Open House Series - No. 4
1987/1988 [Editor's note: Beginning in the late 1980’s, Ananda conducted a series of Open House evenings. These were cosy gatherings where Ananda taught using a Question and Answer format, responding to questions asked by the participants.] Q. Friends – we are starting again. There is another question here that I did not completely answer. That is: 'Can you tell us something about the Interplanetary Council membership, form, responsibilities etc and how does it/or they relate to the Great White Brotherhood?' I’m not very good at writing yet – I haven’t been given that ability in this incarnation as yet. I could write so much because I went through so many experiences the first two years especially. They had to work on me endlessly to prepare me for the work but I had some excellent experiences. First of all, what did the Hierarchy want me to experience? What is it They want you to experience when time is ready? They want you to remember your origin, how you came to Earth, what you’re doing here, what is your purpose and that is what we strive to do via the healing and therapy system, for with that knowledge you become a very, very conscious spiritual human being. What They did to me was They kept on taking me back to before coming to Earth and there I discovered about the Interplanetary Council because I was suddenly sitting in it and the Masters – the Master known as the Lord Sanat Kumara Who has been Lord of the World here for many millions of years, He was - He can be called the President of the Council – and other beings. And I heard - I heard how it was conducted. I heard the meetings, how they were conducted. I was sitting there. I was a – a kind of trainee disciple of His, a kind of spiritual daughter because of my close relationship to Him. And I heard Him – well it was like I was present while They were talking about coming to Earth, manifesting on this Earth, living in Shamballa and creating Shamballa here, the golden city. And then I was told we had to go. I heard Him call upon all the help He could get from various planets and I saw how we approached the Earth in a spacecraft similar to the ones I have been in later. And I didn’t want to come, it was a dismal planet. I knew that it would be … well in comparison to the life I had lived on Venus, it would not be very nice and pleasant down here. But the worst moment came when He told me to incarnate because there was a very big gap – a great gap in between coming to this Earth and incarnating here. That‘s another story totally. But it was very interesting with this enormous council having great beings from various planets sitting in it and discussing the destiny of the whole planetary system: how They can help there and what They can do there and … similar to the enormous Blue Lodge on Sirius, the Dog Star, where the Hierarchy resides, discussing – simply discussing like we do, what can be done, how long the plan will be and so on. It is simply an enormous council and how to become a member there? You must be a member of the Hierarchy on that planet which you represent and be chosen to represent it somehow, just like we represent our countries in the United Nations. It could be, when I think about it, that the United Nations is a replica of the Interplanetary Council and it’s meant to be a peace organ – it will take some time before that will be established. And the responsibility of this council is to have meetings and discuss if there is strife on a planet, if there is imbalance, chaos, cataclysmic actions in waiting, warfare expected. They are talking about how … you see They are all part of the Hierarchies here and the Karmic Lords, and They talk about things like: ‘How much can We step in, how much are We allowed to interfere’ and so and so and so and so … And They have on the interplanetary levels, enormously many meetings. They have main meetings around January and July. They have meetings all the time, just like we have in an organisation – meetings all the time. The Ray Masters discuss – the Ray Master and His co-workers, His co-Masters discuss what They can do for that part of the group which is influenced by that ray. You know, it is completely like on Earth but there’s just one difference: They never disagree and secondly, They all love each other dearly. They’re brothers and sisters in the right sense of the word. There is no quarrelling, no bad feelings, no hatred, no nothing but the interesting thing is They may not disagree but They vary. They vary in the tasks They give to you because I have become mightily confused lately, or over the last 5-10 years, because I have been given various assignments that sometimes do not go well with other assignments. So I can work for one department – one department is asking me to go to India for example; another department says we’ve got to wait until so and so and the third department says well it’s no hurry, you can go and do something like that. You see, you have to find out many things when you work for the Hierarchy because you’re influenced by different departments. Just like on Earth – you have to discuss. And I find myself very often being brought to the office of the Master or to an assembly of the Masters, standing before Them and we are discussing what is best - how is the best way I can work. Unfortunately, because I still have not obtained that degree of consciousness, I remember I am standing there, I get the energy but I don’t remember the words - only a few words. I know I’m there and then They cut off my consciousness. It will be coming back. But I can feel in the actions that I take over the next couple of weeks after these meetings that