We start on the lecture on the White Tara by reading to you a piece, a transmission from the White Tara Herself, which I have received a little bit less than one week ago and P1 ... will read it to you: 'As I rise from the cross I shall raise you from your cross, for am I not the Mother of Hope? Am I not all there is?
Was not this planet barren and fruitless before I entered into it, embraced it and breathed My life into it?
Now this planet called the Earth stands to be barren and fruitless due to man’s carelessness and ego-powered actions
When will man learn to see God in all things both living and dead? When will man come to realise that he is part of God both alive and dead?
The call of the Mother sounds forth even stronger than before and yet the voice is weak, weakened by the many admonitions the many times that it has interceded on your behalf mankind
But do you know, child of God, that a Mother never gives up hope but patiently awaits the turn of affairs that must bring Earth to life or death?
I prefer life to death which is a static energy without hope
I seek to bring enlightenment to minds emptied of reason I seek to give love to hearts emptied of divinity I seek to make fruitful the barren wasteland and the stony desert that is man's personality
All this I do with the breath of Spirit There is but one problem The breath of Spirit cannot penetrate the hardened shells of rebellion and mercilessness the qualities that describe most of humanity
Before I can breathe My motherly essence into any man, woman and child the doors of purity, true humbleness and living inner beauty must be found within the individual
Thus I speak to a world that is drying out to a world whose animal life may become extinct to a world in which the air may become thick and poisonous and all this due to the lack of compassion unity and sharing
My message is the same as Christ the Lord Maitreya for am I not Mother Christ whose voice, like heavenly bells alerts humanity to open their eyes and look about with eyes of Truth to see that their world is crumbling
Thus speaks Tara the White There is still time to change Change and change you must or you will know death instead of life'
The White Tara is the female energy of God and It works through female Masters who bring to whatever planet They work on, peace and harmony. Now, the White Tara is a mighty being, and if we look down in history, many women have been called Taras by the Great White Brotherhood. If, for example, we look upon Elizabeth the 1st, the Queen of England, she was, by an esoteric occult brotherhood - the Bacon Society - called the Green Tara. Every Tara has a mission upon this Earth to bring some peace, some harmony, blessing, new life to this Earth. They do the same all over the universe where They work. The White Tara is known in Tibetan Buddhism as a Buddha, a female Buddha, the Mother of Buddhas. But She is also Mother God and Mother Christ and She works on all the rays we call the Seven Rays. She is manifested upon all of them because we can find White Taras and Green Taras, we can find Yellow Taras and Red Taras. And these Taras perform duties for the Great White Brotherhood, for the Solar Logos Himself. The White Tara has become the door to the Lord Maitreya. The White Tara is a gateway through which you must walk to gain the entrance into the Heart of Maitreya. For that reason the Great White Brotherhood established the healing churches within Shan the Rising Light, calling these healing churches the Churches of the White Tara. People coming to these churches will be prepared to enter into higher light, the Light of Maitreya Himself. The White Tara talks through the Lady Mary and through very known world teachers. But through Lady Mary She talks a lot at the moment asking people to reconsider their actions, warning them of impending dangers that must happen to this Earth if mankind does not heed the warning signals. The White Tara has appeared in our church. I am one of Her vehicles today and that is why I receive so many transmissions. And these transmissions teach humanity a lot about the female divinity within man. The female divinity has not been respected for a long time upon this Earth because from the Eastern philosophy it is known that only men can become Masters, only men can become avatars, only men can reach salvation and redemption. Women are hardly spoken of, or worthy of speaking of. Now we have had societies upon this Earth where the females within the society were worshipped. God was speaking through the ladies. But it is a long time since we have had such societies. We had in Egypt, the Isis cult. Isis is another White Tara energy. And through the Isis we learned that to behold the countenance of Isis we were freed; we could also die beholding that countenance, meaning the personality must die to see the face of God. Now we have had a little bit of understanding of the female divinity then in Greek culture and in the Druid culture. But now the White Tara is spreading all over the Earth and mankind is uplifted to God on the female ray of existence. On Earth for thousands and thousands of years we have had a masculine ray that has brought people to perfection, to illumination, to Mastership. But now the White Tara and Her presence in the world have established a female ray so that many more ladies will become Masters and perfected souls. It has been very difficult for women to become Masters on this Earth, for it is very difficult to walk the path of manhood or male discipleship - there are many ways of expressing it. The laws are different for men than for women you see, and so very many women have not been able to perfect themselves upon this Earth. They have reached near perfection but it has been very difficult for them to reach total perfection, to reach Mastership, the fifth initiation. The entrance into the world of the energy of the White Tara makes possible for the ladies, the lady disciples and initiates, to become Masters of Wisdom, for there are different rules for lady Masters than for male Masters. You know very little about Mastership, I am sure, but it is expected of a male Master certain disciplines, a purified mental body, working from the mental body, very strict discipline of a certain kind, and many other rules and regulations there. But from the ladies is expected a purified astral body, perfected astral body and for them, other rules and regulations are made. For example, the male Masters are expected to have much more knowledge of a certain kind of science, the divine sciences, than the female Masters. The female Masters are radiators – They radiate light.
