Open House Series - No. 1
15 October 1987 [Editor's note: Beginning in the late 1980’s, Ananda conducted a series of Open House evenings. These were cosy gatherings where Ananda taught using a Question and Answer format, responding to questions asked by the participants.] Q. 'The Lord Jesus Christ said, ‘Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.’ Could you please explain exactly what He meant by the statement?' Well, as we know from the Lord Jesus’ statements, they are all symbolic and all esoteric and are not to be meant in the literal sense of the words spoken. Now what is water? Water is the astral body. It is also the pure love ocean of God. What Jesus must have meant when He said this was, that unless you are born of love, meaning unless you radiate love, reborn, newly born, in the name of the soul and in the name of Spirit, which means unless a man has contact to his inner bodies, to soul and Spirit, and these bodies work within him, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Now, this is something we have discovered is very true in our church, because we are working towards creating this link to the inner bodies of man, and to soul and Spirit, for our people to get into the Kingdom of God, the celestial realms, in full consciousness. What do I mean ‘with full consciousness’? What I mean is that in your inner mind, in your inner being, you are fully conscious of what is happening within you, the process that is happening, and you will fully consciously be aware of the ascension process that is happening slowly within you, taking you from the realm of the physical into the realm of the celestial, and you are changing – you are in this enormous process, changing every day. Molecules are changing within you, cells are changing, radiating light, and when this light is strong enough – for that you need quite a good purification of the inner bodies and the physical – you will then easily enter, in mind first, the celestial realms, later unconsciously bringing your bodies with you, one after the other. One can talk a lot about what Christ said in the Bible. There are many interpretations we can’t deal with tonight, but the energy of water refers usually to the astral body, meaning that you need especially an astral awareness, an astral consciousness, coupled with the energy of Spirit, to bring you to the celestial realms, into the Kingdom of God. Now, what are people trained for on Earth? It has always been the same, there has never been any other training than bringing human beings back to where they came from, the Kingdom of God. We have not been able to call the physical realm the Kingdom of God, for there is not much God in this realm. But we are striving to change this and we are changing it, meaning that with our love, with the Holy Spirit, we are linking to beautiful beings on the inner levels, we bring the celestial realms to Earth, we change the physical level of Earth. It becomes a structural change equivalent to the celestial realms and we can come one day to live on Earth, the physical level of Earth, just like we live in the celestial realms. At that time you are all in an etheric body – the physical level, the physical body has been totally transmuted and you have transcended it – but this is the work you are embarking upon now, this is the process that you have entered, and the process hurts. I have explained that many times – it hurts. You can feel it. It’s painful. But you will also feel the enormous expansion of mind, the love that you start feeling for other people, and this love and this expansion lead you to a conscious awareness of the inner levels, to communication with the inner levels. Now what is ascension? Ascension meaning that you are taking your inner bodies with you consciously after death. Resurrection – then you take the entire physical body with you, meaning that these bodies must be totally transmuted by light, and that happens when you work with the Christ. Whether you work with the Christ as Jesus, Kuthumi, or as we do now more and more, with the Lord Maitreya, doesn’t matter because the Christ principle, the Christ Spirit is the transmuting factor. And people who work with Christ have one thing in common: they radiate, they radiate one frequency or other, but they radiate. If we look at other people on the planet, good Buddhists, good Jewish people, good Muslims, they don’t radiate to the same extent. Unless they recognise the Christ principle in their lives and they start to live for it and with it, they don’t come to radiate – the cells, the molecules of man do not change. So the Lord Maitreya, the World Teacher, the living Christ, speaking through all world religion, is striving for man to recognise Him everywhere, in all philosophies, in all kinds of, shall we say, roles and whatever happens to us in life, He has to be recognised. The moment you do this, you change. You change and it is visible. You can see it, it’s happening before our eyes. I can see it. Whether you can see it to begin with, that is up to yourself, you may not be conscious enough. I can see it, and what I have noticed is, when we work with the light frequency we work with now, from the Heart of Maitreya, people change rapidly. And the church people are meant to radiate, radiate the love of Maitreya to mankind, and so stimulate the growth of man. And we are in a very, very busy cycle now of incarnations and evolution. We are changing rapidly now. The only one who has that kind of energy, to help us to change rapidly, is a frequency we call the Lord Maitreya. Q. 