Open House Series - No. 6
12 November 1987 [Editor's note: Beginning in the late 1980’s, Ananda conducted a series of Open House evenings. These were cosy gatherings where Ananda taught using a Question and Answer format, responding to questions asked by the participants. During this Open House, Ananda is often writing on, and referring to, the whiteboard. At some stage, you may find it helpful to listen to the CD of Ananda giving the talk as you study the text.] Q. 'What kinds of negative elementals is a person likely to have in his aura, and does meditation aim to remove or only to transmute these?’ Well, if you have thought evil or negative thoughts for so and so long, how do you think your elementals look like? When you have nightmares at night and you're dreaming about a monster pursuing you, who do you think it is? It is very likely your own elementals - or one of them, who was out to make you very scared. What deals with elementals? Right meditation, and by this I mean every meditation which invokes the right energy. No matter what meditation, if you feel loving and peaceful with it, it does something to your elementals. It is just a problem again if your elementals are very old. They need fire. They can’t be released with astral energy. Most meditation systems on Earth work with astral light only. You can only, if you invoke a meditation on fire, get rid of the elementals. I don’t want to stand here telling you exactly what meditation is astral light, what is fire. I’m not allowed to do that. I would never do that. That sounds like I’m talking against meditation techniques developed by other teachers and that I’m certainly not because these techniques are needed by a certain group of humanity. I’m talking about certain meditation techniques that are only invoking light and others, fire. When you have worked with light for so and so many lifetimes, you are coming into the fire. When you come to Shan the Rising Light*, it is always because you have worked, in some way or the other, with the astral light in other lifetimes. You would never commence on the Basic Exercise on flames if you hadn’t meditated and prayed and prayed and prayed for many lifetimes – it’s totally impossible – because you can’t jump from one step to another. Many people think they can do that but no-one can. So, right meditation – and what is that involving: Holy Light and pure fire – deals with your elementals. [Editor’s note: The Maitreya Heart Healing System consists of spiritual healing techniques, esoteric healing techniques and therapeutic healing techniques; and within the therapeutic healing techniques, there are seven levels.] Meditation does it, but also the Maitreya Heart Healing System – Maitreya Heart Healing. Maitreya Heart Healing, as I call it in my mind, is our healing system working with spiritual healing, esoteric healing and therapeutic healing: seven levels of healing. See, if we look at our healing system, the spiritual healing techniques transmute; the esoteric healings, within this system of course, transform and transmute; but the therapeutic healing system or healings (the seven) these healings transmute, transform and transfigure. That’s the strongest – the three ‘t’s: transmute, transform, transfigure. Why do, especially levels six and seven transfigure? Because we are here channelling the highest soul power – pure soul, pure Spirit. That is why nearly no-one can do them. The only one who can do level six is Bent. The only one who can do level seven is myself because it has something to do with the energy level of frequency. Your elementals run. Not here – not at the spiritual healing – here they start the transmuting process. They shrink – get smaller and smaller – and they cry and they scream and they bother you and they complain and they… like small children. They don’t want to leave – been with you for so long. In the esoteric healings, they leave. They can’t stand that light because in the esoteric healing we invoke the light of your own soul. Believe me – not an elemental can stand it. But you have so many that you have to have a certain number. I know that you can’t see them on you. Of course they’re not sitting on your shoulders, in your hair and peeping out but they are in your aura, between the layers. It takes time to remove them. But the strongest – the strongest are the therapeutic healings because the frequency is speeded up and that is why, when you learn to use our healing system, that you discover the same as I know (discovered long time ago): you can do as many spiritual healings as you want a day; you can do two esoteric healings a day before you collapse and you can do one therapeutic healing – at the most, two. You collapse. Why? There’s a question here. Q. ‘Can you explain more clearly why it is that people are only able to meditate for up to 45 minutes per day yet as healers or patients may receive extra energy in addition to this quota?’ It’s different work. The Shan Meditation System – I’m not talking about other meditation systems now – you can hardly meditate more than 45 minutes a day because you get so much energy and light. That is one energy – the light comes into you and it stays there and it builds up like a pressure cooker and, if you take too much, you become imbalanced. Then, when you go to the healings, you’re cleansed. The healer invokes Christ, the Heart of Christ, and utilises the energies within the patient to cleanse the patient and heal the patient. The energies, surplus energies, are being utilised. See – what happens when people meditate for many hours a day, and they don’t utilise themselves enough, they build up the pressure. In the end, they get imbalanced due to over pressure. When you just have one therapeutic healing a month, we take the pressure from you. Without the therapeutic healings, you won’t get rid of the pressure. That is why we can keep you calm, good balance for as long as you partake of the energy system called the Healing. The moment you don’t, people go beserk. They will then have to go to another organization and deal with much lower energies. Then they can cope but they don’t get through the transformation process either. I have noticed many wonderful people who come to me from all different organisations on Earth. When I look into the aura, I can hardly see they have been meditating at all, the process is so slow. But when I look at people who have done the Shan Meditation System, and have taken part in the Maitreya Heart Healing System, it is visible; there is a difference. What is the difference? I will now tell you what the difference is. See, where a human being does not want redemption, has the wrong motive to be enlightened – selfish motives – the light that comes into the aura will not transmute. It will enhance the shadow instead. See, here we have a human being – aura. Within all people’s auras there is darkness, pure darkness – the shadow. When you invoke light and your motives are wrong, the light strengthens the darkness and the shadow becomes more and more angry and takes over. When the motive’s unselfish, the light explodes away the darkness like atomic explosions and the shadow gets into control. You need to be cleansed after that process because the darkness that has exploded still lies as particles in the aura. When we then use the esoteric healing or any cleansing and therapeutic healing, we cleanse you and it is leaving you. When the light explodes, some of it leaves you but not all. You need cleansing to get rid of the last remnants because they can cause disturbances. Many people meditate to become enlightened but they don’t want to give of their enlightenment to anyone; to obtain clairvoyant abilities that they can’t handle at all; to get money from it; to gain power. What happens? The first thing I said: you get the light but the light does not help you towards true enlightenment. The light strengthens the shadow. Your shadow side grows together with your light side and you become insane because the shadows take more and more over. I’ve seen that in many disciples who have not cleansed themselves or worked sufficiently with unselfish service. They become momentarily insane – perhaps for the rest of this incarnation and the next one. When your motive is good – you want to help humanity, you want to redeem yourself to be a mouthpiece for the Holy Spirit and so and so – the light explodes all around you but still you need help to get rid of the leftovers, the shells and we do that in our therapy system, and I have never on this Earth seen anything that works the same way. I’ve looked into hundreds upon hundreds of people’s auras. They don’t look like the people who undergo this system. The people who undergo this system, what they look like is the following. For many years, darkness has been encapsuled – ‘capsuled’ like in a capsule that you eat. When our energy, our frequency, hits the capsuled darkness, it bursts the capsule. The capsule of darkness is therefore spreading but it’s coming out. You see, where people look like inground dirt – my people have a lot of dirt but it’s coming out. That’s what I’ve been trying to explain in the readings. The dirt is not any longer capsuled, lying in masses in the aura but it’s coming from inside out. There is a movement in it. It’s coming out like that – it’s moving this way out and while it’s moving, you can look dark as the darkest coal. If you couldn’t see what I see – that it’s moving out – you would be frightened by your own look but because it’s moving out, I know it’s a question of time and it will be out. Then I can see which layer the dirt comes from but I can’t explain this in a reading because people think what I say about them is that they are so dirty, they’ll get sick soon or they’ll collapse or whatever. They don’t understand what I am talking about. They haven’t been trained to understand. The dirt can be astral and coming out of the astral; can be etheric; can be mental and it can be very deep from mental. I can see exactly where it comes from. What happens first is the outer dirt goes first, then the inner dirt. The inner dirt is the worst – that’s what’s been sitting there the longest. The inner dirt – when that moves, the process – whooooosh – moves it out like that but the process is slow. It cannot