I am guided into a certain action which has been decided from upstairs. This is how you know – that things have been discussed, They have reached the verdict and They are putting it into action. So, very interesting the way it works. Q. Yes, I have many questions – I’ll just answer this one quickly: 'How long does it take in years or lifetimes to heal the etheric body after damage by alcohol or drugs by using the Shan meditation techniques and proper diet etc?' It all depends on karma but if one works an entire lifetime with the meditation and healing and therapy system as one is supposed to, there will not be much damage left in that etheric body after one lifetime of work. Of course some people are very damaged – it will take a whole lifetime or two and others can be repaired in less. It all depends on the damage. But the damage done by drugs is more serious than the damage done by alcohol. It will be easier to repair alcoholics than drug addicts, especially if the drug addicts have been on hard drugs for a considerable amount of years. It is simply that you are ripping up your own etheric body by taking drugs of a certain nature. Q. Well – a short question here I can just quickly answer: 'When people put their fingers on their hearts, what does this mean?' It must be from the church. It is when we put our hands on the heart chakra, we contact the soul. We show devotion and reverence to the soul and to the Christ because the Christ lives in the grail of man, in the heart. When you touch your heart, you contact Christ. So that is why we do it. It shows devotion to the Christ Principle. We also contact our own Higher Self. Q. We have some questions here: 'What is the function of the Cave of Symbols?' The Cave of Symbols is the retreat in America of the Lord Count of Saint Germain. What is its function? He takes disciples – just like the disciples are taken to any retreat – down to the Cave of Symbols for certain beneficial reasons. First of all, in the Cave of Symbols He has a strong violet fire and He transmutes you and helps you to gain a higher insight about yourself and your past for He lets you look into the mirror of the past. Now, even if you don’t see anything at all while you are looking, you will find that your past is surfacing, you are getting closer to the past; the past is revealed to you and you start to remember certain things. The past is important to know, not to live in the past but to understand why you are what you are today. And I have taken people twice – three times to that mirror. They just stand there looking into it. Often they don’t see much because they are not allowed to remember; they’re not allowed to get too much, not too high a dose of truth. Slowly, slowly you can get it and be happy it goes slowly. The Cave of Symbols is of course, as the name implies, a beautiful place – symbols on the walls and if you know the Count of Saint Germain and His taste: antique furniture, rugs – Persian rugs – crystals in the cupboards, silver. He is a man - He is a very aristocratic Master and He likes to be surrounded by good old-fashioned castleware and has removed quite a lot of His stuff from His Transylvanian castle which I have visited twice in my mental body. It was quite empty – He has moved to America. It is very interesting the way the Count of Saint Germain did a lot of work in me to begin with. He had to transmute some of the darkness and raise my vibrations in the inner bodies and how He did it was, I was sitting meditating or just writing at my writing desk and suddenly He was standing there in front of me with one of His famous glasses of life elixir bubbling – seething and bubbling – and gave it to me and I took it, drank from it – mentally, mentally – and it had immediate effect of cleansing a part of me. But when I was meditating one day, He took me straight to His empty castle. It was totally empty. The only thing left was one room with cupboards with crystal, beautiful bottles with different kinds of coloured elixir in it. And He gave me that day a peachy one, like Cognac, so it was really beautiful. It always looks beautiful, really alive – life elixir – and that got me going for quite some time. I was like cement in the early days – complete cement – karmically like cement. They had to prepare me so I could work as I do today and we were flying as you do, at enormous speed, when you are out in your lower mental body, enormous speed, and then I realised why the castle was empty was that He was actually not very much in that castle any more. He was in America. He’s manifesting more and more in America. The Hierarchy is slowly moving to America and He is manifesting through that Cave of Symbols all this beautiful furniture down there and He takes people in and does transmutation work on them. And I usually do that in lying-in meditations. I love bringing people to the Cave of Symbols and they lie there on His Persian rugs, beautiful pictures on the walls (real gentleman) and the violet flame descends and they get a good cleansing. So, the function is to help disciples to work better because – well, disciples have a lot of karma and their bodies look like cement, decay. The Hierarchy then comes to you, helps you with neutralisation of all that dross and you’re ready to work. I had enormous work done in me. I haven’t had that much work done in me since. It was every day during my long meditations I was taken out mentally, going through all kinds of things on the inner levels. I was lying down in my couch in a little office I had and for a period I had a co-worker guarding my body while I was out mentally so nothing would disturb the body, and out I went on