Open House Series - No. 11
12 February 1987 [Editor's note: Please note that some of the plans referred to in the following text may have changed in the current day, as it is not always known what the reactions will be, on the physical level, to certain Hierarchical impulses involving timelines and specific plans. Therefore, adjustments are made along the way. Also, on the path of disciples and initiates, choices may be given at different stages of an incarnation, which may impact on some of the plans for an impulse.] Q. I have been given some fine questions tonight and, because of the 17th February, which is on Tuesday, where we publicly found Shan the Rising Light, I will start with a question I have here leading into Shan the Rising Light, which is: 'How did you find your spiritual path Ananda Tara Shan?' Q. And then the second question: 'How did you find out about your mission this life?' Q. And the third: 'Is there something I can do to find my mission or purpose?' I guess that is what you all would like to know. It is a question that everyone asks, within or without. First of all, I would like to explain that, in June 1977, (some of you have heard about this earlier but it’s always interesting to hear it once more) I was contacted by the Great White Brotherhood – which you also call the Hierarchy, which you also call the Inner Government of Earth – and the Hierarchy asked me to work with Them in the capacity which I started on, namely starting a centre called, in those days, the Circle of Light. I got a symbol down to work underneath, a kind of logo which I haven’t understood until a couple of days ago. And we started off by performing Earth Healing Services which I, as I have told you earlier, was given by the Lord Kuthumi, who is the Christ. He is the assistant to the Christ Office, the World Teacher Office, in the Hierarchy. We have, in the Hierarchy, the Inner Government of Earth, many offices and the Christ Office, or World Teacher Office, has a Master which governs that office, and that is the Lord Maitreya. But the Lord Maitreya has two assistants, and those assistants are the Lord Jesus and the Lord Kuthumi. The Earth Healing Service, as you have seen it here, was given to me by the Lord Kuthumi, and the Lord Count of St Germain taught me to do the ceremonial work that I am inspired to do during the Cosmic Services for the Earth. We also started lecturing a year later and again, one and a half years later, we started the School of Healing which has expanded into what you now know as the Shan School and the Dharma College because, after nine years of work, we have come to work on many levels of development. We are offering education to people who are totally new beginners – know nothing about spiritual work, spiritual life, Divine Wisdom – up to people who have been into spiritual life and spiritual work for eons of time. So, there is no beginning, one could nearly say, within our work and there is no end because, whether you are a totally new beginner soul or whether you are a master soul, you can still learn in our schools. That is quite unique today on Earth that we have schools, an education system; we have a meditation system, and a healing and therapy system which give people an opportunity of either starting on the Path or ending on that Path. When I came to this country, emigrated to this country in 1982, we founded here in February 1984, the Shan Foundation. The Shan Foundation was a first ray focal point. It was the Archangel Michael who governed that focal point, and many people could not cope with this energy. Then, I found out while I was working here, and in communication with the Hierarchy, They wanted something else: a total continuation of the Theosophical Society. I had, of course, been told quite a lot about my mission, that I had to simplify Theosophy and give Theosophy to mankind; make a school, an education system and so forth, but it was only here that I understood that we were going to start on the 17th of February, exactly 80 years after my dear President Founder in our life together, Olcott, passed away. He was, as you well know, the first World President of the Theosophical Society. And I decided, with the Master’s help I gather, to start Shan the Rising Light, which is a total continuation of the Theosophical Society, on the 17th of February 1987, nearly ten years after I commenced with our first centre in Copenhagen, Denmark. ‘Shan the Rising Light’ means the Risen Christ through Shan, the Earth. As you well know, Shan means Earth. It is the interplanetary name for this planet. It is a very strong mantra of the New Age. And the Risen Christ, which Lord Maitreya is now, works through Shan, giving out His energy, His new Laws and Divine Principles to man and Earth. Every now and then, the World Teacher sends to Earth a new world religion through messengers – usually more than one messenger, who is usually an initiate or a Master. And the World Teacher uses that vehicle, that Master or initiate, to spread a new world religion, a new teaching on Earth. And again, we are going to work with a new world religion through Shan the Rising Light. We are into the new religion which is descending upon Earth very strongly at the moment and that religion – I will not give you the name of it yet – perhaps, perhaps in a couple of years. Perhaps you can guess what it is going to be called. But the new religion is a merging of Buddhism and Christianity, encompassing all the great religions, all the – all the love, the beauty and harmony, all the divine