Invocations and Prayers to Aid World Peace
December 1998 Editor's note: The first section 'Join the Sangha, the community of people seeking enlightenment...', and all the prayers, were written by Ananda Tara Shan. The remaining sections below were written by Ann Phillis. Join the Sangha, the community of people seeking enlightenment . . . There is a spiritual community on Earth built of souls who on the physical plane belong to a varied spectrum of origins and groups, but who on the inner are motivated by the same purpose and goal – that of preserving the Earth for the coming generations. These people wish to know more about the Divine Wisdom so they can all be part of creating the Way of the Heart with the Lord Maitreya, the Bodhisattva and Risen Christ. The members of this community, the Sangha, are called the Children of the Heart. They are the practical mystics, the intellects who are nourished by the heart, those who deal with others in fairness and justice. They are the ones who will do anything, as long as it is based on the principles of good, to lead humanity towards a new world built upon the laws of the heart. They are found in all walks of life, and their desire to live a higher life makes them co-creators with great Beings of Light, as they bring forth from their own inner a deep sense of responsibility and caring attitudes for all life on the planet. It is especially for souls of that community, the Children of the Heart, who wish through prayer and invocation to help spread the Light that this booklet has been published. |
The Crisis on Earth
We are living in a time of great transition on Earth, as we move from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, and as humanity and the Earth prepare to take a major step forward in spiritual consciousness. There are many crises occurring in this process, for example, the numerous wars and conflicts, droughts, floods, earthquakes, forest fires, pollution, damage to the ozone layer, political oppression, world-wide diseases, misuse of nuclear energy, toxic waste, and economic disasters, to name a few. Humanity is the fourth kingdom of life on Earth, and is the stage of evolution before the Spiritual Kingdom (the fifth kingdom, the Kingdom of Souls) and after the three lower kingdoms – the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms. All kingdoms have their role to play in the evolutionary process. The human kingdom has the role and responsibility of being the intermediary between the Spiritual Kingdom and the lower kingdoms. The Hierarchy of Earth The Hierarchy (also known as the Great White Brotherhood) is a group of highly enlightened spiritual beings from the Spiritual Kingdom, who guide and direct the evolution of all life on the Earth in line with the Divine Plan of God. They work from the inner planes, inspiring people from all walks of life and in all professions who have the needed spiritual development and intention of goodwill to help bring forth the Plan onto the physical levels of Earth – a task which is the responsibility of humanity. The members of the Hierarchy are beings who have walked the path of human evolution for thousands of lives, through experience and effort perfecting Themselves as spiritual beings able to work consciously and cooperatively on the physical plane and the inner planes and thus wield and direct the forces and energies of Spirit and soul in perfect attunement with the Plan. The Buddha and the Christ The Lord Gautama Buddha and the Lord Maitreya, the Risen Christ, are two great brothers within the Hierarchy, working together for God. The Lord Maitreya holds the Office of the Christ, or Bodhisattva, and as such is the World Teacher for all of humanity and the Angelic Kingdom. He is the Head of the Hierarchy. The Buddha holds the office above the Lord Maitreya and works with the Light as it comes from God through the Lord of the World, the Lord Sanat Kumara. The Lord Gautama was the Christ of Earth before moving into the Buddha Office 2,500 years ago. When this occurred, the Lord Maitreya became the Christ of Earth. Lord Gautama is best known from this incarnation when He became the Buddha and established Buddhism; the Lord Maitreya is mostly known from His overshadowing of the Master Jesus 2,000 years ago, when He brought the Christ energy to the physical levels of Earth. As the Christ, the Lord Maitreya has also been involved in many other endeavours such as the incarnations of Krishna and Mohammed. That which is given to humanity by the Buddha and the Christ cannot be limited to Buddhism and Christianity. Every religion that brings forth the Truth and Divinity of God has been inspired by the Christ Office, whether through a physical incarnation of the Christ Himself, or through a disciple of the Christ. People often