Jesus is the Law of Forgiveness in Action
28 December 1993 Jesus is the Law of Forgiveness in action. Working with Him, we attract the energy of forgiveness. This comes from the Board of Karma, through the Will of God, to the person, when time is right. It comes on the unawares. First I will read a little text here from the book, The Living Word. The Lord Maitreya says: ‘Remember Me in everything you experience, in everything you see and feel, in everything delightful as well as difficult. Remember Me in all your thoughts, in all your desires, and you can never do wrong or take a wrong turn in life. For this I promise you, let Me always come first with you, and I shall give you paradise. So I speaketh, your Brother and your Deliverer. So I have spoken always. So I will always speak. My words are Law. My body is Life. I Am Christ.’1 Unfortunately, the New Testament is not interpreted correctly, and so people, who take every word literally, do not understand the esoteric meaning and cannot understand what it is that Christ spoke and has spoken for ages: how you have to live with Him; how He is for every person who cannot contact soul, the soul; how He is for every person, the Father. When God cannot be felt, Christ can be felt, because Christ is all that is good and holy. And also when we talk about Christ as the deliverer, the redeemer, we have to remember that the law of forgiveness comes via the Christ into every human being who really wishes to have learned from his or her mistakes and errors. And if you remember that the Lord Christ is always the redeemer, and the deliverer, and forgiveness in action – which is why the Lord Jesus and Kuthumi, His two assistants, work with the same energy – then you can always call upon that energy. And if you really wish for it to work, seriously wish for it to work, sooner or later it will have an effect. And when it descends into you, it will feel as if hundreds of burdens have been removed from your shoulders, that you come to live a new life, it is given you, it is allowed for you. And when you are given that chance to start a new life, you have to be very careful of your actions, your feelings and your thoughts, that you do not make the same mistakes, and thereby show the Christ that you do not seriously mean what you said, what you asked, for the law of forgiveness to act on your behalf. Reference: 1 Ananda Tara Shan. The Living Word of the Hierarchy, The Theosophical Fellowship, Daylesford, Victoria, Australia, 1993, p.30. |