'What is the difference between Shan the Rising Light† and Theosophy?' There we have it again. When the Theosophical Society was founded in 1875, it was the knowledge, the Hierarchy wanted knowledge, and the process of transmutation was started in spiritual humanity. But Shan the Rising Light, founded by the exact same group of souls, is now into radiation, the energy of transformation through the Lord Maitreya. It is completely other work and we therefore have to get slowly used to moving from only knowledge into practical use of knowledge and working with energies that most people have never touched upon before, for they have not been able to, karmically so. The world has not been ready either. The Theosophical Society stands for the spreading of knowledge and a certain light. It was very much the light of Buddha and Christ on a certain vibration. Shan the Rising Light is spreading practical use of Theosophy as an energy, and we are seeing the effects. In a very short time, people who regularly attend church meetings, they are lifted up and the process of transformation is commenced upon, for the process of transmutation was commenced upon in an earlier life. I have looked at all people coming to us. I can see that the people regularly attending the church have been through the process of transmutation in an earlier life in order to cope with the process of transformation in this life. Now, we are not all on the same level, we are on different levels of soul experience. But nevertheless, the processes are the same. It is just a question of for how many lives have you been through the process. But it doesn’t really matter any more, because I have looked at newer souls and older souls and because the energy is so strong, it doesn’t matter whether you are a newer soul or an older soul, the process of transformation works equally as strong in each. It doesn’t matter whether you open to it 100% or not, it is stronger than you are, and it works. People who do not come regularly to church, we can also see that there is not the same process in the inner bodies. It is a more slowed down process. It doesn’t matter, it just means that soul presumably wants these souls and personalities to have a slower process. It’s all in the wheel, so to speak. Some souls are asking, are desiring for a quick process; others for a slower process; others for none at all. And we ourselves decide also in our personalities how far we want to go. In the next incarnation, the Hierarchy is working with the energy, the process of transfiguration. It is the triple incarnation for quite a number of souls. The process of trans-mutation started in 1875, actually, a little bit before that, in spiritual humanity. Now, in 1977 and speeded up into 1987, the Lord Maitreya now works with transformation. That means that a certain number of souls can be transfigured in their next life. What is the process of transfiguration? It is bringing people through the initiatory system of the Hierarchy from the aspirant stage to the third initiation. The third initiation is a major initiation, the first major. It is so nearly very hopeless to get on this Earth, it’s very difficult to get, but because of the processes of the Hierarchy, the way They have worked from the inner levels and on Earth for a hundred and some years – of course They have worked for thousands of years, but especially from 1875 to now – this process of being initiated is very enormously quick, so that where it was completely hopeless, nearly hopeless to gain the third initiation in the flesh on this planet, quite a number of souls will get it during the next incarnation or the following ones. That’s an enormous step for humanity to take. Not to mention the thousands of aspirants who will get the first initiation, the birth of Christ in the heart, and the second initiation, the baptism of Christ, and we shall then see the Kingdom of God manifest on Earth. See, where you have had a very slow evolution on Earth, everything has taken its time, there was no hurry, we could do what we wanted, we could fail in ten incarnations, make up for it in one – it is enormously speeded up now. The Hierarchy wants a certain amount of souls to take higher initiations and leave this Earth. They cannot do this, it is hopeless, they can’t manage, they will never manage, if the Hierarchy does not open for a certain energy level on Earth. This energy level – we call it temple energy in Shan the Rising Light, because the temple level is the highest level, working with pure Spirit. We have had temples always on Earth manifesting the Hierarchy on the planet, but the new temple, Michael’s Temple, we call the Temple of Shan, the Temple of Earth, which will manifest physically on this Earth in 1992, will bring so many souls to completion of life cycles that has never been seen before and will probably never be seen again. It is all happening in a triple incarnation, meaning over a period of two hundred years or so, never been seen before and perhaps never again. It is for a certain amount of souls to reach through the eye of the needle and leave, and others to take part in the work of the Hierarchy on the physical level. The Theosophical Society cannot accomplish this; neither can the Steiner Society, because they do not work with this frequency. All teachers on this Earth have a mission – they can be initiates but they still have a mission and they have to perform that mission. That is why they reincarnate – they reincarnate to complete the job or fulfill the job or simply continue the job. Because a great soul is incarnating, performing a mission, doesn’t mean that he’s dead forever and will stay down there where he has ended. It means that he will have to return and complete his mission. Now Blavatsky and her co-workers, Steiner and his co-workers and others, Alice Bailey and her co-workers have by no means ended their mission. They have to return again and again and bring humanity into a higher level of frequency. They are not leaving their people in the lurch; they cannot create on this Earth a society and not bring it to fruition. They have to return and work in some