Open House Series - No. 9
25 February 1988 Good evening, and welcome to our new Paramartha Yoga Centre. We have, tonight, an Open House activity which we shall have once a month, from March. Our program has not been published yet – you will see it next week – but we have many exciting activities starting which you will hear about later, when this evening has ended. Our Thursday night activity is, of course, created in the Heart of the Masters. It was already created when we started working for the Masters, in this likewise manner, in the 1800s. Thursday night is Jupiter night, and it is the right night for philosophical teachings and tuition. The idea is, on these Open House nights, that you give me questions in writing and I will strive to answer them according to what comes from upstairs. Some questions cannot be answered in a very complex manner, seeing that we lack time. I have been given questions which needed a whole lecture to be answered properly. Still, much is being talked about, and discussed within and without. So, if you have questions my dears, I would like some more than I have here, just to begin with, the first 45 minutes. And then you have a short break, and then I teach for another 45 minutes, so I need quite a number of good questions. Before we get to answering your many questions, I would like to talk a little bit about Shan the Rising Light, because we are starting on something new in this very house. It was very interesting when I saw this house the first time. It was just the house I had always wanted to teach from, because it reminded me of the houses we utilised when we taught a hundred years ago: the dark wood, the windows – leadlight windows – a little bit dark within. It was just the right atmosphere for our philosophy. We have reached the year 1988 which is a special year for Shan the Rising Light, for it is the year that we are going to speak frankly to people. What I mean by frank, I mean that we are going to talk about the start of these affairs called 'theosophical work'. In 1875, I was Blavatsky and my husband in this life was Olcott. With a group of disciples, we founded the Theosophical Society on behalf of requests by the Hierarchy. In that incarnation, we brought forth the Divine Wisdom in knowledge, utilising the left side of our brain which is the knowledge side. And we brought forth books that needed to be written to give people an understanding of life after death, the Law of Reincarnation, the existence of the Hierarchy and so forth. It was, however, only one part of a triple incarnation that started in that life. In this life, I and the same group of people have met and we have started together – even if I had started working ten years ago – we started Shan the Rising Light, founding it on 17th February, 1987. It was a direct continuation of our theosophical work. In this incarnation however, we do not write so much. We create healing systems, we work via a church, and we heal the Earth, and we heal man with the help of the Hierarchy and the celestial kingdom. It is work via the right side of the brain. We are not working in the same manner that we did last time. If people expect us to talk in the same vein and teach in the same manner, they will be disappointed, for in this life we teach differently, as we are supposed to teach via music, words and energy. The books have been written – they will not be rewritten. We will write new books, smaller books, explaining what we do in this lifetime as a complete continuation of our last incarnation and its work. When we have completed the work in this lifetime, there will be yet another incarnation where we are all meeting again, and that will be dealing with the musical element. The Music of the Heart will be introduced, and so the triple incarnation will have ended, and the work the Hierarchy wanted through this group of people has ended. Not that we are not going to cooperate further, but some of us will be Masters when that happens; some, high initiates and some, higher disciples and so, we change work. I will explain to you that, in my next incarnation, I will be a Master of Wisdom. In this lifetime, I am a disciple of a certain degree, and that initiation gives me a certain energy to use in the church. In this incarnation, we stand for the Risen Christ. Two thousand years ago, we, the same group of people, lived with the Lord Jesus and around the Lord Jesus. Some of us were apostles of the Lord Jesus; others, family members and so forth. In that incarnation, Christ suffered. He died on the cross. He was crucified for Earth to survive. The blood of Christ went into the Earth, and so the Earth survived. How it survived, I will explain in the school that people attend from early next month. For two thousand years, we have seen the suffering Christ as the ideal of the Christians, and the spiritual people on Earth have been concentrating all their energy and thinking on suffering Christ; suffering all torment on Earth to save humanity. We shall now, for the next two thousand years, concentrate our mind on the Rising Christ, with joy and celebrations in that wake. So the energies are changing completely, and the Hierarchy has chosen the church, the Sacred Heart of Maitreya, to become a form for the Risen Christ on Earth and, in that form, we train people – disciples and aspirants of the Hierarchy – we give them Hierarchical training. The disciplines are very gentle in comparison to discipline in the temples of the past, but the discipline which there is in energy channelling and linking up with one's soul, gives you the possibility to incarnate with us next time and do the music. See, when we started the Theosophical Society, not all Masters were involved. In this incarnation, the entire Hierarchy is involved. We are channelling the Avatar of Synthesis in this life, through the Heart of Maitreya and from the Heart of Maitreya into Ananda Tara Shan's soul. I become