitting in the office we call the Buddha Office or the Office of the Christ. But we have Buddhas from other solar systems or within this solar system, and we have Christs in the Hierarchy of Earth and outside of this Earth, visiting us, working together to bring forth illumination in the human race. But the Lord Maitreya was the first human being to reach this elevated and wonderful initiation becoming the first Christ who had become an Adept on Earth in human form. These great beings were already very great, of course, before they came to Earth thousands and thousands of years ago. And two great beings, the ones who became the Lord Gautama Buddha and the Lord Maitreya, are brothers in Spirit. They are now working together, though people have great difficulties realising that the Buddha and the Christ can work together. They don't understand that the Teachings go hand in hand. Why they don't understand it is lack of knowledge. They have not studied the principles and seen that they are totally alike. It was just this that the Lord Gautama Buddha incarnated to become the Master of Wisdom and, at the same time as He became Buddha of Earth, the Lord Maitreya became the Christ, because the Lord Gautama sat in the Christ Office before He did. Lord Christ embodies the Heart of God. He is the Heart of God stimulating all our human hearts and spiritual hearts on the planet. He is the God parent. He is the great Solar Deity. That’s why He calls Himself ‘the Lord of the Sun’. He is the Solar Deity who stands in for every human being until that human being has reached his own Christ Self because every human being has a soul, and that soul is that individual human being's Christ Self. The Lord Maitreya has therefore, for the last 2500 years, been the Christ on Earth and His office, when He becomes the Buddha of Earth in 500 years, is taken over by the Lord Kuthumi - not the Lord Jesus, because the Lord Jesus is leaving the Earth in 500 years. So, we have on Earth a World Teacher who is the World Teacher for all of us, who has sacrificed Himself because these very, very great Teachers and Masters, They could have left the Earth a long time ago but They have remained with us to help us to reach our own illumination, and some of us to become Adepts in our own right so that we on this Earth can take over positions in the Hierarchy. The Hierarchy (if not everyone knows what the Hierarchy is) is the Great White Brotherhood: Masters, men and women, who have gone before us and have accomplished the fact of becoming perfect human beings. Some of Them have stayed on the Earth and They live on inner levels, and some on the Earth level. Many of them live in Tibet, though people can’t get to them because They live in hideaways. But some of the Masters – Lord Jesus, for example, lives in Jordan, also in a very secret place. These great Masters are the ones that are contacting human beings who are aspirants, disciples or initiates. ‘Aspirants’ means people who are people of good-will and have started to realise that they are more than form. They are people who are, you can say, of average-developed souls, and higher. And even at that stage they get contact, you get contact with your soul, and at that stage you will also, without knowing it, get contact with the Christ Office, because the Christ helps you to realise your indwelling Christ consciousness within. So, the Christ – even though you do not know Him, you know Him within yourself long before you know Him on the physical level. He is a wonderful human being and a perfected Soul and Spirit. His appearance, the Lord Maitreya – which means ‘Lord of Love’ in the Orient – is, as for all Masters, a very strong physical man. He has red curly hair and violet eyes and when you look into those eyes, you will just walk endlessly into pure light. These Masters are contacting human beings in many ways. The Lord Maitreya is active in the work as He has been always, though He has not walked the streets of the world. He is activating Christed work all over the world through aspirants, disciples, groups of world servers, initiates, or His Masters. |