the most wonderful journeys that I haven’t experienced since, until lately. Beautiful, beautiful journeys through fire and - I was about to say brimstone – not completely, but my most interesting visits have been when I have been taken down to visit the Lord of Darkness because instead of going up, you go down. You sink. You can do nothing about it – you just sink down through to the lower levels of Earth and then you stand before him and he has the usual questions to put before you: if you would work for him. It’s just like a ritual. You know what you’re going to say: no, no, no but still he has to put the question. It’s like a good old – it’s like a play in a theatre. You know what you’re going to answer; you still have to do it. It is the usual thing. But many people say ‘yes, yes, yes’ and that’s it – that’s what I mentioned before: contracts signed up and well, you work for him for a couple of million years. Yes, at least a couple of million years – very difficult gentleman to leave. If I’m going to tell you what he looks like, he’s black. He’s black from top to bottom. Black boots – the only thing you see is his hands and face. Well, I see him like that because he looks like that in one of his appearances - hair, very much hair on the hands. Still a great Master, great Master and his eyes are suffering. It’s not an easy job. The Lord of Darkness hasn’t got a nice time. His demons love it and his ‘whatever work for him’ - elementals and so on - they look terrible but not the Lord of Darkness himself. He looks like a gentleman. His eyes are full of pain for he has a very difficult task to perform. He is the tempter. It is not a nice task. He’s a Master, a great Master Who is tied to that task, that role and … interesting things down there. But you are taken down and the first thing you smell is sulphur. The first two times, I had my group dual next to me and she smelt sulphur in the room for hours afterwards, even ones who were brought down at the same time. Interesting experiences – I’ll write about them one day. And then I’ve had to walk down. When you leave the Lord of Darkness, you’re not brought up just like that. No, that’s too easy. You have to walk through screaming and wailing beings with the light in hand. You have to walk – it is a very long walk – before you’re allowed out. Screaming – yeeeaaay – but the thing is, if I had been there astrally instead of mentally, I wouldn’t have liked it. But when you are there mentally, that means I still have link to the body, I can immediately snap out of it but I don’t do it because that is not good. That is not courageous is it, to leave the quick way. You can snap out of it in a second and, knowing that you still have link to the body and can snap out of it immediately, makes it rather easy. If I had been down there astrally, with my whole astral consciousness there, I wouldn’t have liked it one bit. But I’ve overcome these things in past lives. The interesting thing when you are being tested by the Hierarchy – it’s a very interesting thing about this enormous spider. I was lying there in one of my meditations and suddenly (what I am most afraid of is spiders) an enormous spider, bigger than a human being, was on top of me. But you see again I knew it was a mental spider, and not a real one, which I had to neutralise with light. The interesting thing is that later after that experience, I heard about an experience of Leadbeater where he had been through the same experience that he had awoken with such a spider. It is a mental or astral spider on top of you and instead of running away from the place, you have to neutralise it with light. But you have to go through the same tests – that’s the interesting thing – sooner or later you will have to go through the same tests, all of you and a part of the test is to face a creepy crawly of immense proportions and they don’t look or feel nice when they’re that big – absolutely not. Many people run screaming out of the room but you see, I am trained. I know that when they’re mental, they’re mental and I can then deal with them mentally. If I see them physically my friends - oh dear - but that is not the test, thank God. They don’t test you that way. So you understand, you go through an enormous number of tests and when you have made the tests, They let you channel more and more energy, refined inner bodies and in the end, you can channel one day these great Cosmic Beings that I channel at a service. But without the help - every day, every day for a certain period I had one Master near me doing work in me, every day for a certain period. No-one understands such a thing and it was simply so strong that the first year was enormously strong. It was always like being carried on a cloud nine – you were always on a cloud nine. You were never feeling distraught, lack of courage, fatigue – you always were carried up. And then after one year They dumped me and my friend. She didn’t manage but I managed. It is not very easy when They look after you and carry you on a cloud nine, everything’s pure bliss and They help in every way and suddenly, after one year, you have to manage on your own. And I have managed to be brought back to the same beautiful energy and experience of the early days. The Masters are beautiful beings, very beautiful, always there to help you when need be. Q. Yes – now the other question here is: 'If protection symbols are visualised around a car what sort of things can they protect against?' You see, what they protect against is – say that you are tired, you are driving the car and you are not ‘with it’, you are not in the body, they help you so that nothing happens to you. They protect the car from being bumped into; also when you drive, they help you. But you also have to help yourself of course – have to abide the laws. Q. 