I will draw on the board a little bit about these forces, the male and female force. [Ananda draws a cross on the board.] See, we have the cross here. This downpouring of force from Spirit is the male energy. If you understand about male force, it comes like lightning and thunder from the Heart of God, downwards, but the female force is this part of the cross [the horizontal arm] which comes from soul, there is much soul in it. Now it is the radiating force. It is not that we don’t see radiating forces in men, but the ladies are becoming the radiators and the men are the catalysts that send the force into the ladies, and the ladies send it to humanity. See men, male Masters, male initiates have very often very little contact with humanity. They are isolating themselves in mountain areas and they live there and they work on humanity from a distance. But female initiates and disciples are expected to live amongst humanity, and bear children, live ordinary lives and still reach perfection in a household with children screaming, noise, cooking, vacuum cleaning and so forth. Therefore, it has been very difficult for lady disciples and initiates to reach Mastership for, in such circumstances as I have mentioned, it is very difficult to obtain astral purity and balance. While the men who were drawn away from household duties and family life much more easily obtained a mental balance and therefore could reach more perfection. It is therefore for a woman much more difficult to become a Master than a man, for the woman has to find Mastership amongst humanity. Now the White Tara energy upon this Earth makes it very much easier in the future to reach balance, for now She is taking a very, very strong grasp in the development of the ladies in order to bring these ladies to perfection for there has been an imbalance upon this Earth for a long time. You see, for as long as mankind, humanity, does not respect the woman and the woman’s duties and her love, they will not become a balanced humanity. We will have strong imbalances upon this Earth. The Earth cannot become a sacred planet - not until mankind understands the female divinity as well as the male divinity, there will never be peace upon this Earth for there is something we call the battle between the sexes; the battleground is Earth. And we see that men and women do not understand each other so well until they become more illuminated. Now the White Tara brings understanding with Her. She is the Heart of understanding. She brings an understanding of how to live ordinary lives and still be an initiate. If we look at Lady Mary, She perfected this lifestyle. She was a lady Master and She lived an ordinary life. She was weaving, She was cleaning, cooking and She was also at the same time teaching the disciples of Christ. For who took on the teaching of the disciples after the departure of Jesus? Lady Mary. See, humanity has never understood how important Lady Mary’s role was. She was teaching these disciples for another 40 years or so. And so the Christian church which has not fully understood the role of the woman has sort of put a shadow upon the female role and therefore humanity today has really no understanding of the female part of life. It has always been known that the ladies had to bring up the children, make sure that the children were clean, kept quiet and balanced in the household and so forth. Now what we see here today on Earth is that White Tara is of course also functioning through the men, because both men and women have equally male and female aspects within them. And we see that the men are becoming more understanding of the female principle, for the White Tara is strengthening within every man the understanding of that divinity. And in every woman, the principle is strengthened enormously so that suddenly we will see upon the Earth that women will gain respect for themselves. They will understand their role in life. They will understand how they can work within the Great White Brotherhood and lift this Earth to a higher Light because it is through the woman that this Earth will be reborn. It is through the White Tara. The White Tara has entered into Earth now, but over 500 years She will be working upon this Earth in a manner we have never seen before. And in 500 years it is prophesied that the White Tara through a vehicle, through a chosen vehicle, will become the Mother of the Lord Maitreya, and the Father will be Michael. We are going to see upon this Earth, mighty forces established. We are going to see Michael and the White Tara becoming the parents of Maitreya. From the Ocean of the Mother, the deep and dark Mother womb, we will gain a new peace. Michael protects the White Tara and the Lord Maitreya that They can work together in peace and harmony, because the negative forces will strive to destroy the work of the White Tara that She has commenced upon this Earth so that the life in 500 years might not be what is has to be. I am sure you have heard about the dark brotherhood here many times, and you are perhaps observing the fact that the dark brotherhood is very strong upon this Earth and that if the disciples and initiates upon this Earth were not protected by Michael, they could do very little upon this Earth. But not only are we protected by Michael, without knowing it perhaps, but the White Tara and Maitreya need to be protected as well or They would not be able to send Their