teaching; the essence of all world religion merging into one religion. The energy is completely new to Earth. It is called the Shan Impulse, but it contains within it the most beautiful second ray of love/wisdom. It contains the Divine Will of God of the first ray, and it contains all other rays, but very much the second, seventh and first rays. It is difficult to explain, on such a night, this great work that we are commencing upon. You will understand, when a couple of years have passed, what we are founding on Tuesday, I and five supporting cofounders. In this life, I need more supporting help than I did a hundred and some few years ago, because, in this incarnation, in this life, we are going to do much more work than we did a hundred and some years ago. It is no longer a teaching foundation only. We are going to work practically with meditation, with education, with schools for children and adults, kindergartens. We are going to have a village*, called Shamballa Village of the Divine Star. I can’t even mention everything we are going to establish in this lifetime. And for that reason, I need more cofounders to help me in the work. And the interesting thing is that the cofounders form a five pointed star which is that of the most powerful protection against evil. And I stand for Earth. That is my symbol – the circle. And Archangel Michael is the sword which descends into Earth to give the wisdom of the New Age to Earth. It was the symbol They gave me nearly ten years ago, which I understood in one way, but I understand in another way today. I saw my whole mission in 1977. The Lord Count of St Germain came to me and showed me this entire life – not in minor details but in great details – and I will admit freely, I didn’t understand much of it. It didn’t – it didn’t, what shall we say, descend into my heart. It was a lot of words. I wrote it all down but I threw the papers out because I had it all 'in here'. And the last nine years, over the last nine years, I have come to see that They knew what They were talking about, and what They were talking about is happening on Tuesday. This is the start. Over the last nine and a half years, we have only been in training, only training, training and training to commence the work, the greater mission, which is starting on Tuesday. People do not understand that a new world religion is coming, new world teachers have descended into Earth. They will not be aware that they will be given an Avataric Healing System which will help man to redeem himself, and to do away with programs in a much more sound and healthy way than we have ever seen it before. You have no idea what is descending, but you would find out over the next five years. My mission in this incarnation is a total continuation of Blavatsky’s mission, and that ended in 1891. I have had incarnations in-between, but they have been necessary in order to repay karma quickly. In order to be able to channel the Lord Maitreya in this life, I had to have some very difficult lives, a couple of lives running parallel, in the Second World War. But when I was born in this incarnation, I took up exactly where I left in 1891 and, about seven years ago, I met my second husband who will be the President Founder. And he was Olcott who worked with me loyally and faithfully until he died in 1907. It’s a very interesting thing that, with me, founding the Shan the Rising Light organisation, which is the physical form behind the energy, I shall have another great theosophist, named Judge, who actually split the Theosophical Society into two when Annie Besant became World President after Olcott. And he is P**... from Denmark. Then I have another fine, shall we say co-worker, from my theosophical days. He was in an Indian body and that is P… sitting there. P…, my first husband, was Blavatsky’s husband, and has been allowed to participate in this lifetime due to certain karmic conditions. And the only one who has not been a very close co-worker of mine, is my brother whom I have taken as number five. He was, I think, a member of the English Section in those days. With such very fine co-workers, we can’t miss out on the opportunities given in this incarnation to be allowed to give forth a higher vibration. The Christ is working as a vital part of Shan the Rising Light, giving out completely new Laws, and rules and regulations which we see in the Temple of Shan, in the Church Universal. And in the Church of Healing, we shall all see the new Laws of the Aquarian Age become a reality. It is a very exciting thing which is happening, which one cannot talk about over five/ten minutes, but it is exciting to me because everything fits in so well. I have been totally ‘bombed out’ by the thought of everything fitting in so well. The Masters know exactly what They do. The way They let the souls incarnate, it has taught me a lot about incarnation. The way They let us meet. We are all of an age between late 30s to 49 and therefore shall be very strong together, hopefully living for some time to do the work. None of us is particularly (hopefully) sick/ailing, which means that we shall be able to work very well for the Cause. It is an interesting thing – where we had the Adyar Headquarters in the last incarnation, India was chosen to be the headquarters for the Theosophical Society. In this incarnation, it will be Australia or New Zealand. The Hierarchy hasn’t totally decided yet. We are going to found Shan the Rising Light in Australia, which will give Australia quite a lot of light and help Australia to become a new country in