'If travelling by train is psychic protection of the carriage or train still advisable?' Yes – yes, just use it whenever you travel. I use it or Archangel Michael of course. It is vitally necessary to protect you. You know there are many, many accidents happening in the streets, on trains, aeroplanes. You just use the Archangel Michael to protect you and you will be protected. Q. 'If the soul is on a particular ray and the Monad on one ray, then how is it that each is able to send down or send rays onto the personality?' See – it has nothing to do with that, for the Monad, the Spirit body, contains everything. It contains all the seven rays on one level, very high frequency, and the soul does not contain all the seven rays until it is a perfected soul. It is the Monad, the I Am Presence, that you are asking help from in the Basic Exercise †. That is why the rays are being sent if you ask for them, or the flames. They will then enter through the soul and down from soul to the personality bodies. I have told you therefore that the Basic Exercise is very powerful for it may be the first time ever that you contact the Monad, your I Am Presence, and that that gets a thing to say about your development – you are asking it to interfere. You are asking your Monad to help you and it may be the first time ever – and it does. In a Master soul, the soul has all seven rays in it but in an ordinary soul, you see a little bit of one ray, a little bit of that ray, all depending how many incarnations you’ve had on the different rays. Only in a Master soul you see all the seven rays displayed to perfection. However, the Monad will help you and that is beautiful. Q. 'You have said that when one person thinks of another, part of the latter’s mental body appears in the room. However, if most people have no mental body, does part of the astral body appear in their cases?' Well, all people have some mental matter. What I say is that very many people have no developed mental body but all people on Earth today, nearly all, have some mental matter and you are drawing on that mental matter. Q. Yes – 'What is the difference in strength between the seven rays and the Basic Exercise flames?' The difference is the one you will feel when you invoke the flames and the rays separately. The flames are of a mental nature, very strengthening, very purifying but if you invoke the rays instead of the flames, you will feel the difference. They don’t feel the same way and they don’t cleanse you. So when you invoke the rays, you can get the knowledge, the light, the energy, the force, the understanding of what the ray contains. When you invoke the flames, you invoke mental power; you cleanse and purify yourself. Two different sensations – try both of them. Q. 'Is violet fire a stronger version of the violet flame?' It is the same – sort of the same vibration. That is why I just use that term – sometimes I say ‘sacred violet fire’ or ‘violet flame’ – just like that. There is a little bit more soul light in ‘sacred fire’ of course. ‘Sacred fire’ is a frequency higher but you won’t feel it if you’re not very, very able to sense different vibrations. When you say ‘sacred fire’, it is always that fire of the soul – enormous. Flame is also fire but of a little bit lower vibration. However, you won’t feel the difference. I would not advise you to work with ‘sacred fire’ as often as ‘violet flame’. You are invoking a little bit too much – more than you can handle, I have a feeling, so ‘violet flame’ is better. Q. 'Does a healer need to cleanse his aura after practising absent healing once one has been healing the Earth?' No, no – because you are hopefully, as a practising healer, at least within Shan the Rising Light *, using the Basic Exercise every day, or nearly every day. That’s cleansing enough. See, healers who don’t use such a Basic Exercise** – cold water, rinse, rinse, white light, violet flame. You don’t need all those things if you take the Basic Exercise every day. Of course, if you do individual healings, it’s best to wash hands in between each patient for health reasons – ethical reasons as well. Don’t place your filthy hands –have to wash hands in between each patient. You’re a kind of divine doctor and you can’t take one energy matter from one patient to give to the other – that’s not ethical. No – you have to wash hands for the reason of being ethical but not to cleanse yourself. See, if you work with the Basic Exercise, you will be protected and cleansed by that meditation every day. Q. Next question: 'If one is using absent healing upon a deceased person, how can one know whether or not that person has reincarnated and so is not receiving the energies?' It has nothing to do with reincarnation. That person that you are tuning in with, whether that person has reincarnated or not doesn’t matter, he will still receive the energy because you’re tuning in on one level of that person and whether that person is another body, doesn’t matter at all. And, as I have mentioned earlier, it’s good to heal deceased people – it’s good. You just continue to heal your deceased relatives because they do receive the energy. Q. 'Do stars always have higher consciousness than that of planets?' Yes – yes they are of a higher level of vibration. The beings there have no longer bodies if they don’t want it, if it’s not part of the plan. They have no bodies there. They are only energy fields. Q. 