force into the Earth, and it has started already. But, it has started with the White Tara and the Lord Maitreya being the female Christ and the male Christ. It is that energy that the world is able to absorb at the moment. But in 500 years, the White Tara will be the female Buddha of the Earth and Maitreya will be the male Buddha of the Earth. And so this Buddhic energy will be absorbed by humanity. At that time we will see peace upon this Earth, a peace which will last a certain period of time. The White Tara is the gateway, as I have explained, for humanity to reach Maitreya. See, it is very difficult to reach the Christ. It is not as easy as it may sound. And one has to reach the Christ with purity of heart. See, what does every female energy stand for – purity, purity of heart. And the Christ said Himself 2000 years ago that the pure of heart would be able to see God. Now He goes further this time. He says, 'the pure of heart will live within My Heart' and so, the most important thing to do over the next 500 years, is to purify the heart. Who is going to purify your heart? The White Tara. Her energy purifies the heart. She represents the white rose and the lily. We have seen in many female disciples and initiates the symbol of the white lily or the white rose and that is because these ladies have been overshadowed to some extent by the White Tara energy, the Mother God energy. We have never on this Earth had all three forces working at the same time. We have always had either Divine Will of God or the Son, or the Mother the Holy Spirit. It is the first time in Earth’s history that we have all three forces merging in mankind. Now, what do these forces represent? The threefold flame within the heart. It expands within the heart and it burns away all dross, all darkness, all despair. The uniting of these three forces will cleanse and purify mankind and the Earth in 500 years. Now you can ask me perhaps, why does it take so long for this enormous force to help the Earth in its evolution? Now, if you look back to how many millions of years that we have had to gain this kind of existence, 500 years is very little. And 500 years it does take, for man has a long way to go. But we are approaching another existence upon Earth that we have never had. We are approaching an existence which becomes similar to life on Venus, the planet called the Morning Star. And that planet is the soul of the Earth - it represents the soul of the Earth and many beautiful Masters come from Venus, the planet of love. The Earth is approaching the love stage and that is something we have never seen here for we on Earth have only had astral life as the major development of life. We are going to see heart life upon this Earth. Maitreya, Who is the Heart of the Universe, will see to this happening. So what have we got here: we have an enormous force that is descending upon this Earth and within this force we see the three departments of the Hierarchy - Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity - uniting. We have never had that before either. We have either had Shamballa descending; we have perhaps had Hierarchy descending and a little bit of Humanity energy. But we have all the three departments merging - again, never, never seen before on this Earth. The Hierarchy has worked for 18 million years to create the condition that we see on Earth today. That is why you are living in a unique incarnation. You are living in an incarnation that you have never had before and may never have either. For it is more important that you live in this incarnation now, than in 500 years, or in 500 years past, for you are able to be lifted by this light to an extent that you will never feel again. And it is up to you to open to it. The White Tara manifests both as a soul energy and as Spirit energy. She is the voice of humanity. She can reach humanity where the Masters have not succeeded for She talks to the higher feelings of humanity. Christ never succeeded in doing that. You see, when the Lord Maitreya speaks, He speaks to the soul of man. He spoke only to the souls of men 2000 years ago too. It was difficult for Him to be understood by humanity and He will be equally difficult to understand [now]. Now, the White Tara, She will speak to the personality of man and because She speaks to the personality of man, She will be understood. She speaks in clear simple language - no hocus pocus, very little symbolism and, with a little bit of occult knowledge, you understand what She means when She talks. Now, the Lord Maitreya - very difficult to understand because the Lord Maitreya does not delve into personality life of man. He's never done it and He never will. Such enormous beings as the Christ only speak to the souls of men. When They speak to the personality of men, They talk in allegories and who understands that? We can see that people have understood very little of what He said 2000 years ago. The Bible, the New Testament, cannot be understood if you are not an occultist, if you are not a disciple, because you must not take the words literally. You must take them from an occult viewpoint and, if you look upon the New Testament and you think you understand what the Christ said, you'd better read it again. There is a lot there we don’t understand. But the White Tara will be understood completely. What She says, She says - no hidden corners or dark messages or mysticism hidden there.