thus, also an avatar in this life, which will be growing as the years go by. The church becomes an avatar and some within the Founder group, and its immediate group, become lesser avatars in this life. An avatar is a human being who is utilised to embody a certain quality, and sometimes people are not aware that an avatar can be an ordinary human being, working in silence behind the surface to do certain work for the Hierarchy. Not all avatars are known as 'great avatars', embodying the quality of wisdom or love, or so forth. Because I have been the chosen vehicle for the church, for the opening of the church by the Lord Maitreya, I am an avatar on behalf of the Lord Maitreya, and I embody justice and joy, which you will notice as the years go by, for I have hardly started my mission as yet. And so, my dear friends, we are starting here in this house. We are going back to the past and neutralising, redeeming that past, bringing [it] up to the present, and bringing the present to the future for, in this very house, in a couple of weeks' time, we start on a study group on the Secret Doctrine. I was told many years ago that I would have to return to explain that book, for it was not understood by humanity. I don't think I can explain it thoroughly yet, perhaps in some years' time – perhaps in three or four years' time. But I will try, in two weeks' time, to give more energy to the words that have been written through Blavatsky by certain Masters, but hardly understood by humanity – hardly expected to be understood by the Hierarchy. We have to shed new light to it, and that is why we are starting here in a fortnight, teaching from this book which is obviously an important book since They want it taught. This room will serve our good work for at least two years, we hope, and from then onwards, when two years have passed, I think that we deserve something bigger, something perhaps that we own, so that we can utilise it the way we want it. The church, in this life, will own property. The disciples are not allowed to own a thing, except the clothes they wear and so forth, for we walk in the footsteps of Christ, and those footsteps have never changed. It is not easy to walk in the footsteps of Christ. I and my servers have discovered this, but we have been trained for two thousand years to do it, and there is no excuse to not do it properly. The good news is that where we have died for Christ, we now live for Christ. We get lengthy incarnations, for otherwise we have no time to spread the teachings of Christ. Another interesting thing that you should know is that the Lord Maitreya is not working alone in this endeavour. He is working with His brother, the Lord Gautama. When I say the Lord Maitreya, I always mean the two brothers working as one, for not only will Shan the Rising Light complete the Lord Jesus' work but also the Lord Gautama's work. The teachings that will be brought forth over the next thirty years will be a beginning and a completion, if you understand what I mean, of the teachings of Christ and Buddha, merging in Shan the Rising Light. There will be much teaching brought forth through this light, through this impulse, on this Earth. After the theosophical impulse, we have seen great teachers working in the name of Theosophy, and through other organisations and groups. We have seen a great disciple, Steiner – should have stayed in the theosophical tradition instead of leaving it. He knows that now. And others like him have walked on this Earth and worked for the Masters, the self-same Masters. In this incarnation, the work we do is already hitting the world. All around us, we see the effects from the impulse called the Shan Impulse which was sent onto Earth ten years ago, and [the] Shan the Rising Light impulse which was sent to Earth one year ago. Many of you do not realise that, when one works the way we work, it creates effects, waves, circles and so, within these waves, within these circles, we see groups starting, organisations commencing work and people becoming more and more interested in the occult, in the divine, but in a different way than before. The main mission of Shan the Rising Light, I will not disclose today. Suffice to say that it has already started. I would like you to understand what I am saying here is important, for we are now starting to work in the open as what we are. We have not been allowed to do this. I have given hints. I have told my own servers. But here tonight, we have non-servers, the beginning of people being attracted to Shan the Rising Light, who are still not servers but may become. I want them to understand fully what it is they enter. They enter the Hierarchy – not a spiritual organisation, an ashram, or anything like that – they enter directly into the Heart of the Hierarchy. It is a time of tests and trials, and you are being tested within the Heart of the Hierarchy to see what you really want to do on this Earth, in this life, given many chances. Q. I will commence answering your questions by taking the first question: 'Are there any events in life which are accidents – that is, dying before your time – or are all events predetermined by karma?' There are, so to speak, no accidents but the paradox is, there might be some. In such a case where a human being, through accident, passes away too soon (it happens very rarely), they can get another chance of another body. Very soon after that, they can enter another body – it is seen on Earth – or they start incarnating immediately. But I would say that there are no accidents on the path of spiritual evolution. All events are predetermined by the Board of Karma before incarnating on this Earth. Q. Second question: 'In Alice Bailey books, it always mentions our solar system as having seven planets when there are actually nine. Can you explain this discrepancy?' I am not much into her planetary system, or I would rather say the Lord D.K.'s planetary systems, and books