way or the other to bring their people, to whom they’re responsible, to the whole association and society they are responsible to – to a higher level. Now, I belong to the Blavatsky group of souls, and we have returned to bring new light to mankind. Steiner is in incarnation as well, and others. We all know where we are, sort of, it is our part and our duty in life to know. We are not talking loudly about this, of course, we cannot sit in our little chair in Caulfield North saying, he is there, she is there, he is there – that’s not our job on this Earth. We know of each other’s existence, because all initiates of a certain degree can feel other initiates of the same degree on Earth. We are aware of each other’s existence. We are one, you understand. It’s difficult for people to understand who haven’t got our consciousness. Your consciousness is limited, perhaps to the food you eat, job you do, very well of course, your clothes, your religious studies, but there is another consciousness – the consciousness that embraces universe. I wouldn’t call it God consciousness – that’s only for a Master, an Adept to have – I’m talking about the consciousness of an initiate, and that consciousness makes you realise and know certain things you can’t put a name to. You are just aware of certain things happening around you on this Earth and where the others are situated. Steiner was an initiate. He has much more work to do on this Earth. And so, the Hierarchy is doing something very important at the moment. Q. 'What is the Jewish holiday for today?' There is a Jewish holiday where you are taking the holy scrolls out of the cupboard, the holy cupboard, and it is a very joyful holiday. It is like when the Catholics at high mass walk with the monstrance and the Light of Christ touches upon the people in the church and of course radiates all over the area. It is something of the same thing that the Jewish people do today and tomorrow. They take out the Torah scrolls and they walk down the aisle and people are supposed to get this lovely energy of the knowledge, the laws, and they bring them back. Now, where have the Christians got most of their holidays from? We must admit the truth, from the Jewish people. The Lord Jesus was a Jewish man, he was well brought up in the Jewish tradition, and he was not a fool – no initiates with Christ incarnated within them are fools. So what did he do? He borrowed where the energy was strong – the festivals – and created other festivals. Because, on this Earth we have certain days a month, and certain full moons stronger than others. And on these days, and full moons, we are closer to the Hierarchy than we can come other days and full moons. And that is why, since I started work in 1977, the Hierarchy, behind me, has created enormously many things in the months of September and October, continuing now in October, because those two months are months of creation. I call them the Michael months – even if the Lord Michael really gets into the affairs on the 29th, His effect is felt. Now, what is the Michael power? It is the divine Will of God, the Creator. When you are creating something spiritually, founding, creating something, it very often happens in September or October. When you reap your rewards of your creation, we’re into April-May. There are no accidents or coinci-dental things happening when you work for the Hierarchy. These very, very powerful holidays and festivals have to be used to give people more insight, expansion of mind, give them more touch within, perhaps a closer connection to Christ. Many things happen that you have no idea of. But the Jewish holiday today is a happy one. And this day, I was told by upstairs to legally marry my cosmically married husband sitting next to me, so that we could establish the church physically. For our union, physical union today will create a physical abode for the Lord Maitreya on Earth, especially here in Melbourne. Other things are happening which I cannot tell you of, but we are working with the national deva now. And with the help of the national deva I’m sure that this country will have an enormous evolution, quicker than perhaps you’ve seen in other countries, because when you are contacting the national deva and you are able to work with the national deva and the Hierarchy and other beautiful cosmic beings, well, many, many effects will be seen in a country. Of course we are talking about a period of hundred, 200, 500, 700 years, but nevertheless, enormous effects will be felt and seen actually very soon. Q. 'You have said that Shan the Rising Light and Maitreya Buddhism are a mixture of eastern and western energies, could you please explain this?' Shan the Rising Light is striving, as some of you know, to make the impossible – or near impossible – become a physical manifestation, namely merging Christianity and Buddhism. Now, people who have only a superficial – even if they think a great knowledge, theoretic knowledge – of Christianity and Buddhism may not be aware of the esoteric knowledge and energies of these two world philosophies. Shan the Rising Light is merging these two world philosophies, world religions, with a foundation in the Jewish. The Jewish philosophy, which will soon no longer remain on Earth, is a most strong foundation a world philosophy can build upon. Within it there’s the Archangel Michael, the countenance of God. What we see when the Theosophical Society was founded was that all the major Theosophists, who were the great Theosophists, most of the people there were known Buddhists. They had to link in with the Lord Gautama in that incarnation. As soon as Shan the Rising Light, or before that, as soon as Shan was founded in 1977, we started to combine the Buddhist energy with that of the so-called Christian energy. What Madame Blavatsky, Steiner and Alice Bailey spoke about and