'What does the atmic body do and does it have a consciousness of its own?' All the bodies have a consciousness of their own but the atmic body is merging with that of the I Am Presence. The moment you invoke the I Am Presence, you have also invoked the atmic body, for the atmic body and the Monad are very close to each other, working together just like the causal body and the soul. Q. 'Do people who work only for the black Hierarchy while awake, yet work for the positive forces when asleep?' No – if you work for the dark forces, you also do it when you sleep but there is something very interesting on this Earth – you can actually work for both Hierarchies. The Hierarchy use you when you are in a good mood - and you bless and you say the right things, you do the right things, and the dark Hierarchy uses you when you do the opposite. I know you won’t like to hear this but many disciples do work for both forces without knowing it – and sometimes they know but they can’t help themselves. You see, a disciple is not a perfected human being. A disciple is a disciple – a more enlightened soul, a more illuminated being, a more knowledgeable human being but by far not a perfected being. So while you can be conscious of working for the Hierarchy there, you could work for the dark brotherhood in your other deeds, and you often do. It is very, very rare that there is a totally closed door to the dark brotherhood – very rare. I am actually – I am combatting and battling to have the door closing. It is very, very difficult – very difficult. You can be overshadowed by Christ totally and be total light or you can, the other moment, work for the Lord of Darkness if you get hateful, angry. It’s very easy to do that when you are channelling light, to be the opposite, to react, to become angry. The moment you are very angry, very hateful, very malicious and negative, you are in the grasp of the negative brotherhood. Isn’t that wonderful to know? Isn’t that a comfort? Isn’t it just this you need before going to bed? Well, you have to be natural about these things. You have to be understanding of yourself as a human being. I say like this: if you work more for the Lord of Light than the Lord of Darkness, praise yourself happily. It would be worse if it was the opposite way round. I’ll give an example. I myself have – well, been very, very careful this life not to work too much with the other energy but in my last incarnation nearly hundred years ago, it was a little bit of each because it’s very difficult to work only for the light in a physical body on Earth. You get angry, you get upset, you get depressed – all the light brings out the worst in people somehow and they have to be conscious about this, then they can close the door. See, if you’re conscious about becoming a nasty creature after healing, and talking wonderfully about the Hierarchy, and blessing people and all that, and you feel yourself becoming just the opposite to what you have just been, the only thing is to sit down, breathe, take in pink light and close that door. It will take you up the fourth initiation to complete so don’t be too sad. I’m saying the only thing you have to be sad about is if you work more for the Lord of Darkness than for the Lord of Light because then the karma will be terrible. But if you work a lot for the light, a little bit for the darkness because you can’t help yourself getting angry and all that, the Hierarchy still works with you and neutralises also the karma that you take upon yourself by working negatively – being negative. You are two sides in you, you have two personalities – not referring to all the other personalities you also have within you – but you are two distinctly – two distinct, different personalities and they become one light, total one light, at the fourth initiation. Before that, you have lapses – greater or shorter lapses of falling into the grip of darkness. And we have to be reasonable and realistic about this. It is true isn’t it? It is true isn’t it? As long as you try not to harm too many people while you’re at it, so … I will tell you – see I have learnt to become compassionate in this life for I have seen how difficult it is just to work for the light but there’s one thing that I do, I’ve always when I work, worked for the light only in this life. I have managed to work and channel only powers of light. If I’ve got angry or irritable at home or my old personalities have come forth, it’s never been in my line of duty. That is how controlled I am today but it’s also taken me quite a lot of work. You never stop working at it. You have to learn to control yourself. You must, when you work in the line of duty as a healer, as a channel, as a minister, priest - whatever - server, you must control your lower self, your personality and only work for the light. If you can manage there, the Hierarchy is with you. As long as there is more positive work than negative work, Hierarchy supports you. They are with you all the way. But if the shadow side becomes too strong, it starts to control you in your line of duty, They retreat. The Hierarchy retreats and leaves you alone with your misery and your hellish karma – it’s terrible. And when you have experienced this a couple of lifetimes, I think that’s the best lesson. The best lesson of all is to be left in the lurch, in the soup that you have boiled yourself – and there you boil, there you sit and boil. And then the Hierarchy has closed the door to you and you just boil. That’s the best lesson you can have and, for as long as you have not had that lesson, you are not totally working for light. It is a fact but as long as I can get you to work for the light when I am with you, then I can manage. I can manage to get people only to work for the light when they are with