the new world, where it [the light] was before founded in America. America – it is an interesting thing with America that I worked in Denmark for three years not knowing that I had been Blavatsky. I knew I had contact with the Masters. I knew I had known Them for many lifetimes. They revealed certain lives to me but it was 1980, in New York, They revealed the Blavatsky incarnation, which I was not very happy about. It was a shock to me because I knew there was a lot of karma involved being Blavatsky incarnating, and a lot of problems arising from having to found yet another foundation which would become a hundred times bigger than the Theosophical Society ever has become, as the Theosophical Society hasn’t got all the activities we give in this incarnation. But the missions are always different in each life. The Lord Christ, the Lord Maitreya, started the new world religion through the Theosophical Society, later on through Alice Bailey, and now we come to it, where it will descend upon humanity as a whole. It is difficult for you to understand your mission, even if you get it presented on a platter, which I did. You will have to understand it from within your heart. You may understand the words, and you can even write [them] down, but you won’t really understand what you have to do until you are in it, working at it, to complete your mission. And many people are not happy about their missions because they are afraid that they will be crucified, burnt on the stake, put into prison as [has been] done in past incarnations; been hiding from authorities, secret police after them, working in cellars, being informed upon by so-called friends. People are afraid in this life what is going to happen to them when they again work for Christ in this capacity. And it is understandable. That is why I say, 'Well, you have got your mission. It is a beautiful mission, as every human being has a beautiful and unique mission. You are afraid of it – most people are. You have to work your fear out in therapy and healing because, if you are afraid, how will you complete it?' And I have been afraid, very afraid of this mission. I have been afraid for nine years since the Master told me what I would do. I’m still afraid, but I’m better at controlling it these days. He told me about my destiny in America, the way we would work in the States. And America is not an easy country to work in, as you well know, because well, people can come to [have] 'accidents' there, especially when they bring forth a very strong message of peace or something religious. And, therefore, I was not happy. I was not happy about this mission at all. I would have preferred to be an obscure teacher, sitting with a little group of thirty to fifty people, training them totally from beginning to end. And instead, They want me to train – I won’t give you the number, it’s big. The Theosophical Society, the way it has worked throughout the last hundred and some years, is nothing in comparison to what we have to do this life. And that is why I am trying my very best to train people to become healing ministers and Shan priests, temple people, because I need your energy help. I can’t do it alone. And I already have some very good people trained in this country; in Denmark, some very fine people; people being trained in Iceland, in Germany, in New Zealand. And it will take me another two or three years to complete a certain phase of training people, so we can work in America. When we arrive in America in 1989 – late ’88 beginning ’89 has been scheduled by the Hierarchy – we have to be totally structured, totally trained, totally knowing and understanding our purpose, or else we will – I will not fail, but some of you will fail. And that is why I will give so much time to people here who are being trained for the next two years, because I need your help. When one is an initiate like me, one sees one’s mission in visions. Everything is clear, everything is totally clear. It is by the use of clairvoyance that we see, and you are using clairvoyance too, to see your purpose and your mission in life. It is essential that you are getting help to see your mission and your purpose because many people will not do what they have to do because of this fear, as mentioned earlier. And that’s a great pity, because this incarnation you have is by far the most interesting incarnation you may ever have had on this planet, perhaps even since Jesus’ time, 2,000 years ago, when we were around Jesus in various capacities and roles. It is an interesting thing that two of my co-workers of the five, have been disciples of Lord Jesus. I was myself, a disciple of Lord Jesus – not one of the twelve. Who I was, is not important. And an interesting thing is that I meet with a lot of people who were very much fond of, or in love with, Christ – in those days, working or living in His name and Spirit – and these people now come to be raised to a higher level of consciousness and vibration. I would suggest, therefore, that you find your mission, and, if it is not within Shan the Rising Light, it doesn’t matter. The most important [thing] is that you are fulfilling your mission in life, and that you do something about finding out whether you will be able to do it. Get the courage and the strength to do it – that’s my advice to you, because that’s what it takes. You can’t do it without courage and strength. Q. There is another question here: 'What is Shan the Rising Light?' I have explained that it is the energy of the Risen Christ, not the dying Christ – that is the energy we