hoped for and dreamt about is happening now. The foundation is the Jewish – it gives strength, it gives stabilisation. The energy of true Christianity is the love aspect and the energy of true Buddhism is wisdom. Shan the Rising Light incarnates love-wisdom with an enormous foundation in strength, stabilisation, giving people the courage to overcome the problems that will arise on Earth. Even Christianity and Buddhism cannot give that courage, that strength which is needed soon. The Jewish philosophy has got it, it has got this enormous strength. Now this combination, again making a triangle, is happening within Shan the Rising Light. I will not say it does not happen in other organisations on Earth, but not to the same extent, I’ve noticed. The teaching called the Maitreya Buddhism will start to be written in this incarnation but will continue into others. We are taking the beauty, the wonders, of the eastern philosophies, the synthesis of them, the true aspects in them, bringing them up to this day and age, and merging them with the most wonderful synthesis of the western philosophies, that of the Grail. Western occultism is that of the Grail. All other, could you say, esoteric knowledge is Indian or eastern. We are, in Shan the Rising Light, merging Eastern philosophy, the energy of the east, with the energy of the west, the Grail, to become a totally universal brother- and sisterhood. You can’t encompass much more. It is beauty. I will not say that others are not doing some of the same, but not on that frequency of energy. You must understand: the Hierarchy works on all levels; the Hierarchy works on the etheric, in the astral, in the mental, and in soul and Spirit. I’m not saying that other organisations have not got a mission that is similar to ours on one level, mainly astral and some lower mental. But within Shan the Rising Light we reach soul. I’m talking about something that I cannot prove to you except that you can feel the energy we work with when we work energy-wise. If you’re not a very, very able and sensitive human being who has trained with energy for thousands of years, you will not feel the difference, because to you all energies may be wonderful, and they are wonderful if pure. But there is something more wonderful than just energy and that is energy of soul, pure soul, pure Spirit, and that energy we are working with in Shan the Rising Light. It is difficult to work with it. We get tired, much more tired than other spiritual people working with astral and lower mental energies. But it is worth it, for we become tools of radiation for the most beautiful energy of the Hierarchy. The last two months at the service, the energy has risen to such a frequency that we are hardly getting any newcomers. That is why we are striving to have two different church services now, when we get a place we can call our own, namely, a healing church that works with a little bit lower energies and then the Shan Church Universal where we work with the energies that we have now. People cannot come just from the street without having been prepared by years and lives of meditation and energy work and just sit down and cope with that energy. And they don’t, but the last two months it has risen so much that people who have regularly attended, they can cope, they can meet with this energy and be happy within it. But we want also for this energy to reach humanity. The Lord Maitreya wants His love to reach humanity. So we need another service started that is on a lower frequency. When people then have been to this frequency for so and so long, they will be able to take a higher frequency, it is logical. The Lord Maitreya is the new World Teacher. He’s the World Teacher of the Aquarian Age and He has chosen 20 vehicles to work for Him now, within the next hundred years. And these disciples will be working not only in the spiritual world, but they will be working in all kinds of professions. The Lord Maitreya needs to work through these twenty disciples who will create the beginning of the new world religion and purify the Earth to a certain extent, for Him to appear, Himself. You see, when He appeared through Lord Jesus, that was one thing, but He appearing Himself, through no intermediary, that’s something else – that is similar to when the Lord Gautama Himself incarnated and walked the Earth. He needs with Him, just like the Lord Gautama, quite a number of third, fourth initiates. He is training these aspirants and disciples now to become Arhats, fourth initiates, when He walks the Earth. Some say that the Lord Maitreya is incarnating in 2500 years hence. No, no, there’s something that you will have to understand. The Akasha record cannot be easily interpreted. You may think that you know dates and events happening now. The Lord Maitreya is preparing to incarnate in 500 years. The Lord Maitreya is training a certain amount of disciple souls on this Earth to work with Him, and He will then manifest totally what will be called Maitreya Buddhism. He will then go back to the inner levels and they will continue, just like the Lord Gautama’s disciples have continued to spread Buddhism, incarnating and being overshadowed by Him. He will then continue to do the same. The next incarnation of the triple incarnation is that of music. All disciples now working in the spiritual sector, like we do, will be incarnating in the world of music. Then the Earth will be so purified that the Hierarchy will externalise. When the Hierarchy has externalised, and They, the Masters of Jesus, Kuthumi and others, have been walking amongst men, completely physically, and trained men, then the Lord Maitreya will incarnate. So we are into a very exciting life and we are continuing into a very exciting life in our next life, namely that of creating music of the heart through compositions of music that are more divine and