Shan Theosophical Meditation System
November 1987 All meditation is right and beautiful, uplifting and relaxing, soul reaching. But one day meditation must be more than this, it must transform the personality, it must align with soul and Spirit. And that is why new meditation systems have been introduced by the Hierarchy to spiritual men, new formulas put into use. One of these meditation systems is the Shan Theosophical Meditation System, which is contained within Paramartha Yoga − the yoga of sublime truth. The Shan Theosophical Meditation System is built upon formulae given by the Hierarchy to spiritual men of today in order to help them purify and align their inner bodies with that of the soul and Spirit. The Shan Theosophical Meditation System is a dynamic and active way to reach personal transformation and ascension, more so than many other ways, for men have reached the time where the Hierarchy stimulates the growth of souls to a greater extent than earlier in the evolution of men. Spiritual man is obviously ready and prepared to use meditation techniques that have earlier only been utilised by highly developed souls on Earth. The way prepares for the opening of the Divine Heart in men, the Divine Heart being the total balance and perfect awakening of the heart chakra and the third eye. When the Divine Heart has unfolded in men, they stand on the last part of the way towards perfection, towards ascension. The world is full of right and beautiful divinely inspired meditation systems/techniques but it is not often that the Hierarchy embodies in a meditation system, which then becomes an avataric system lifting men out of darkness to light, misalignment to alignment, personality to soul. The Shan Theosophical Meditation System embodies the Masters of the seven Rays and the greater Masters in a harmonious symphony expressing Justice and Joy, transmutation and transfiguration. It is for everyone to use, whether new on the path of light, or old on the path of light. The Hierarchy, with its love for men, with its hope that men will make more of an effort to enlighten themselves, with its knowledge of the evolution of the Earth and the Age of Maitreya which offers more spiritualisation to men than ever before, is behind Shan the Rising Light*, the Way of the Heart and the meditation system. The Hierarchy puts men on that way to the Heart of Maitreya − The Risen Christ − The Rising Light. * 'Shan the Rising Light' is a focus manifesting the Rising Light of Maitreya Buddha that was established in 1987. It is also the name that was used for the outer work during the late 1980's |