Suggestions for Beginning to Read the Theosophical Literature
The following texts provide a good introduction to the Theosophical tradition and to the newer work of Maitreya Theosophy. Basic Theosophy Alcyone At the Feet of the Master Alice A. Bailey Initiation Human and Solar The Reappearance of the Christ Annie Besant From the Outer Court to the Inner Sanctum Annie Besant & C. W. Leadbeater Talks on the Path of Occultism: Vol. 1, At the Feet of the Master Clara M. Codd The Way of the Disciple Tarajyoti Govinda The Archangels and the Angels The Healing Hands of Love: A Guide to Spiritual Healing Geoffrey Hodson Basic Theosophy The Yogic Ascent to Spiritual Heights C.W. Leadbeater The Masters and the Path An Outline of Theosophy A Textbook of Theosophy Man Visible and Invisible Torkum Saraydarian The Flame of the Heart Maitreya Theosophy - Writings from Ananda Tara Shan The Living Word of the Hierarchy More writings from Ananda Tara Shan are available from centres of The Theosophical Fellowship and Heart Flow Worldwide and via the website: Theosophy: Meditation and Contemplation (CDs, narrated by Ananda Tara Shan) Ascension Meditation The Flame Meditation White Tara Heals White Tara Meditation |