beautiful than perhaps we have ever heard before. Now, the Lord Jesus and other Masters overshadowed composers like Bach and Handel, Mozart, the lot – all the known ones and also some unknown ones. That music we are using, we have been using ever since. That music will lay the foundation for the music of the heart. Without that music being composed by the Christ and His angels, we would not be able to receive music of the heart, the higher frequency of music. You see, the highest frequency that classical music reaches is the lower mental – very few composers reach the soul. There are a few passages, just perhaps one minute or two minutes in some symphonies that reach soul, and not all composers are able to compose music that reaches the lower mental levels. Bach and Handel and others were able to reach that. Now the composers incarnating, disciples and initiates and Masters even incarnating within the world of music next time will be able to lift the music even higher. When that happens there will be no more warfare on this Earth, no more death as known today, music will transmute and clear everything. The Hierarchy lays plans that are thousands of years ahead. The plan that we are in has been laid thousands of years ago. I had a vision, not even a vision: I was taken out of my body in Denmark many years ago when I started work for the Hierarchy, by one of the Masters, and taken down to the pyramid, down to the library. And He showed me that everything I was doing in this life was planned two thousand years ago. And so I have been working for two thousand years to be able to do the work I do in this incarnation and the next. You are not being trained in one life to work in a certain way on this Earth, you are trained for hundreds of lives, the ones you know of and the ones you don’t know of. And so, excitement, excitement, and there has been great celebration in the celestial realms, and when you one day get a higher consciousness, you are aware of celebrations on the inner levels. The joy, the happiness, the beauty, the laughter, the music can be heard in the ear, inner ear. I can’t explain what it sounds like. It sounds like a good party on Earth, but just of a higher frequency, more bell-like, more purified joy, more true happiness, and this celebration I hear in my right ear. It’s very funny – I’ve been working on my ears for years and I couldn’t hear a thing – well, I heard, but I didn’t know what They wanted me to hear. There was itching in my ear and creepy crawlies and pain everywhere, and I said, what is it they are trying to do in me, I don’t hear Them better than I’ve heard Them before. Suddenly now I know what it is: I hear the celebrations on the inner levels. It’s completely like being attuned to a radio, where you hear all these wonderful things. And then you know if something is going right or wrong, because sometimes when you do something that is not so good, or not completely right, it is like a funeral march – it’s like this energy of Mahler, you know, when he’s just in deep, deep despair and astral energy is predominant. That’s the energy I get when I’ve just taken a step to the wrong side or just not completely done it the right way. I can hear this energy, this energy and this music descending upon me, like dong, dong, and by gosh that corrects it immediately. So we all have our ways of knowing what we do, wrong or right, on a certain level of consciousness. Q. 'Where is Steiner today?' A personality has incarnated in an Asiatic country. The thing is that a soul sends down, can send down, a good number of personalities over a certain period. One of these personalities, the most conscious of the Steiner incarnations, is in an Asiatic country, but there is also one in Europe. Q. 'What is the Australian national deva’s role with Shan the Rising Light and how are we working together?' We work much with the deva kingdom. All spiritual organisations that work consciously with cere-monial work, simple or very intense or very complicated, work with devas. Now we work with devas, very much the higher order of devas, for they are very interested in the work we do. It is very difficult to get contact to the national deva. I had been in this country for nearly five years before I succeeded. The national deva is not contacting any human being unless karma allows for it. It was not my karma, it was the karma of the country, of Australia. I could not get through the barrier of cement which this country had. I could not get through this barrier with spiritual energy until recently. We did a service every week and sometimes several times a week. I only got through the barrier one year ago and it has taken from one year until recently to get in touch with the national deva, meaning that the national deva contacted us. When you get contact with the national deva, you have reached the highest source of help from the deva kingdom working in a country. On Sunday at the service we are making a ceremony where we have chosen countries which are in religious strife, Sri Lanka, for example, Ireland, where we are going to contact the national deva of each of those countries in order to try to change conditions. You may not think that human beings are able to do this, but then you do not understand that human beings have God within them. Human beings are God on one level and can therefore be as limitless as God, as powerful as God, and so forth. When you believe in the work you do and you know the formula, and the Hierarchy aids you, there is nothing a human being cannot do in any country in the world. But unless you have the certainty, this knowledge and understanding that you are God when you work, especially when you work when the Hierarchy helps you, you cannot do it. If you do not know that you are able to do certain things – you can’t do them, you close the door. It is only