But you have to understand the theosophical principles to understand the divine scriptures given out by the Hierarchy. And people who do not understand the theosophical principles will not be able to understand anything a Master says. And that is why the Hierarchy came forth, 100 and some years ago through the Theosophical Society, to bring forth the divine principles, the basic principles. For you are now in the second incarnation where your life builds upon these principles. If you do not understand those books given out by the theosophists, you will never understand the message of Shan the Rising Light. If you do not understand the message of Shan the Rising Light, you may not understand what comes in the third incarnation of the triple incarnations. So we are having excellent books written, the theosophical books and Alice Bailey’s books and then we understand the message of the White Tara and the other Masters. For only a little period of time, say 2-300 years, the lady energy will be stronger in the world than the male energy, then everything will be in balance, everything will be corrected. Because of the imbalance of male energy in the world, we must have an imbalance of female energy to counteract the imbalance of the male energy, and then we shall have total balance. I have looked at it – it will take 2-300 years, then we will have an exact balance of male and female energy in the world. That also means that you as human beings, containing both elements within you, will become balanced. Now, as we have not reached the 2-300 years, what can give this balance today? There is a paradox in spiritual life that to gain balance, you occur a periodic imbalance. This is the strangeness that you have to understand today: in order to obtain the perfect balance, you are walking into imbalance. That is why you don’t understand in Shan the Rising Light, while you started off with a certain balance, you came into the energy field we call Shan the Rising Light, within the Church, and you are cast into an imbalance you didn’t have before. That is the cleansing process. The moment you open your aura, and your heart and your mind, you are cleansing from thousands of incarnations of dross. It is pouring out of you. And that is why you need healing and that is why the Hierarchy trains healers, many healers today for healing is needed to overcome the difficulties arising from the momentary imbalance. And that is why you must understand that you may feel strange due to what happens within you. This is why you may have 2-300 years of not feeling so well, but that is because you are working towards total balance and ascension. So White Tara is working for ascension. The White Tara energy has come into the world and that energy is enabling you to reach ascension. What does that mean? That means to purify your personality to such an extent that you are ready for ascension, you are ready to leave the Earth and incarnate elsewhere on a higher planet, or you are ready to live upon this Earth as a disciple or initiate, a higher soul. The existence of the White Tara, working through the Fourth Ray Master Serapis Bey in Egypt in Luxor - we have a retreat called the Retreat of the Fourth Ray in Luxor, the ascension retreat. The White Tara has commenced to work through Serapis Bey to help people ascend. Now to ascend is not an easy process. Remember how many lives you have lived and you are not close to ascension at all, perhaps you are far from ascension still. Now the White Tara is forcing you, with the help of the Avatar of Synthesis, through Serapis Bey, to reach ascension for we have come to a point of evolution upon this Earth where we must reach ascension, either to continue upon this Earth, which will become a sacred planet, or be transferred to other planets that are sacred. Now ascension happens alive. [It is not a matter of you dying, being buried or lying in a coffin before you ascend.] The Hierarchy wants you to ascend alive before you pass away. That process is difficult and it cannot be done unless we have a healing system which works the way our healing system works that has been given to us by the Hierarchy, with the seven rays that have different levels of energy. Now, you are walking towards ascension and you will therefore have the difficulties of feeling a process that is stronger than anything else in your body. Now when I receive letters from you saying: 'I don’t feel very well, I feel strange, I feel suddenly very imbalanced,' or 'Can I take this light of Shan the Rising Light?', or 'Do I really belong to Shan the Rising Light?' – all these questions should never arise, because you belong here - that is why you are here - and you undergo the ascension process. And that is a difficult process and you need courage. That is why the first step towards discipleship is courage and the Lady the White Tara is courage, enormous courage. She gives courage, [in Danish] 'mod', strength of mind - strength and encouragement to walk the Path without failure because you have failed so many times, including myself, that we are still here. And we are still here and we might still be here for millions of years if we did not have this force uniting, where the White Tara is the help and the guardian angel of humanity. Because Michael has not succeeded. To some extent He has succeeded in neutralising evil forces. But you sit - you are still here, you have not left the Earth. You still sit here in an unillumined state of awareness. White Tara, as [is] Maitreya, is the illuminator, the redeemer, the healer, but on a level which is understood by humanity. I have noticed that when you work with the White Tara (I have been told this) you feel at home. You recognise this energy – oh, this is wonderful; this is just you. But when we work with the Lord Maitreya, He frightens you because the love is so strongly felt. It is a frightening soul light. To many people, I noticed at the concert in Copenhagen, for as long as I channelled Michael and the White Tara, everything was wonderful. The moment I started to channel the Lord Maitreya Himself, people became negative. Not consciously negative, but their body elemental showed and their faces changed and they started to feel uneasy. And all this the Lord Maitreya does, He makes you feel uneasy. He is the Light of this World and the Light is so strong that you prefer darkness. You are used to darkness, you see.