concerning planets. What I believe this means is that some planets are not having physical life, and it's not termed an ordinary planet. But I will look into it. I will ask Master and see what He comes down with. I do not know how many planets there are supposed to be in this solar system, but I know that some have physical life, some are corpses, some are becoming stars. I am sure there are many more planets than number nine in the system. But we have some sacred and some non-sacred planets, and the difficulty is that Earth is becoming a sacred planet – not a difficulty for the Hierarchy but for the human beings living here, for living on a planet which is becoming a sacred planet means an enormous jump in evolution, and it means suffering and pain in one way or the other for the human beings living here. We have suffered enormous pain over the last two thousand years, much physical pain. And, as I have explained, the Hierarchy has given, through Shan the Rising Light, a healing system which transmutes karma energy-wise, and helps the person that is receiving these energies to neutralise certain energies that cause physical pain; meaning that, where you have suffered pain and often premature death (meaning dying young), you can live to a ripe old age and work for the Hierarchy because your pain will not be physical and cause death. It will not be a disease that causes death. It will instead be inner torment. They term it the inner crucifixion of a disciple, crucified – his personality crucified by his own soul to get him to evolve quickly. That pain is long working, has far-reaching effects and is more unbearable than physical, short crucifixion. That is the new pain of the New Age. We have it in Shan the Rising Light, especially amongst those who dedicate themselves totally to the work of the Hierarchy. The others who do not, and it is not their karma either, will not suffer that pain from within to the same extent. Q. Another question: 'Different people pronounce 'Aum' differently. Does each of the variations produce a change in effects and, if so, which is best for which purposes?' We have different pronunciations of Aum on purpose for, if we had the same, it might be the wrong one and have no effect at all. But people who are not disciples and are not initiates, will not be able to pronounce Aum the right way, on purpose. It would create too great a havoc within. Whether you sing 'Om' or 'Aum' is all good, but don't expect to use the right pronunciation. You would not be able to handle the effects. It is on purpose that you are not able to sing that sound correctly until you can to handle the vibration followed by singing the Aum sound. But you will feel the difference when singing 'Om' and 'Aum' - there is a difference to it, and you can use them as you like. Q. 'If one is meditating on the Basic Exercise flames, does either their vibration, or the quantity of energy given, increase over time as one meditates regularly?' Yes – because you are invoking the I Am Presence and Spirit, soul, you therefore release more and more energy the longer you meditate, because you are able to take more and more energy. Q. 'Is it possible for an ascended astral disciple to go to another planet, and leave the physical body permanently?' It is highly possible and it is desired. That is why so many people are astrally ascending over the next two hundred years, for them to be able to leave the Earth and incarnate elsewhere. Q. 'Can the ascended astral disciple consciously leave the physical body during meditation, or does it happen only from the sleeping state?' An ascended astral disciple may not be able to have out-of-body experiences, except when he is sleeping. An ascended astral disciple may not have much knowledge at all. You can still ascend, even if you are not a higher disciple and therefore would not be able to leave mentally, which is a higher state, called 'out-of-body experiences'. But such a disciple would be able to mentally transfer him or herself to whatever place he or she wanted to be in. Some people, not even disciples but ordinary people on Earth, lower aspirants, are having out-of-body experiences on purpose. It is a way that soul and the Hierarchy teach man that there is nothing to be afraid of in death and dying. It is also a way for these people to gain some knowledge and experience from the astral levels. You must always remember that in an out-of-body experience in an astral body, you cannot go to the mental plane or level; you can only stay on the seven astral levels. So, you can have had out-of-body experiences in many lifetimes and suddenly not be able to do them, because the soul is training you to have mental out-of-body experiences which give you admittance into much higher levels of consciousness. I think P*... has been into all these questions here. There is a – if you do not know why I am amused, it is this question: 'Could you please explain the belief that you are the reincarnation of Blavatsky. How can you prove this to a newcomer?' We never prove. If you can't see who I am, you who have known me, that's just it, that's just sad. The ones of you who have known me as Blavatsky would recognise me immediately. I have the same energy, I have the same eyes – the expression of eyes – even body weight at the moment nearly, and if I put on that energy of the one she had, I would scare the life out of you. You would run out of here as quickly as you can. In this incarnation, I am a milder version because, in this life, I have admitted the Lord Maitreya into my life. The Lord Maitreya did not want to have anything to do with Blavatsky; He could not take her tantrums, temper tantrums and certain defects. But the ones that have known me in that life will always recognise me, because they have also known me in other lives before that life, and will continue to know me in other lives. Proofs are not necessary on the spiritual path, this you