assume that the Spiritual Hierarchy works only through religion – but this great Brotherhood of Divine Beings works in every area of human existence, inspiring people in, for example, art, politics, health care, education, science, as well as religion, just to name a few. They are the guiding light for all of humanity, regardless of race, creed, colour, or religion. That which is not true, that which causes wrong actions such as war, fanaticism, intolerance and rigidity, is due to humanity's misinterpretation and misunderstanding of the divine teachings. The New Age ~ the Age of Maitreya We now enter into a new age, an age which will see the Lord Maitreya move from the Christ Office within the Hierarchy into the Buddha Office, a process which will be complete when He incarnates in 500 years to take the Buddha initiation in the flesh upon the Earth. This is the foretold Reappearance of the Christ, anticipated by many world religions as the coming of their prophet or messiah. As the Lord Maitreya has inspired all true religious endeavour, the prophecy of His reappearance is contained in all such religions. In the beginning of this new age the Lord Gautama and the Lord Maitreya are merging, so as to bring the Earth to a higher level of vibration physically as well as on its inner levels. They are working with all seven of the great rays (seven great streams of light or energy that differentiate the Light of God into its different manifestations), and in all fields of human endeavour, to bring about the needed adjustments and transformations in every walk of life. The urgent need for help now There is a desperate need in this time of crisis for people from all walks of life to cooperate with each other, and with the Hierarchy and the Lord Maitreya, and thus the Divine Plan. It is not just a religious endeavour, but something that has to take place in all areas of society the world over – something only achievable through the united effort of all people and groups seriously working for the good of this planet and its population. It is the Divine Law that the Hierarchy cannot interfere in human affairs – for the means by which humanity shall find its way into the Spiritual Kingdom (which is the destiny of all human beings) is by learning to take on the responsibilities it has been given. One of our major responsibilities is to cooperate with the Hierarchy. They seek to help us in every way that They can, but can only do so when humanity has called forth that help. Invocation, prayer, meditation, serving selflessly, and acting with goodwill are some of the ways we can attract the help of the Hierarchy to the problems in the world. Practical spiritual work: using the invocations and prayers The invocations and prayers in this booklet are universal. They can be used by any person or group that seeks to give their aid, regardless of race, creed, or religion, for the Lord Maitreya and the Hierarchy stand behind all, and Their work is truly universal. Using these invocations will bring Their energy into your endeavours and thus into the world. The Invocation to Maitreya is for use before meditation, prayer, or other spiritual work. The Great Invocation may be used at the conclusion of the work. The Invocation for World Peace, and the Prayer for Australia, Scandinavia and other countries, and America can be used at any time. They can be said by all participants in group work, or used as individual invocations and prayers by any person. The method of invoking Invocation is as old as the technique of prayer, which has been used for thousands of years; however, invocation will become more widely used in the new age. The correct method of saying any invocation is to add to the words the strongest heartfelt desire (from the astral body) and the clearest mental intent (from the mental body) that the outcome will be achieved. Said in this way, the invocation will create a magnetic force in the aura, which will act as an outgoing demand that will attract a response from the higher worlds. In order to focus our desire and mental intent, we need to have some knowledge of the meaning of the words said – for without understanding what it is we are asking for, we cannot give the invocation the power it needs. The three Planetary Centres Within the body of our planetary being, which we call the Earth, there are centres, or chakras, which function as focal points for communication between the lower and higher bodies (just as there are in the human being). The three major centres on Earth are:
the very difficult conditions in which humanity now finds itself: 'If this Great Invocation . . . can be rightly said, the three great planetary centres can be related . . . The result will be the setting up of such a potent vibration and note that the Spirit of Peace will be invoked and contacted. By the voiced appeal His attention will be forced to turn itself towards our planet. . . . Pervaded by light and controlled by the Spirit of Peace, the expression of humanity's will-to-good can emanate powerfully from this third planetary centre. Humanity will then for the first time enter upon its destined task as the intelligent, loving intermediary between the higher states of planetary consciousness, the super-human states [the Masters of the Hierarchy] and the sub-human kingdoms [animal, plant, and mineral life]. Thus humanity will become eventually the planetary saviour.' ‡ The Great Invocation was given to humanity in 1945 by the Christ, the Lord Maitreya. It was given as a universal invocation to be used by all people, and is still needed in the same way today. The Lord Maitreya The Lord Maitreya is often called the Vanquisher of Evil or Darkness, for He is the Light of the Sun who redeems all darkness, and through Archangel Michael defeats all dark forces on Earth in the coming age. The Lord Maitreya plays a unique part in the sanctification of the Earth, for the Avatar of Synthesis uses Maitreya as His vehicle in the final battle against evil; and the Lord Maitreya, in turn, works in other Masters and initiates accomplishing this deed of making holy the Earth for all times. The Lord Maitreya then no longer works only as the incarnated Word – the Love and the Wisdom in action on Earth, but is now also used by the Will of God to bring the Father's Love through Will closer to the human family. Never before has the Christ been used in this capacity. The Lord Maitreya is truly the Redeemer and the Liberator of the present time and will bring the planet one step ahead in its own spiritual development. The Planetary Logos (the living entity ensouling this planet) will take a higher initiation, and human life will take on another kind of existence. The Angelic Kingdom The angels belong to a separate stream of evolution on Earth from human beings, and range from small nature spirits up to the enormous Archangelic beings, such as Archangel Michael. Angels are also known as devas, meaning 'shining ones'. They are the builders, helping to create life and form in accordance with the Divine Laws. They aid the work of the Hierarchy. Many Masters of the Hierarchy are also Archangelic Beings with legions of angels working under Their guidance on Earth. Any healing work to aid humanity and the Earth involves cooperation with the Angelic Kingdom, whether consciously known or not. The Avatar of Synthesis The Avatar of Synthesis is an enormous Cosmic Being representing the Will of God, who is now aiding the Lord Maitreya and the Hierarchy in the work on Earth. Reference to the Avatar can be found in many of Alice Bailey's writings. He is bringing forth the energy that will destroy the old forms of society that hinder the Earth and humanity from progressing. The National Deva Each nation is protected and given energy by its own National Deva, which is an enormous angelic being. Praying to or invoking the National Deva will help in the healing and evolution of that nation. The Spirit of Resurrection This great extra-planetary Being works with the forces of restoration, which will resurrect the human spirit beyond the depression, hopelessness and lethargy that so thwarts the needed human endeavour on Earth today. The Spirit of Resurrection works especially through the Lord Jesus. The Spirit of Peace The energy of this cosmic Being is that of love, which will establish right human relations within humanity and bring peace – the peace of equilibrium, not that of emotional and static calm. The Buddha, the Spirit of Peace, and the Avatar of Synthesis – Light, Love, and Power – form a great triangle of force which stands behind the Christ in His Aquarian work. The Master R The Master R is the new Mahachohan (Lord of Civilisation, Master of the Holy Spirit) of the Earth, moving gradually into this office from His role as Chohan (or Great Master) of the seventh ray, the violet ray of Law and Order. As the seventh ray is ruling the new age, He is also known as the King of this coming age. He has a retreat located at Mount Shasta in the USA, and is the Regent (inner ruler) of that country. He is also the Regent of Europe. Reference and further reading ‡ A.A. Bailey Externalisation of the Hierarchy (1989) Lucis Trust, New York, pp. 161-163. See also, A.A. Bailey Reappearance of the Christ (1984); , Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle(1975) Lucis Trust, New York. An Urgent Call to Prayer 1990 - This prayer may be used every day by any person. In your prayers, please consider the needs of the world. Please pray every day that the ozone layer will be repaired. Then the Hierarchy will be allowed to intervene. Pray