And so the White Tara’s Light is also strong but it gets you, it gets you unawares, it penetrates the layers in another manner. It is not as frightening. And so to all of you whom the Lord Maitreya may frighten and the Lord Archangel Michael may frighten, the White Tara is your energy to work with. And remember these forces are united. So even if you only work with the White Tara for the rest of this life, you still get the Lord Maitreya and the Archangel Michael. So many things are changing upon this Earth. So many things that I can’t describe them all. It is difficult for me to describe because if I talk too much, I have noticed, people don’t remember anything. If I don’t talk so much and let you ask questions, which I will now, it is easier for you to remember this lecture. I would just like to say that the White Tara has helped me enormously because I had problems with my female side of nature. I have been working myself on the male ray for so many thousands upon thousands of years. I have had difficulty with my female side for so long, I don’t remember for how long, since Egypt. And it has created such an enormous balance, such an understanding of nature that I didn’t possess, to work with the White Tara. I now see the flowers and the trees. Before I was hidden in my own world just like the male Masters often are hidden up there working mentally and not very close to people. And for some time, for many lifetimes and a little bit in this life, I have worked mainly with the male Masters and recently I have started to work with the White Tara. It has changed everything because the grounding, that is the interesting thing, the grounding is much stronger. When you work with the male Masters, you may lift into a higher awareness and forget that you are an Earthling, forget that you also live on Earth, you are very sad to live on Earth, you want to leave the Earth. You talk about nothing other than leaving the Earth. You want to ascend, you want to complete your missions, your lives upon this Earth. But the White Tara, She fixes you down – so that you can function as a human being. And you get more patience with people and you get more understanding and you start to love people in another way. So the White Tara is a necessary energy to work with because She creates balance. But as She has said in one of Her transmissions: for a period, imbalance, in order for Her to direct certain energies and create a certain process. The White Tara is known for long life, longevity. She is known as the protectress, and when people work with Her, for a moment you may feel sick and you may feel as if you grow old and suddenly the age process stops to a certain extent and you feel well. She is known for that, because Her energy creates long life and protection, beauty and harmony. So many people on this Earth will actually change the appearance of their physical body. They will become more beautiful. And it has been prophesied, it is known that it won’t take long, and the race of humanity will become better looking. They will lose the last link to the animal kingdom and they will look not as much like animals as they have done, but more human. And they will change appearance, more beautiful hair and bodies, more prefect bodies. The White Tara stands for that. So there are many things to look forward to.
Try to work with this energy in your meditations. Try to merge with this energy without fear and see what happens to you. I would like P ..., before we start on the questions, to read another transmission I have received where the White Tara talks about Mother Love.
This is the White Tara speaking: 'Mother gives not expecting return of love Mother gives unconditionally of Her love to protect Her children from pain,
still cannot completely take away the lessons of life
Her children must learn to be God-like Her love given freely and without reservations cannot hinder life to teach the many lessons wherein are learnt, through hardships and necessary suffering, compassion, tolerance and love
True Mother Love is beauty beyond description a warmness a comfort an anchorage
Mother feeds, brings up, educates, becomes an example of life divine setting the child onto the path of goodness and right action
Mother Love is a human being’s redemption for She brings Her child from worlds of darkness into the worlds of light
She is not only Mother, the protector, but the teacher, the educator the way-shower, the guardian the Way of the Heart the door to higher consciousness
So Mother, You we revere You, we worship as the third activity of the Logos
Holy Mother, Holy Spirit that You are lead us to immortality to understanding to acceptance and to warmth unending
In a world of misery You alone show mercy In a world of pain You alone laugh with joy In a world of death You alone are without death And wherever I turn, I can be sure of Your presence
With You, I am never alone but full of Your life-giving essence
I stand strong in my purpose my intent is empowered by the knowledge of Your role in my life
Take me by my hand and reveal to me the Wisdom of the Ages through the fire in Your eyes
Let me bathe in the waters of Your astral light, vibrant with prana tranquil as a mountain lake
Unveil to me Your face in which to read the history of Earth and the parts I have played for that You also are the Lady of Time Mother of the Universe'
The White Tara will put a stop to warfare, torture and suffering. And the more people who will admit the White Tara into their hearts, we'll see the cessation of these things upon the Earth. So if you are really, really, dead tired of warfare and suffering and pain, torture, the White Tara you must work with and admit into your mind and heart. It is an interesting thing, I started to work with the White Tara, I think, one and a half years ago, at the same time as the Avatar of Synthesis came into my life. It was always as if one part of my body did not function correctly, as if one was half, if you understand what I mean. But the White Tara makes you whole. It is as if the missing ingredient has been found. She is nature, the call of nature and everything good upon this Earth, and so you will appreciate that you live on a beautiful planet which you may not have found so beautiful before. White Tara does these things to you. And She lets you remember your past and She lets you see your failures with love and mercy, because She is that. She is ever-present.
And so I will complete the lecture with a little piece of music, just a couple of minutes, and then I will give you the opportunity to ask me questions.