ourselves who close down to the higher source within us and outside of us. I’m trained through thousands of incarnations to work with the Hierarchy, angelic kingdom, extra-terrestrials in ceremonial work. To me it is as natural as anything you care to do – house cleaning, reading books, whatever you do that you find is a natural thing to do, it is as natural for me, has ever been, to communicate with the angelic kingdom, the Hierarchy and work with them. But, I also incarnated with karma this life. I had to purify myself to what I am now through 11, 12, 13 years of hard work in order to reach a certain level of frequency. We are not born, you see, what does it help us to have been born, whatever – great philosophers, great spiritual teachers, musicians – if we have a certain karma that does not allow us to utilise our gifts and talents. There is only one way then, it is to break down the karma, to neutralise the karma and get back to where you started and better than before, more purified. It took me 41 years to reach a certain level. It will still take me a couple of years longer to reach a certain level which I need to work from, to do what I have to do. It takes therefore – and I have been training for 15 years – it takes the 17 to 20 years of training whoever you are – in a western body, usually 20 years. It is no use not understanding the basic fundamentals of Theosophy that are teaching you that as a human being in a new incarnation, if you’re going to work with a certain frequency, especially a western body, you have to work, purifying and sensitising and simply making ready the tool that is you, and it takes 17 to 20 years to do it. No use, because it took as long in all temple training – in Egypt 20 years was the usual amount of years to become a priest and priestess, and it hasn’t changed. India is the same. It is very rarely that we incarnate and we have got the energy of our soul from the very beginning. I do admit that some have it, but these people have very little karma. They are not born in western bodies either; we have other lives of another nature in the west. You, therefore, because you are born in the west and you live in the west, you have the same training period as I have, we all share it: 15 to 20 years before the apparatus which is you is prepared and ready for the mission. In between, you have other missions, lesser missions, working yourself up to higher and higher missions in life. And there the free will comes in, because every human being, even an initiate, can say ‘stop’, after a certain number of missions, not working further, not purifying himself further to reach into higher frequencies and higher missions. The national deva is a beautiful being, very close to me. I feel him very – I say him – it’s a sort of masculine energy that comes from it. It’s blue, 1st Ray, very 1st Ray, very direct, very Michael-like, without being Michael of course, lacks the fire. It’s more bluish and has some golden yellow in it. But the most wonderful about it is the love – the love it has for a human being who works for his country. But you have to prove yourself first, you have to battle through fire, water, Earth and hell and back, wind, before you have proven yourself, and it has taken five years in this country. It has been a very difficult five years because it was very easy for me to work energy-wise in Denmark. In Denmark I was with my own people, the mentality was like mine, no difficulties working there. I got through with my message, my teaching, my energy immediately, immediately I started. In this country, the country fought me, the people fought me, for the light is always fought against. It is of course a subconscious thing. It fights against life, and light, and after nearly five years: the breakthrough, which I knew of course already when I came down here that it would take five years. Nevertheless, five years can be a long five years when you are up against a brick wall, can’t get the energies out to the world, they stay in the building. My people had to be trained to not only absorb the energies into themselves and keep it, but be able to send it further out into the world – that took four and a half years. It’s not that they wanted to keep the energy, they just did. You see, they needed all this energy to become purified and illuminated to a certain level and get the energy into the inner bodies and then the breakthrough came, and a major breakthrough recently where I’m now able to move through the people, my servers, and into the world. You have to be clairvoyant to see the effects of the service. You have to understand something, and what you have to understand are the basic principles of Theosophy, we work totally according to them. Steiner is very good also, Alice Bailey, wonderful. When you have this background, you understand what we do at the service, and still it is new to you, for this way we work was not worked before. It is something new and people have to get used to it and simply get used to working in a total other manner. It is not easy as it seems, but with determination and willpower, it can be done. Contacting the national deva, or the national deva contacting us, has given me hope. I must admit that I felt it was hopeless, there was something hopeless about the situation. I started dreaming about leaving this country and working somewhere else, because all spiritual teachers, all ministers, all churches, well you must find feedback, there must be feedback from within your servers, the people you work with, the people visiting. If there is no feedback, it’s not nice at all. It can be felt as a hopeless case. But after having been touched by the national deva, there is nothing more hopeless, it is wonderful, everything’s wonderful. But I must also admit that I have also taken a deep cleansing – well, it was needed, very needed. |