Right Human Relations
November 2000 We use the term ‘Right Human Relations’ much in the work of The Theosophical Fellowship, in writings, in speeches, in explanations, and in descriptions of how the Lord Christ wishes for us to live with one another. We use the term ‘Right Human Relationships’ when talking about brotherliness and brother-sisterly togetherness, and in that of showing goodwill to all, but what, in reality, is the right meaning behind this term? Does anyone feel or think that they know the implications of those words that mean so much to Lord Christ – He often uses them when speaking about a new way of life? What would Right Human Relations mean to Him? It means right relations between human beings. What, in reality, does this signify in a world where people struggle, fight and quarrel about the right to live as they see fit, no matter what the consequences? Right Human Relations are based upon love and respect, respecting all people and nations no matter what they believe in, knowing that truth is relative and that truth is the ultimate purpose in the evolution of soul. Right Human Relations means that, by loving, we can solve all conflicts, no matter how difficult. Why is there so little love and respect among people? Perhaps because people are focussing on their needs more than the needs of others, and loving comes only when one is forgetting self and when one is respecting those who have learned to live in the understanding of the Self. People forget that their actions touch the lives of the many in a multitude of ways. Right Human Relations sounds like a utopian condition on Earth, knowing that such relations are prevalent only under certain choice conditions and then in only a small number of humanity. There are no real foundations for Right Human Relations, generally speaking, until people find out that love is what makes life worth living and that the love we show each other in all situations will heal them as well as the Earth. Love and respect are two wondrous qualities which, when lived, open up to the good life, where contentment and gratitude touch the person’s self, creating a balanced lifestyle where enjoyment and spiritual upliftment colour the self golden and rose, thereby letting the person connect with soul and Spirit. Right Human Relations is the keynote of the Age of Maitreya, and however little we see humanity living like brothers, this will eventually happen in the future when the then living humanity has learned the hard way that unless they function as groups of people, meaning something to each other, and act out of love and respect for each other, they cannot survive on Earth. The new humanity will live by the Laws of the Heart and will therefore live in Right Human Relations, allowing the freedom of the individual to manifest in beauty and purity. Life on Earth for the righteous is really very beautiful. It is not lived on outer expectations but on inner glorification and is not depending only upon outer manifestations but very much upon inner communication and connection with the consciousness of the I Am. This which I here mention is not Utopia, but the realism of an age soon to be, for many changes will occur over the next 100 years and the result will astound you. |