[Track 4 from the CD 'The Mission' was played here.] The last thing I will say, is that the Christian Church which was established after the departure of Jesus, long after as a matter of fact, has created much suffering upon this Earth. They have killed people out of the need for people to believe as they did. That is not positive action. And it is of course not Jesus who stands behind it, but many people who have become influenced by the sixth ray, and have become fanatics; missionaries who have killed other people and still kill other people. Religious warfare in the world can never create peace. The new Church of the Sacred Heart of Maitreya will create peace because the Masters Themselves will incarnate and continue to work through the church so that it becomes a church of peace, a place of peace. The problem was that the Lord Jesus did not establish His own church. Paul the Apostle and others did - and they were not Masters - and [they were] power crazy and ambitious people [who were part of] the church and worked with the church for their own ends. Now the Sacred Heart of Maitreya is a church where the Masters Themselves will teach through it and educate humanity - a complete other kind of church, it will not stimulate fanaticism, will not stimulate and activate religious warfare, and send missionaries into the world to torment other people. The film The Mission was a very unique example of what the Catholic Church has tried to do upon this Earth. I am not saying that all Catholics are mean and nasty people. I am not saying that all priests are mean and nasty. We have excellent disciples and goodwill people everywhere. But on the whole, the Catholic Church has not done much good for this Earth and that is why the Avatar of Synthesis has said it will be crushed to pulp. It is built upon the wrong foundations: power and need to be more than God Himself. The Lord Maitreya is the most gentle but strong-willed being that you can come across. He will establish a world order of peace and crush all wrong beliefs of religion, so that religion does not become a separative movement or philosophy, but a uniting philosophy. All these religions that separate people upon this Earth must become one religion of unity and synthesis, because religion has done nothing but separate people. People say, 'I am Catholic', 'I am Protestant', 'I am Jewish', 'I am Muslim', 'I am Buddhist'. No, we are souls. We are Christ people. And so all this talk about what we are, must stop. And the Lord Maitreya will put a stop to it. We are people of Christ and we must live in peace with each other. And who cares what philosophy we believe in or we belong to for, as long as we believe in something that damages Earth, we can’t get any further. I know these things will come true. Very, very speedily things will happen. And I am therefore proud to stand in the midst of a church which is going to unite the races and the nations upon this Earth. If you will cooperate within such a church, you will be united with your brethren, your fellow human beings and not isolate yourself from them, saying, 'I am this, I am that and what are you: you are black, you are yellow, red and what, have spots on your face. You are fat, you are grisly looking with greasy hair and big bum.' It is no use talking like that, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Not the Christ that people call 'Jesus Christ' only – the enormous Christ, the Light of the World. Jesus Christ is also limiting, is limiting you because it is not the only Christ energy. Jesus is the most beautiful Master, He is wonderful but He is not the Christ upon this Earth. The Lord Maitreya is that. Jesus lives in Christ, in the Heart of Maitreya, just like the other Masters. And you must get to know the Lord Maitreya and see the real Christ and find the Christ-self within you. And that is what this Church promises to do.
We are embarking upon work that can hardly be understood. It will see unfoldment over the next hundred years. It will be beautiful. So my dear friends, I will let you put me some questions. Q. '... the last thing you spoke about, about different religions ... where are the Muslims in all of these things because, as far as I understand, there's something coming towards each other with the Muslim and the Christian worlds now. Where are these forces in the other cosmic world and why don't we understand anything about the Muslims? It appears to me like they are out in the dark in our religion ...'
The problem is, the Bodhisattva, the World Teacher, has given out all these different religions to suit a group of humanity. And the Lord Jesus Himself overshadowed Mohamed. The Lord Jesus stands behind the Islamic faith. However, not what it has become. It is a sixth ray religion like Christianity. Sixth ray religions create fanaticism. It creates the need to kill everyone who doesn’t believe like they do. And so the Muslims are growing stronger and they want to create a Islamic religion all over the planet Earth. We may have battles, I hope we won’t. It will be bloody.
Now what did the Christians do in Jerusalem once in the 12th/11th century? Now that could happen - just the opposite side. We could have Muslims invading the world trying to do away with the Christians and other religious people.
Now I would say the Avatar of Synthesis would deal with that and crush, as He has said, everything that is not of God, not of goodwill. The Islamic faith, like the Jewish faith, or you could call it philosophy, belongs to a group of humanity which does not exist today. See, the Jewish faith was given to people six, eight thousand years ago in the manner we see it presented today. Well, that religion is decaying. It has nothing to teach. There are some good disciplines in it, but it has nothing to teach the New Age man or woman.