have to understand once and for all. You either know or you don't. That is exactly the same way as you deal with the Masters. You either know that you are in contact with the Master, and then it will be a shattering experience, or you don't. And if you don't know, you have no contact with the Masters. Q. We have more – we have good, interesting questions: 'What are the tasks, if any, of the old traditional branches of human knowledge, [such] as Kabbalah, tarot, astrology and alchemy in our time?' There is nothing called 'old traditional' branches of human knowledge. One could perhaps call them 'old, traditional' but they will remain old forever and still new, because more and more knowledge concerning these philosophies will be given to Earth. An interesting thing is that many people who delve into tarot readings, and Kabbalah, astrology, alchemy, they have, many of them, had much more knowledge in the past. When I come across a tarot reader or an astrologer, or some person who works in this branch, I have often seen that they have had a thousand times more knowledge in a past life than they have in this life. I have been wondering about this, and I have come to the conclusion that the knowledge is closed for certain reasons; that these very intellectual people from the past have to learn to work through their right side of the brain as well, and use more intuition and soul contact in order to bring forth new parts – even if they are all old – new parts of these branches. They are intellectually building up the mental body, some of these branches. Astrology is a very, very excellent part of the Divine Wisdom, and alchemy one does not know much about that these days. The Count of St. Germain, through another disciple who will incarnate after the year 2,000, will be an avatar of the 7th Ray and will bring forth much more knowledge concerning the subject. Tarot readings are for people who are trying to learn to use imagery to contact the subconscious. While you are a higher disciple, you don't use any means to contact any subconscious levels except the soul. You will stop using any instrument to reach the soul knowledge and the subconscious levels. In fact, they are disturbing. You can't even do much through tarot readings, or whatever you use, because they disturb you. You have to completely skip that side of affairs and just tune in with your souls. Concerning Kabbalah, there are many, many, good excellent disciples who have written those books who are actually incarnating again, bringing an even higher understanding to these topics now, in the New Age. There are many different tasks within these old or new books on different kinds of knowledge. It all differs from person to person, but the idea is to develop inner contact and to utilise the knowledge of the inner levels. Q. I think it's 'etheric body' it says here: 'Is there any significance with the etheric body of Australia, and is there a special task for this country?' It was always called 'Land of the Holy Spirit'. Well - there is a mighty task for this country because this country is to be an enormous spiritual focus for the Hierarchy. However, such a focus cannot be created overnight, it takes the time it takes. What I can disclose is that the energy of Luxor, the 4th Ray Retreat from Egypt governed by the Lord Serapis Bey, has found a replica in Caulfield North, exactly where we work. That is an exact energy transference from Luxor to Melbourne. In fact, this area became a fact some half a year ago. What They want with it, I will disclose later. The Hierarchy is doing quite a lot of work in this country, through Shan the Rising Light. I am sorry that I must perhaps take some illusions from you. I know you will not like this, the ones of you who are connected to other spiritual groups, but there is not much Hierarchy in your groups, even if you might think so. I know you may go home and be very angry about this, and think that your group is also in contact with the Hierarchy, but that is not a fact. There are not many groups on Earth who work directly from the Heart of the Hierarchy. It is, in fact, a rare thing. There are not that many disciples on Earth at all. If there had been, the Earth would have looked different by now. And so, in this country, the Hierarchy entered with my appearance, five years ago. There are disciples in this country, but they were not working in close cooperation with the Hierarchy. There are many disciples who do not know the existence of the Hierarchy at all, and do not work with Them. They work – you can say the Spirit of the Hierarchy works through them in politics, in the arts, in music, in the business world, but these disciples do not consciously link up with the Hierarchy, or have any contact at all with the Masters in person. I was told already before coming that I would be the first disciple in this country who had contact with the Hierarchy, and it has remained that way. The Founders have contact – not all personal contact, because very few disciples have personal contact. They are still disciples, which I again will explain in the course that some of you are starting, but they are more utilised by the Spirit of the Hierarchy than working from within the Hierarchy itself. I have met a very great number of very good disciples, very fine disciples in all kinds of bodies – Indian, European, American, Australian, but they have no link to the Hierarchy as such – except they are, within their souls, initiated – and they work unknowingly and unconsciously for the Hierarchy in a certain manner. From the very first start, the Hierarchy contacted me personally in June 1977, and then the personal contacts became less and I was working, getting a few messages and information down. But it is only this year where I have been given again the personal contact that I and the Founders can be in communion with the Hierarchy every day, if we want. The Hierarchy utilises us in a