have worked with in the Piscean Age, for the last 2,000 years. We have worked with the suffering Christ, the pain in Christ, the moaning and groaning on the cross in Christ; and we are now going to work with Christ in joy, in happiness – the Risen Christ. And the Lord Maitreya has focussed His energy, the Rising Light, into the Earth on New Year’s Eve here,’86/’87. And from now on, this Earth will participate in a speedy evolution, speedier than you can ever imagine. What you have been through of evolution on this Earth is nothing in comparison to what you will go through now, and that is why you need so much help to be able to participate in this speedy evolution, both of Earth and yourself. You need all the help you can get. We can’t manage on our own, and the help is proper knowledge, education, healing, therapy, meditation. Do something to keep balanced because we are entering a time on Earth where people will be very imbalanced. And we have already seen it for the last ten years – mental cases, astral disorders are growing. And even spiritual people have a lot of these imbalances, but they can become more balanced with the means, the tools given by the Hierarchy. We have, on this Earth, a difficult time ahead of us, where people will feel the energies that are descending on Earth with fear. See, when a certain energy level is descending into you, fear is surfacing, and we have to deal with that fear in man, and we have the tools to do it. You have to be trained to do it – can’t learn this overnight. You will see what I’m talking about because the energy of the Rising Light is spreading with enormous haste all over the Earth, and creating mass confusion, chaos and fear in man. They do not understand why they will suddenly become clairvoyant, see things. They think they’re crazy. They will see things about themselves, others, about the inner levels and they will consider themselves to be half crazed. There must be many people who can help them when time comes, and that time is near. Q. There is a question here: 'How does it differ? How does Shan the Rising Light differ from other spiritual groups?' I will consider our unique avataric system of education, healing and meditation: completely clear, all the divine truths, divine wisdom presented as never before, with honesty and truthfulness. We give help to people, personal help that is never given this way in eastern organisations. We have a meditation system which is helping western man to balance himself, whereas eastern meditation creates, very often, passivity and chaos on a certain level, on purpose. In the Shan Meditation System, which is a meditation system for western man, we have a system which is helping western man to come to terms with himself in a short time every day. Just 25 minutes of meditation will give you what you need to meditate on for hours in an eastern meditation system. The Shan Meditation System is given by the Hierarchy to the very busy, and very needy, western people who need to be able to rise according to the energy level on Earth, have not much time to meditate, have not got much peace at home – and still, you can do the meditation. I could explain a lot about the Shan Meditation System – I might do that as we go along on these Thursdays. You can ask me questions about it. But it is the strongest working meditation system I have ever tried, and I have meditated for thousands of lives. It simply works, and you are living, in one life, lives at a time because you get through so much in one life with this meditation system. We differ, therefore, in that we are much more realistic in our approach. There is no beating about the bush with us here. People will be given the help they karmically deserve, in a pleasant manner. Many so-called spiritual people haven’t got proper knowledge. They are still missing out on a lot of incarnations. They still need a lot more experience to talk from, and I find that people are being misled. Not by all teachers, thank God, by many, many teachers who are not true teachers, who are using a couple of books to talk from, who say they are clairvoyants – they can’t see anything at all – to gain power from it, to manipulate people. And they are telling people a pack of lies. Therefore, we will give you the Divine Wisdom, and take away your illusions and delusions. And we will do it as nicely and pleasantly as possible because it’s not easy to lose your illusions and all your delusions in one life, but it is the only way. Shan the Rising Light takes you from the astral level of illusion into the plane of truth. It is not something I will promise you. Likely you will certainly have to work at it for me to help you, and my co-workers and the Hierarchy. They cannot help if you don’t take part in the education system, meditation system and the Earth Healing Services. We have a whole system now that doesn’t promise you any salvation, illumination or enlightenment. It only promises you hard work, and you will then understand the effects, and you will understand yourself. But Shan the Rising Light is different. You will come to understand it when you work with it. I do admire many teachers on this Earth but one thing has happened too much on this Earth: people are being led astray. We are a religious, spiritual organisation – of course we are. People sometimes ask me, ‘Are you religious? Are you talking about God?’ – when they hear the word ‘Christ, Christ’, and they go. But it’s only few. You see, people have illusions and delusions, delusions. Catholic Church has preached the message of Christ while they were burning people at the same time, as heretics. People are disappointed, very disappointed. They don’t believe. They don’t dare to believe anymore. You think of what has happened on this Earth over the last two thousand years, what the church has actually done to... [tape is turned over]… people. A new church, Shan Church Universal it’s going to be called – is being called – which will give out the teaching in a totally tolerant and unfanatical way, so that people don’t think of killing others who haven’t got the same beliefs, or whatever they do in Ireland*** today, and wherever they do it. We have to go into the New Age with hope and love, brotherliness and unity. And all this nonsense about killing each other for God and religion must stop on this planet because we all have a right to be here, whatever we believe in. Our right is to have a peaceful sojourn on this planet while we are here. I’m trying to teach you to create this peace. It will not be created over twenty years of course. It might take one thousand years, but we shall have peace on this Earth and that is due to the whole way of thinking changing. No more killings because of religion or lack of exchanging beliefs positively but, simply, we are going to teach men to live as human beings with rights, and we try to create a peaceful Earth which will survive for our children and their children. And if we don’t do this now, we shan’t have it because we are in a very dangerous spot on Earth at the moment. We all know what could happen to this Earth. We are not going to talk about it today, but we are going to try our very best to stop some – certain things from happening, which would not be pleasant. We are therefore, a religious organisation. We are establishing a new religion on this Earth. Many people will call us evil, evil powers, ‘sperm of the devil’ – well that’s the usual talk. I remember when they said the same to Jesus and Krishna. Moses got it – They all get it. It is the usual thing on Earth that when you are a messenger of God, people will start calling you names, and we just don’t listen because we have our mission and we just do our very best to complete it positively. But, of course, people are after spiritual groups on Earth because people are against change. It’s a very interesting thing that I read this article in a paper where they said that all New Age groups, all New Age organisations, were evil and then they listed all of them in Australia. They didn’t list me because they didn’t know of my existence – I was not in the phone book as yet. But I have written a little letter. P... showed me in Simply Living someone has sent in a paragraph about this, that all [spiritual groups]were evil, every one of them was evil. And I have written a reply, which is at home in my briefcase, concerning change; that the reason why people are so afraid of the World Teachers coming to Earth, sent by God, is that they’re always changing something. They change the world, they change beliefs, they take illusions from people and, for that reason, they are hated – not by all men, but by a certain group of people who don’t want change, and we are changers. Shan the Rising Light will change this Earth, even if it will take some time to do it, into a positive planet. We are changers and, for that reason, we might not be liked by everyone but still, the people who work with us are happy, and you will be very happy, I hope. But if you find your happiness elsewhere, it is also very good, because there are other good organisations, groups and teachers who work excellently well. I am not the only one on Earth, me and my co-workers, thank God, who have a mission of bringing forth the new world religion. We have, on this Earth, other groups and organisations who also work with that. But I have my mission, others have theirs. We must understand that we are into an enormous change on the planet, and we are the changers. [From] that aspect, we could talk about the reappearance of Christ. There is a question here: ‘When you talk of the reappearance of Christ, what do you mean exactly?’ What I mean is that Christ is appearing. Christ is appearing through Shan the Rising Light because Lord Maitreya is the Rising Light. He is also appearing in the hearts of many people, through a whole group of world saviours, who are born at the moment, are working for the Lord Maitreya in different capacities. The most important [thing] to understand is that Shan the Rising Light is Christ, who has appeared on Earth – reappeared, He has always been here – reappeared on the physical level. I was, for nine years, questioning the Hierarchy. I asked ‘Do You really want another foundation? I can’t cope with another foundation. Haven’t You had enough of them?’ Just one organisation after the other on this planet. I can’t cope with one more because I can see that you go wrong somewhere. You start idealistically, you die. Other people take over, and where does it end? So, I was saying to the Hierarchy, ‘I am afraid of another Theosophical Society that starts the right way, but doesn’t now fulfil its purposes and objects on Earth.’ But then I understood recently that Shan the Rising Light is an organisation which must be physical, which must be structured, otherwise Lord Maitreya cannot appear. He needs that organisation, that structure, that form to appear through. And when I understood that, I have been working ever since, structuring with my President Founder and my co-workers because structure is very important on Earth. It makes it physical. So, what I have understood is that Shan the Rising Light is the reappearance of Christ. I also know that the Lord Maitreya uses other vehicles to work through. I know that He shall appear in many hearts on this Earth very shortly – actually has started [to appear] and this is what will save the Earth. It’s all this heart energy that is spreading all over, making it impossible one day, to commit warfare and strife. Q. Before we have tea break, I can just answer this because they all belong together, sort of: ‘How does Shan Church Universal differ from other Christian churches?’ Well, Shan Church Universal is a Christian church. I term it a ‘true’ Christian church because we try to live according to the love principle of Christ. I say try, because we can only try. We are not perfect human beings. It is a theosophical church, the Hierarchy is behind it. Within it, we have seven churches. An interesting thing is that, when I realised we were going to have seven churches, I suddenly looked in the New Testament and there, in John – what is it, the Revelation? – he was talking about seven churches. They are the Seven Beings at the Throne of God, the seven Archangels. The seven churches in Shan Church Universal are governed by the seven Archangels, who are the Seven Beings at the Throne of God. And we have to work with these seven different rays, or qualities and energies, to give man a total education on all rays, and they will receive it very well from Shan Church Universal. Shan Church Universal strives to heal man and Earth, and we have our way of doing it and others have their way. We are working equally with all the Masters, with Buddha and Christ, with Moses occasionally and we, I find, are getting somewhere. There are other groups and organisations too, like Summit Lighthouse, who have a church, and I do believe sincerely it is because of the work these churches do that we have avoided certain wars from erupting on the Earth, and other very unpleasant earthquakes and cataclysmic actions. It is not even something I believe – I know it, but what I know is sometimes difficult to cope with for others. It is just a profound inner understanding that the work we do on Sundays in these churches, and what others do, is keeping balance on this Earth, so that nothing serious will be happening just now. The interesting thing is that the Theosophical Society has a church they don’t recognise, the Liberal Catholic Church, established by Leadbeater and Wedgewood, the two bishops. But they always say, ‘No, no – it’s not part of the Theosophical Society. It is something outside of it.’ But that’s a mistake. You can’t have a spiritual organisation without a temple, a church, as the main part of it, giving the energy of the Hierarchy to the foundation, to the society. The church is our energy. We go to our church every week, and it gives us all the energy we want for the rest of the week. It gives us our life. It gives us our communion with the Masters, with God, Christ – call it what you like. It gives us a purpose in life and that is essential. The temple, the Shan Church, is the umbrella on top of all the other activities we do. And without the church, we wouldn’t have inspiration, we wouldn’t have energy, we wouldn’t have enough love – we wouldn’t have anything at all. You can’t, in a spiritual organisation of any kind, leave your energy work outside the door and say, ‘No, no – that’s not us. That’s the others. That’s a little group who are interested in that. We certainly are not having anything to do with that.’ That is a wrong way of working when you work spiritually. So what I want you to understand with Shan the Rising Light, which we are founding publicly on Tuesday, is that something you do not quite comprehend is starting on Tuesday. A new avatar has come to Earth; an avataric system and a new avatar. Shan the Rising Light is an avatar in its form. The systems we work with are avataric systems, and I became, on the 24th of December, an avatar. This avataric energy will give to Earth new life, new birth. The Risen Christ, the Lord Maitreya and His brother, the Lord Gautama, will give to Earth something that you can never begin to understand. It’s never been done before. The greatest Masters on this planet, the greatest Masters – the Buddha and the Christ – are merging and becoming one to help this Earth in its evolution. I can talk for hours about this, but we are going to have tea. * As time passed, it became more and more clear that the Lord Maitreya and the Hierarchy wanted people who were frequenting The Theosophical Fellowship not to live in an isolated community but in the community at large. The plan became to create a spiritual/meditation retreat on the land of Shigatze where people could come, for example for a three month stay, to study meditation and spiritual subjects, and then take that with them into their life. With Ananda passing over in 2002, these plans were put on hold, but it is still anticipated and hopefully, one day, a successor to Ananda and her work can bring that to fruition. ** Whenever you see P..., please know that a person's name has been removed for privacy reasons. *** The Troubles was an ethno-nationalist conflict in Northern Ireland during the late 20th century. Unionists/loyalists, who were mostly Protestants, wanted Northern Ireland to remain within the United Kingdom. Irish nationalists/republicans, who were mostly Catholics, wanted Northern Ireland to leave the United Kingdom and join a united Ireland. The Troubles accessed 09 November 2018 <> |