Islam is not that old but it should not be taught to the New Age man or woman either. It was given to a specific group of humanity for them to develop and evolve. And the Archangel Michael is also involved a lot in that faith. But it is not a great world religion, and so it will be neutralised.
When the Lord Maitreya starts to work and the Avatar of Synthesis, we will see many religions that have been contorted, the message in them has been contorted by human beings, will disappear. But it could be in a dreadful manner. It could happen through warfare. There is an English man who says that the Muslims will invade the world, but my knowledge of the Avatar of Synthesis as the way He works today, I would say it could be avoided. It would have terrible after-effects. Now the Buddhists have never fought for religious reasons. They have fought other Buddhists. They are great warriors and they love battles and warfare, but they don’t fight for religious reasons. And neither do Jewish people. They do not have missionaries. They don’t send out missionaries. The Christian sects and groups work on that basis and that is not a healthy way of working. The Church of the Sacred Heart of Maitreya does not do missionary work. It is simply out of the question because either people find what they need to find or they don’t but you don’t force people to believe in what you believe in. And I stress the fact very much in our church, in our way of working, that you must not force people to believe in anything we do. It gets wrong results in the long run. It will have terrible results which we have seen a lot of throughout the last two thousand years. Have we other questions?
Q. 'You mentioned the Green Tara. Could you tell us a little about that?'
The Green Tara is an aspect of the Great Tara. The Tara is the World Mother and as I said, you have Green Taras and White Taras, and They stand for different things.
The Green Tara, I consider to be a healing Tara. They could perhaps work in politics as we have seen some Green Taras do. Elizabeth 1st symbolised the Virgin Mother, the virgin queen as the Green Tara - the energy of life for her nation, even for the world - and they often depicted her, painted her, with lilies on her clothes, lily being again the Tara symbol, the World Mother of purity. I would say that - I have a feeling that the ... There is an American teacher, very known teacher, in America working also with the Hierarchy doing the work as she knows best, and I find her to be a Green Tara or you can even call her a Violet Tara, because she works a lot for the Count of St. Germain. I am working mostly for the White Tara, creating purity of heart.
And so, we have different Taras working on the different seven rays and their qualities. I can’t explain much about these different Taras because you have to look at Their fruits. Elizabeth 1st was a highly intellectual woman, a politician, and created new life for her nation. She was considered a great queen who has done a lot of good for her nation, as well as all queens and statesmen do a lot of bad perhaps at the same time. A Green Tara just means that she is working for the betterment of her country as a kind of world mother-like figure. She had a son - she may have had several children - and the son Francis Bacon, who was supposed to become king but who never became king (she did not recognise him), created an esoteric society where he worked with great philosophers and poets, people we call Freemasons today. They worked with ceremonies and poetry and they were quite in tune with the Hierarchy. And they utilised the energy of Elizabeth 1st as the energy of the Mother nature, so they have been quite in tune with the Tara energy, that society there, and for that reason must have been quite balanced in their work. That society still exists today. And I got a very good book by P ... when I was in Denmark last, or the time before, a very good book where it explains about the different mother figures and mother goddesses and the way they looked upon Elizabeth 1st - very interesting little book. But you will find very little about the White Tara. Even if the Tibetan Buddhists have books about Her, there is nothing in the books really that is up to the knowledge we have today. We possess much more knowledge now than the Tibetan Buddhists do. They see Her as a female Buddha but we know what She is. We know that She is Mother God for humanity and what role She plays today. Any more questions? Q. 'When the Earth becomes more like Venus, what will happen to the physical life?'
It will become etheric. The Earth will not be a physical planet as now, with physical life on it. It is actually the process commenced upon by the White Tara that is creating etheric life. It will take its time of course, but the ascension process is also a process towards etheric life. The three first root races had etheric life, then we became very physical and we are now half-way [through] physical development as human beings - it was a long way to go. But when we have had perhaps some more thousands of years of development, we will become etheric again which means no suffering, no pain. You have most suffering in a physical body. You know death in another manner than you would in an etheric body. By the way, the White Tara also removes fear of death, which is very predominant upon this Earth. We all fear death. We have had dreadful experiences in the past. It is not the death itself. It is not the process, it is the minutes that go before or the hours or months, and that creates enormously strong programs in man, so we all fear death more or less. And the White Tara deals with those fears. You have to work with the White Tara for two to three years. You will notice a strong difference in your fears which will minimise. I notice it in myself, you see. And if I notice it, you will notice it, because we are being given the same energy.
So, you cannot work with the White Tara for a fortnight and say, ‘Well, I didn’t get much out of the White Tara.’ You have to work for two to three years and then you will have experience of the White Tara. Any more questions?