happen too soon or you would not survive the process because you cannot survive being a dirty boy or girl and becoming clean in half a year. It is the same way as you, living in a city moving to a clear mountain area and breathing the air there, get sick to begin with. You can’t stand your own purity. It’s such an enormous process that you wouldn’t survive it. That is why it is a slow, pulsating process but there is action in it. And when I look at other people who are not going through this, there is no action. It is inground dirt, capsuled, and there it remains. And it can remain there for another hundred incarnations and you will not be illuminated. That much dirt cannot allow illumination. So how have the saints been illuminated enough to work? They have, for some lifetimes, died by fire and they have had certain suffering experiences that they have cleansed a certain area and, through that area, they work. But they have looked as dirty as everyone else. It’s just that one area of them has been purified and, in that area, they have had their consciousness. So – inaction in most people but action in the people who come to us and are overshadowed by these energies – very interesting process. Q. There’s another question here: ‘P**… says that all bodies of the personality must be very calm before meditating or receiving energy, if this receipt of energy is to be safe. What occurs if one’s bodies are not totally still beforehand?’ They will be. Meditation stills the bodies. If you’re not totally still before, that will happen throughout the meditation, except of course that you use your meditation… well, I was just about to say something… what I mean is sending the wrong energies out. Thinking wrongly – that’s what I mean: to use your meditation not to purify yourself but to send out negative thoughts. But as soon as you sit down for meditation, you breathe in peace and harmony: ‘I am peace and harmony’, that takes it all. Meditation is stilling, that’s why we do it – yes. Q. ‘If one wishes to send healing energy without asking permission, to a city or organization as opposed to an individual, can energies other than Christ’s love be sent without it being karmically wrong?’ Yes – yes. What I mean is – no. No – that’s what I meant. You can send as much energy as you like (there is love in every ray, as long as you do it with love) towards an organization or a country, a nation, but not to a human being because there is something a human being has: private rights. That is why you can send as much love as you want towards people but, as I have lately added to the morning Puja that I have written for the members of the church and for others who want it, if you send directly love from your heart into another person’s heart, only do it three times a month. It’s very strong. Q. So what does it say here: ‘How much higher vibration is Christ’s love compared with that of the average person’s monad?’ I would like to say that the monad has nothing to do with the average person. The monad is pure Spirit. It’s always strong. It’s the soul that starts off as a new beginner. The monad is always God itself. There is no difference between the monad of the Christ and your monad. There is a vast difference between the soul of Christ and your soul. That is the difference - and of course the light around such a Being built up over countless lifetimes in righteous work. But the monad – see, in Spirit we’re all alike and all the same – pure Spirit. Yes – sometimes you can say that the monad has also its own life; it develops slowly, slowly, slowly but that’s more the atmic body. I have noticed in books that we’re not always referring to the same terms, as many theosophists have not completely understood about the monad. The soul changes constantly but the monad is the Spirit and is also always perfect. See – we are all God within. We have a link to God within and we are all Gods in the monad. What you are in your soul and what you are in your personality – that we can talk about. Christ’s love comes from His soul, not His Spirit alone. There is a … Around the Christ, the Lord Maitreya, for as long as He lives on Earth in a physical body, He utilises a soul – something equivalent to a soul. That soul is magnificent to look at. His causal …, the rings – the causal body that has been re-created: beautiful, beautiful, simply encompassing the whole Earth. Your causal body – what that looks like can be discussed alone with me but the Lord Maitreya’s causal body and soul, magnificent to behold. I cannot talk tonight about the centres or chakras of the Earth – that will take too long. I have studied a little bit about it in a book written by D.K. through Alice Bailey. I don’t remember what the book is called but He mentions something about the chakras of the Earth – I'll see if I can find it. Q. And the last question on this piece of paper is: ‘Please explain how it is that therapy or esoteric healing energies may be felt two weeks before the session.’ Well – why do we feel the service nearly one week before we get there? It’s because that is the presence of the Christ in our life and the other two departments. They give us the work. The moment I know what service we’re going to have, on Monday, I sit and know exactly what rays, what energies we’re going to work with on the Sunday. From that moment, the energies descend into everyone. When you have a healing session in mind, I can tell you that the Hierarchy starts working through Their disciples into you – two weeks before is alright. You do not come just to receive a healing – that’s what I’ve tried to explain to you hundreds of times. This is not an ordinary healing system that the Hierarchy has created. This is something unique that it works in you much before you come because They know when you’re coming and They start the work in you, and They continue the work in you up to a fortnight afterwards. That is why we don’t want you, in normal cases, to have, more than one therapeutic healing a fortnight. Most have it only once a month for financial reasons. We know that that would not be good. You shouldn’t have a healing once a week, it would be too much. The effects of it would be speeded up and you would not handle it very well. I’ve tried to explain to my good people here that we’re dealing with the Hierarchy here in Shan the Rising Light. This is not normal healers working. It is the Hierarchy that comes through. They know all about you and your diseases, your afflictions, your problems but one thing They cannot do is to neutralize your karma without your cooperation. Many, many people have mistakenly believed that, if the Hierarchy loved them so much, why not make them ascend on the spot and have a happy life and no worries or anything. It is the opposite way, which I have tried to explain to the good P… . When one walks the discipleship path, then your problems arise. That’s the only way you can become a Master. If you had easy incarnations, you would just sit there and be what you are from life to life – no change. From the moment you have worked yourself to discipleship, then you have problems. You have to solve them – have to learn to solve them. Solve them yourself, hopefully. You get a lot of help from me but that’s not always so good. You have to solve your problems yourself – that’s how you arrive into discipleship. And I told P… today to think. That’s what you’ve got the brain for – and the mental body. Think and you will find solutions to all your problems. Even if you have to think for three weeks, four months the same thing, you will get it. That’s how all the scientists and other very divinely inspired people have got their solutions and the methods are still the same. Think – and you’ll be given the solution. Q. ‘Could you describe the sorts of processes that are going on in the bodies of the personality when one is channeling healing energies?’ Again – it is transmutation, transformation – all depending what energies you channel. Now, I am now going to explain that the Christ energy has many levels and the more of the soul of Christ you invoke, the stronger – the stronger the effects but also the less you can work with those energies. [Ananda is focussing the work on the board now.] See, spiritual healing: that is the Christ – very much the Holy Spirit of Christ – mostly astral energies; can be mental all depending on the healer. Esoteric healing: in that, you’re working with the Christ; from the Heart of the Christ but also from the heart of your own soul. In our spiritual healings, you’re working from the Heart of Christ; in esoteric healings, you work from your own soul through the Heart of Christ; and in the therapeutic healings, you work with the Heart of Christ, with the heart of your soul and the etheric heart - that’s why they’re so strong. [Please note: The names for the healing techniques Ananda is pointing towards in the following section of track 12 have been added, within square brackets, by the editor.] It is different frequencies… and this [esoteric healing] is usually mental; it can be astral/mental, soul… but here [therapeutic healing], here we have soul, we have soul and Spirit involved. It is a much higher heart energy of Christ. There are three levels of heart. There is etheric/astral; astral/mental; soul and pure soul/Spirit. See, everything is level. Everything is level. When you work with that energy [spiritual healing], nice transmutation and some beautiful upliftment is felt in you, and you’re cleansing yourself at the same time as healing. When you work with that healing [esoteric healing], you get a fire vibration into you. Can’t do more than two a day. And here [therapeutic healing], you get such a strong energy, most can only do one a day but that has such a strong effect in the healer that it is enormous. Now, that is why you can do as many spiritual healings, but here you have to slow down. It’s three different vibrations. See, what you are mainly tuning in on here [spiritual healings] is the Christ triangle: Maitreya, Jesus, Kuthumi. And here [esoteric healings], you feel a little bit of the Master’s Presence and here [therapeutic healings], totally the Master’s Presence. You are invoking a little bit more of the Master with every healing and you are being transmuted because this is unselfish service. Why healing is so important, is that healing is unselfish service. Even if you charge money for it, as long as you don’t over-charge, it’s unselfish service and you can’t do without it. The healer is the one person that becomes the disciple. It is the healing work that makes you into discipleship because you are working, tuning in on higher powers and allowing the higher powers to flow through you and into people you help. Q. The last question today and then you’ve had enough: ‘If an affirmation during a prayer says “I radiate the love of my soul” does this love just radiate into one’s immediate vicinity? Does it go of its own accord to areas of Earth where it’s needed more?’ It all depends on your soul power. If your soul is a developed soul, it radiates around the entire Earth but if not, it only radiates to a certain area of the Earth, especially where you live. But, with mind power, you can spread the light. We have three different human beings. One has a little new beginner soul – lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely. One has a big one and a Master has a soul that encompasses the whole Earth. In between here, you become interested in healing. Already here, on the path of evolution, you start becoming interested in healing where you learn to heal from the different levels of consciousness. When you come here, in between this level, your soul is already of such strength that you can easily encompass the entire Earth. But you can still use your mind – your mind to send all over the planet, but it will not be soul power. It will be mental or astral power. You can use your mind to send all over the Earth – lovely light… and everything we do at the service, light here and light there: China gets enlightened and Russia – but you cannot utilise your souls (except that the soul is quite developed, then you can utilise that as well), there’s too little contact with it. But when you say, ‘I radiate the love of my soul’, you get into contact with soul and you are starting to radiate – slowly, slowly, slowly. Everything – and that’s the last thing I will say – everything is levels. Everything is levels of frequency and in between each level, there are many levels. You see, you can be a spiritual healer and only work totally astrally. You can also be a spiritual healer and admit mental energy or soul. You are radiating the frequency of light that you are yourself and you can’t radiate anything else. Of course, you can sometimes be helped by Master. An esoteric healer can work from a – or even an astral/mental level, soul but one thing you must understand, it’s all a matter of energy and, when you work with healing, you get to know about energy. It’s the only way you can get to know about energy and you become an expert on energy. That is the end result. You understand everything in the universe because everything is energy. And the more you understand about energy, the more you understand about yourself and others. So we train people in Shan the Rising Light to work with energy – harmlessly so – and we have a safeguard that if your motive is bad, selfish, you won’t get much energy at all. And if you are unselfish, you’ll get a lot. But you’ll get nowhere in Shan the Rising Light if your motive is money, ambition, power – you’re stuck. The Lord Maitreya will see to that. That is why you can get nowhere in Shan with the wrong motives. He sees you for what you are, and the moment you make wrong, you lose energy. The moment you do right, you get it. Of course, we’re not dealing with the Lord of Darkness here who loves to furnish his people with energy. The more bad actions they commit, the more energy they get. It’s just the opposite way in Shan the Rising Light: the worse you act, the less you get. In the end you feel downright miserable and alone – separated from everything wonderful in life. You walk the other path, the Lord of Darkness, the more mischief you cause, the more of his presence into your life you’ll get for a certain time. Then he withdraws and terrible things happen to you. You must understand that we are working here from the purest heart of all hearts, from the Master of angels and men alike, and we are therefore enforced to purify ourselves and our motives and look upon ourselves, for doing so, we get His attention. So my dears, I’ve told you something tonight that you perhaps will remember something of. And then I’ll meet you in another fortnight for another Open House – see what we get down, what comes down from Master. But the interesting thing here is I think you’re starting to understand a little bit about different levels but I do advise you to read good books, good books and enter into the healing courses we do and we'll see what happens to you after that. More understanding should be given. Thank you my dears. Hope you have enjoyed yourselves. *'Shan the Rising Light' is a focus manifesting the Rising Light of Maitreya Buddha that was established in 1987. It is also the name that was used for the outer work during the late 1980's. **Whenever you see P..., please know that a person's name has been removed for privacy reasons. |