me. What they are at home, I have no domain over. They have free choice. They can kill each other at home, they can quarrel, they can beat each other up – I can’t help them there except giving good advice and therapy and so on. But as long as they are with me, people, they work for the light. That’s an enormous step, excellent step, wonderful step and the Hierarchy is then with you. It would be – you understand the difference if we started to channel the Lord of Darkness and said a lot of hocus pocus to people, gave them all lies in Latin, giving them false wisdom and all that. Then you pay – oh dear, you pay! Debts – hundreds of lives of debts. Do you understand why you have the debts? It takes something that you have to give, that you are not ready to give yet. I can’t explain it another way than I have had very, very great difficulties with my darker side of the nature over the last hundred years but I have had many personalities incarnating to deal with the darker side and I have managed. And because I have managed, I can help you. A guru, as I am becoming, has to be able to combat darkness in oneself, become light and then I can help people to combat darkness but it takes something from you. It’s sacrifice, willing sacrifice to do what you are asked. The moment you say no, I retreat, and so does the Hierarchy. We have to retreat for you have chosen yourself. We cannot help you if you choose to work with the darkness – you will choose to work and you will work. Then we retreat and if you then choose to work for the light, the door opens and we are there. It is always the same lesson – it will always remain that lesson. But there is nothing as terrible as when the door has been open and the door closes straight in your face. It’s terrible but you learn from it – wonderful lesson. Yes, my dears – I think I have answered a lot of questions. I will answer more next time. I want to complete this wonderful evening by saying that in the light of the guru, it is easy to be light. It is easy around my person to be light but what are you when I’m not with you? That decides your destiny in this lifetime. How far back do you fall when you are not with me in person? That is what counts because it’s easy around me because I help you, I cover you with my aura of light and I lift you. At the services, at the meetings, I lift you into the light – easy to be enlightened. But what are you when you’re not with me? What face are you putting to the world, giving the world? What nasty characteristics are surfacing? What are you like when you’re not with me? And that is what I know and I cannot help you unless you deal with it because you have to be what you say you are. If you say that you will share with others, you have to show this. If you say to others that you love, you have to show it. If you say in the church that you stand for truth and union, right human relations, you have to show. Not only in church when you are standing with me channelling – that’s easy enough – but what do you show when you’re alone? A true disciple understands about his frailty as a human being and strives to combat his darkness. With everything he’s got, he will battle darkness. It is a battle but I don’t see enough of that battle in my people. It’s not strong enough. The battle is not strong enough. They let the other side win too often and that is why you cannot be initiated. I can only help you to become an initiate if you combat and you win. More and more of your darker side must be neutralised every day. You must share with others, you must give love, you must stand for what you say and do. You cannot be a healer, an enlightened person one moment and then something else the other moment and believe that Christ is with you. One thing is to be with Christ in church but are you with Christ at home? Are you with Christ in bed, at the dinner table? That is the question. That is the whole question, isn’t it? How much do you allow of Christ at home, to be with you at home, in your dealings with other people and so on? I ask you to think about this and be a more happy person for that. So, in a fortnight my dear friends, perhaps you have realised that the reason for not having Christ with you so much in your daily life, is that you do not give enough to Christ. I have many, many times said it is not enough to stand there and look holy in church, to be a beautiful server, have the vestment on, look light of all light. What are you when the door to the church closes behind you, what are your actions in your daily life, your thoughts and feelings? That’s the difficulty because it is easy, easy going to be nice around the Master. I was with the Master Kuthumi for two to three years in Tibet being trained. I was light itself in those days, a hundred years ago, but as soon as I was not with Master, my other personality came back and I was screaming and being angry and so forth and the payment is in this life – had to be neutralised. It can be done but are you willing to do it? It’s a lot of hard work and much effort involved. So, are you going to be a disciple? It’s up to you, because you can easily be an aspirant. An aspirant is a human being who wants to work for good but can’t manage very well. He wants to have knowledge but he won’t read any books, he wants to share but he doesn’t share his bread with anyone. A disciple does. The difference is a true disciple does. Yes, my dears – yes, yes, yes. Something to think about, questions for next time. |
* 'Shan the Rising Light' is a focus manifesting the Rising Light of Maitreya Buddha that was established in 1987. It is also the name that was used for the outer work during the late 1980's. |