certain manner, and I am in nearly daily contact with Them, and that is something very rare on this Earth. But it will not be so rare in the New Age of Aquarius, because the idea is that more and more people do get contact with the Hierarchy – personal contact – and, through this personal contact, will work much more for the evolutionary plan of Earth than before. As the Lord D.K. writes in Alice Bailey's books, every disciple, even a probationary and aspirant, should each day link up with the Hierarchy and the plan of Earth, and become a conscious part of that plan. You may not get immediate results, or hear anything specially or see anything but, if you do link up to the plan of the Hierarchy, the evolutionary plan, each day in your meditation, you will see that something happens in your life that is most important. And you will then discover that you have a duty to this country; that you have immigrated to this country, you have been born here, you work here for a specific reason. And that is, as a band of spiritually enlightened people, to work for the Hierarchy, creating a land of grace, of Holy Spirit, which will attract people from all over the world to be trained in this country. The Theosophical Society started working in Sydney many, many years ago. Leadbeater established the Liberal Catholic Church here. Olcott was travelling in Australia and, already in those days, brought the energy of the Hierarchy to this country. Now, the energy has reached Melbourne. Melbourne is the selected area, and the State of Victoria, for the Hierarchy's work – not any other State. There is a reason for that which I will not disclose except to my inner group of people. Q. 'Is it known who are the twin rays of Lord Sanat Kumara, Lord Morya and Lord Maitreya?' Lord Sanat Kumara has a twin ray not living here on Earth – has been here for some time but not living here any longer. Lord Morya has a twin ray who recently became a Master in an Indian body 18 years old, some years ago. The Lord Maitreya's twin ray is not known. There is something you have to understand: a disciple never asks stupid questions. By this, I do not mean these are stupid questions. I am stupid if I poke into something which I am not allowed to know. It is a fact that a disciple will be told what a disciple needs to be told, not by asking but Master will disclose when time comes. That is how I get my information. I have never in this life put any question to the Master – just very few things – because the Master tells you what you have to know. There is an unwritten law: people who ask too much, get nothing. I am not your Master in that respect. You can put me questions. But, I am not being told information which has no relevance to my work. And so who the Lord Maitreya's twin ray is, I do not know. I have never asked. I am sure if the Lord Maitreya wants me to know, I will be told. I knew about Lord Sanat Kumara's twin ray and Lord Morya's because I had been given that information a long time ago. This is how it goes. You get the information needed for your work. We are living in another day and age of course. People can ask questions but always see to it that, before you ask a question, [you] think carefully before you do it. Perhaps you only have a certain number of questions allotted to you, after that there is nothing. It is on purpose, when in the temples, that disciples and new beginners never were allowed to ask questions. They had to listen, meditate, open their auras and take in the light. It is also something we have to understand. It is still valuable in our day and age, because some questions are just put to question, nothing else, and those questions are not considered so good upstairs. That is why I really do want you, at home before you come here each month, if you could think carefully, and then write down the question before you come here. There is much more energy to it, and you might get some very good answers. Q. Next question: 'Are Christ and Buddha regarded by you as avatars?' Yes – Christ and Buddha are regarded as the great avatars, which I am not. A great avatar is a conscious Bodhisattva or Buddha incarnating, with that initiation in the physical body, the seventh or the eighth. And They embody, for the whole Earth, for millions of years, one virtue or two. Buddha, Lord Gautama, embodied Light and Wisdom; and the Lord Christ, Love, Light and Wisdom. I am, by no means, such an avatar. I am what you could term another kind of avatar embodying, for a certain time, certain virtues which are not within my body of the personality [like] a great, great avatar, as Christ or Buddha Themselves. It has something to do with initiation in the body. An avatar can be a first initiate, a second initiate, a third, a fourth, but the great avatars are Bodhisattvas and Buddhas in the flesh. There is a mighty difference. If you want to know more about this topic, I advise you to read Alice Bailey's book, 'Externalisation of the Hierarchy'. (Isn't that the book P..., where there's a big chapter on avatars?) And in that book, everything is explained. Everything is explained there - like you have avatars in politics, in music, in teaching, education, and in religion. You have great avatars and lesser avatars, and many of the lesser avatars – like the Protestant Luther, never recognised as a lesser avatar, but he was a lesser avatar. Blavatsky was a lesser avatar because she brought forth new teachings for Earth. But the great avatars are enormous Bodhisattvas and Buddhas incarnating, and They can do all the things that you usually see Them do: materialise, dematerialise, heal, disappear in lightning and thunder; disappear before eyes of man; become invisible, become visible; transfer Themsleves from one city to another. Such siddhis, gifts, usually belong to either Masters of Wisdom or greater avatars. * Whenever you see P..., please know that a person's name has been removed for privacy reasons. |