Q. [The question is asked in Danish.]
The girl asks if the nature people, the natives upon this Earth, will be exterminated.
We will have upon this Earth, always have I think, a higher race of what we call nature people. I don’t think they will become extinct - only certain kinds of them - because some of them are very spiritual and if they are very spiritual, they will survive upon this Earth.
This Earth becomes a heart planet and people who have no heart cannot live here. That is the difficulty. The Lord Maitreya has interfered because we have allowed it, humanity has allowed it, to create a planet of the heart. Now every person living here who has no heart, and who has no desire for heart, cannot live here. So every person who has heart can survive upon this Earth. Q. 'Can something be said about the forms you were creating at the beginning of the lecture?'
I draw symbols in the air for a cleansing effect of your auras. Now, if you want to understand a message from the soul, it is necessary to cleanse your auras first and get you to a higher development. The meditation has done this, but you need cleansing after such a meditation. So when I draw symbols in the air, I am sending energy shapes into you and that cleanses the aura and you feel clean and you are ready to listen. We know very well what happens when we have been sitting in strong energy: we need healing, cleansing. And that is why we also will give you cleansing if you need it. When I have been working, just giving a lecture like this, I need cleansing myself - it's just pouring out afterwards because the light that descends into me sends out more darkness. If I then get a lot of cleansing, I feel better immediately. So it is for that reason. It also creates an invocation, a silent invocation to the deva kingdom and to the Hierarchy. So the symbols drawn are cleansing you. It is also an invocation to draw forth the entities, the beings that I would like to work with in such a lecture, and it is great devas that do these movements through me. If you are clairvoyant, you will see that when I stand here and I do energy work like that, I have a great deva standing in me. Today there was an enormous archangelic deva in me, completely white, radiant like the Cosmic Christ yesterday -magnificent beings. Is anyone clairvoyant in here? Does anyone see light phenomena? And do you feel the presences that I am channelling? Do you feel the presences, the change of energy in the room? Even if you don’t feel something immediately, there is an after-effect. You will feel them - usually after the lecture. They strike down like lightening. The last thing I will say is that I have sometimes channelled pure Spirit. And when I do that, I don’t feel much. It is a certain energy level – it is so high that I don’t feel a lot but afterwards I collapse completely. Spirit is the highest vibration of everything. It is much higher than soul. And it is exhausting, the body can hardly take it. I have to lie for hours afterwards. This body is not perfect for energy channelling. Neither is yours, that is the problem. We are energy channels but our physical vehicles are not perfect for energy channelling. We have dirt in our intestines, our hearts are sluggish, our brains are muddy like cotton wool and dirt. And we have so much dirt within our physical organism. And when the energy descends into all that dirt, there is an after-effect but it cleanses you out at the same time. So this energy channelling also creates, in the long run, ascension. P ..., the last question: Q. 'As the White Tara energy is so new, is there any music commercially available?'
All energy that is female, all music that has a female ring to it: women’s voices, synthesizer music, space music, very beautiful interplanetary music - just beautiful music. What I like to use, but it is only a small piece,it is Mahler’s 2nd Symphony, the Resurrection and in it are beautiful passages just for the White Tara, especially the little piece where a woman’s voice is singing solo. If you just get music that has a female sound to it, it invokes the White Tara. Q. 'Is the energy of the Divine Heart Program, is that the White Tara's and is the meditation a good opportunity to meditate on the White Tara?'
I have given out, but they have not been sent overseas yet, prayers that invoke the White Tara. And when you utilise these prayers before you meditate, whether it is a Heart Program or the Morning Puja or anything that we have established, it invokes Her love. But you can just invoke Her, just call upon Her and She is there. In reality, you cannot invoke the Lord Maitreya and She doesn’t come - You can’t invoke Her and the Lord Maitreya does not come. They are all united. You can’t invoke the Lord Michael and She does not come. So, I would like you to understand that you will attract the energy of the White Tara as you can take Her. She can be so strong and She can be so gentle. You get the exact amount of energy and vibration to suit you and your development. When I channel Her, you may get a little bit too much. She becomes very strong at times but She can also be the most gentle, gentle, gentle creature, beautiful - like a bird nearly. And that is the energy you felt at the concert when She was speaking. So just call Her and you get Her. And if you want to visualise something that looks like Her, it is a female form all in white with hands up in blessing, perhaps in a lotus position, sitting in a lotus position, a female Buddha type of lady. Q. 'How and when did you discover you were in contact with the White Tara?'
It happened very slowly. It suddenly dawned upon me that it was the White Tara that was using me. And suddenly She came through.
1. Whenever you see P..., please know that a person's name has been removed for privacy reasons.