2 April 2001 Beyond the mountainous precipice lies Shamballa. It lies undisturbed in the beautiful shine of a forever-shining sun which shines its rays upon the Golden City whose golden domes reflect the rays which, in turn, penetrate different levels/planes with a splendour which is difficult to describe unless it is viewed by one's own eyes. Shamballa is called the City of Gold due to this mighty light which surrounds it and which sends into the spiritual worlds vibrations of the purest spiritual gold. These send a healing energy into the Earth which continuously nourishes the planet. The love of the resident Kumaras constantly brings love, upliftment and light to all parts of the Earth, on all levels, and the most radiant fire from the Hearts and Minds of the Kumaras gives every living soul on the planet, life and sustenance. The Earth has deep within it, a golden aura forming a planetary heart within. That is the overshadowing aura of the Christ which gives constant life-giving energy to the planet, and also connects with every heart of every living being. O Shamballa, beyond human reach thou art. No-one can touch you except with the touch that is purified by the scorching sun, all darkness having been transformed by suffering. Thou art a permanent source of inspiration and a beauty beyond wordly understanding. There are no words that are able to explain what takes place when the Queen upon the throne sits, and when she embraces the Earth in Her effulgence. The whole Earth sighs a blissful sigh and, for a moment, all souls look towards Shamballa in a moment of deep silence and peace. Each 'day' She touches with Her radiant forehead, the marble-like floor in the Great Temple Hall and the effect on Earth is immediate, for the marble floor is the entrance to all planes of Earth. The Earth receives a lightning jolt that vibrates throughout it and the legions of angels in true service to the Living Word bow down in reverence and adoration while the Living Word utters the Sacred Sound, creating a unifying effect in the Earth body. Harmony is restored sufficiently for life to be continued, though forces try to unsettle and destroy. Shamballa is the mysterious and majestic abode of the Kumaras - the Flame Lords and Lady and Their Hierarchy of Masters, Beings and visitors from other planets and stars who live in higher bodies. For Shamballa, the City of Gold, the true Jerusalem of ancient times, is not situated on the Earth's physical level but in the etheric realm above the Gobi Desert (in China). Shamballa was built millions of years ago to become the abode of the Kumaras and Their disciples when They entered into Earth's atmosphere to inhabit the Earth with Their divine Presence. The Lord Sanat Kumara arrived here with 104 Kumaras to set up the initiatory path, the same as on Venus from whence They came, to evolve a great number of souls towards perfection through a human evolution. With the Kumaras followed a female Kumara who was the 'daughter' of the Lord Sanat Kumara. The female Kumara was destined to incarnate in the human family to one day become the Lady of Shamballa - the Queen of Earth. Her twin flame was the one who now sounds the name of Gautama Buddha. Her name - one of them - is the Lady Yasodhara. Shamballa is the place where the Will of God is known. Recently, its focus started to influence the evolution of humanity on lower levels. It is now a place which has opened to those whose vibrations have risen sufficiently to visit Shamballa in their inner bodies. Shamballa has had three physical cities built on the Earth in the Gobi Desert. Twice it was destroyed by cataclysmic actions and the third time it was destroyed by so-called barbarians who killed its inhabitants who were specially developed souls, very spiritual, and who lived in peace with each other. Shamballa, the City of Gold, of Peace, of Universal Brother/Sisterhood and of love, now only exists on the inner but some foci on Earth over time have held a ray of the energy from it. In Tibet where some of the Masters - Maitreya, Morya, KH* and DK* - live, there is in Shigatse, a definite funnel of Will directed from Shamballa. The Lords of Flame and some of the Masters who are involved in the Council of Shamballa, have bought a piece of land outside Daylesford in Glenlyon which now holds a ray of Shamballa and, next to that land, another piece of land has been purchased to establish an energy like that of the Masters' above-mentioned abode in Tibet, Shigatse. When some of humanity understand the implication of these two pieces of land, funds and helping hands will be found to construct Shamballa and Shigatse here in Australia. Eighteen million years ago, the Lord Sanat Kumara, a ninth initiated Master, responded to the call from Logos who needed immediate assistance with the evolution of the planet Earth. On Earth, it was decided to bring a scheme into action to bring a population on Earth to perfected stages of soul development through the use of initiation, with higher souls sacrificing themselves to incarnate into the human family, to bring about the human being we know today. The Lord Sanat Kumara came to Earth with an entourage of fellow Kumaras and became known as the 'Great Sacrifice' because He bound Himself to this planet and, until now, has been its Lord of the World - Lord of Shamballa - whilst many of the Kumaras He brought with Him have left. His close inner government consisted of Himself as the Lord of Earth, the Planetary Logos and three outer and three inner Buddhas of Activity ruling with Him. They embodied the Love-Wisdom, the second ray aspect of Logos, and the Ashram of the Lord Sanat Kumara educated many of the present Masters who are now seated in the Inner Government, directing the Seven Rays within humanity. On Earth, there are seven ray ashrams and forty nine sub-ashrams established for the many aspirants, disciples, initiates and new Masters presently undergoing Earth training and Earth service. The Lord Sanat Kumara, the Youth of 16 Summers, is called 'The Ancient of Days' in Theosophy, and 'Melchisedek' in the Old Testament. On Earth, He is the Spirit of the Earth and He has recently started to assign some of His duties to the Buddha, Gautama and to the Lord Maitreya, the Risen Christ. The Lord known as Gautama Buddha is taking over more duties, for Sanat Kumara has come to be released from His as the female Kumara will be ready in 500 years to take over Her position, helped for a short time by the Lord Maitreya, as the Buddha Gautama is also leaving the Earth in 500 years for greater work. Another Master who is taking on some of Sanat Kumara's duties is the Lord Maitreya, for whereas the Lord Gautama Buddha has worked away from Humanity until recently, the Lord Maitreya has always worked closely with humanity, as humanity's great Teacher. Now both Brothers work closely together, as the Lord Gautama Buddha has come much closer to humanity. Shamballa is the inner abode of the Great Masters and beautiful beings, some of whom have never incarnated on the physical level. The energy of Shamballa has only been felt on Earth at the individualisation of the human beings in the Lemurian period and on Atlantis at the destruction of evil. The science of applied purification works in disciples of the first, second and seventh ray ashrams who are active along these lines. The destruction of evil is the work of the first ray which destroys to purify. Good then becomes possible and is the work of the second ray - the builders, where the seventh ray disciples bring spiritual energy into contact with substance and matter. The Seventh Ray came into manifestation as the Earth went into the Aquarian Age according to Lord DK, in 1945. The three great departmental heads, the Manu representing loving intelligent life, the Christ representing loving intelligent consciousness and the Mahachohan representing loving intelligent activity, often attend meetings in Shamballa. Between Them, They represent every phase of group livingness, group expression and group action. These three Masters are most learned and radiant of Masters and They inspire awe and deep humbleness in the hearts of all beings and Masters Who work within Their auric emanations. Just Their names inspire the most lofty visions and revelations in the prepared souls, minds and hearts of both humans and interplanetary beings. Shamballa, the Centre for the Will of God (Logos), now has become a very active centre, bridging with the centres of Hierarchy and Humanity. The City of Peace is open to those whose inner flames burn strongly for the will-to-do-good on Earth. *KH: the Lord Kuthumi *DK: the Lord Djwal Khul |