also that Maitreya's Light may descend over countries in which there are immediate crises to secure peaceful solutions in the political situations, and also to neutralise AIDS which is running rampant in certain countries of the world. Pray for the enlightenment of Earth and your fellow beings, and for the Light of the Hierarchy to manifest in the world. A sample prayer for the Earth and humanity: I pray that the Earth will be healed by the Light of Maitreya. I pray that peaceful solutions to the problems within humanity will be found. (Think of special countries in the world) I pray that disease and warfare will diminish all over the Earth and that a new future for all of us will commence through the Power, the Wisdom, and the Love of Maitreya, the Risen Christ. (Think of special countries in the world) I pray that I may learn to live by the Laws of Life and Love and that I shall be walking upon the Way of the Heart, which is built upon the Four Noble Truths and the Law of Love. I pray that all of humanity will eagerly come home through the Heart of the Lighted Presence of Maitreya, the Father of humanity. (Think of the Heart of Maitreya) And last of all I pray that I may find Truth which shall guide and guard me throughout all life, living in active peace with my earthly brothers and sisters, preparing thus for the coming of Maitreya – the Christ now reappeared – when He returns as Maitreya the Buddha in 500 years. (Imagine yourself with a lit candle in your hand and know that it is in the Lord Maitreya that you find Truth) Invocation to Maitreya For use at the beginning of meditation or other spiritual work Maitreya Thy Light is permeating all life Maitreya Thy Love is illuminating the consciousness of humanity in heart and mind Make Your reappearance known Protect Earth from the ignorant actions of humanity Send Your Angels and Your teachers, healers, and messengers around the world so that Earth and its inhabitants may get another chance of learning how to preserve this planet In Your Name, Maitreya, we raise up our hands and arms . . . While saying this line, gently raise your arms, palms facing up, at the side of the body. and spread Your Christed Light around us While saying, 'and spread Your Christed Light', bring your hands to cross over one another in front of the heart, right hand over left, palms facing in to the heart . . . then when saying 'around us', move the hands out and around to the side in a curve, ending with the palms facing up. After a moment, place your hands together in prayer in front of the heart, and conclude by chanting: Om ~ Shanti ~ Om The Great Invocation (new edition*) It is suggested that the Great Invocation be said at the conclusion of meditation or other spiritual work. Stand, facing East if possible, and raise the right hand to shoulder height with the palm facing out to the world while saying the Invocation. Please note that where the text 'man' or 'men' is used, it stands for all of humanity. It is an esoteric way of expressing humanity, and cannot be changed for that reason. From the point of Light within the Mind of God There appears Maitreya as the Son of the Sun Let His Light stream forth into the minds of men Let His Light stream forth on Earth Redeemer, Thou hast come From the point of Love within the Heart of God There comes Maitreya, the Lord of Love Let His Love stream forth into the hearts of men Christ the Risen One is here on Earth From the Centre where the Will of God is known Let the Avatar of Synthesis guide the wills of men Maitreya, Your Purpose is clear Avatar of Synthesis, make Yourself known We serve You, Masters of the Light From the Centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells Let Maitreya restore the Plan on Earth Let His Light, Love, and Power be with you * The Great Invocation as given by the Christ to the Lord D.K. has been rewritten by the Christ through Ananda Tara Shan in 1989, relating it to the new energy of Maitreya as the Rising Light of Earth as we stand now on the threshold of the Age of Maitreya. If wished, you may use the original version of the Great Invocation. The Great Invocation (original edition±) From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men Let Light descend on Earth From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men May Christ return to Earth From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men The purpose which the Masters know and serve From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth ± This version of The Great Invocation was given by the Christ to the Lord D.K. in 1945 and published by Alice A. Bailey in the book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (1989), New York: Lucis Publishing Company, p.v. Prayer for Protection of Australia Use as often as you like, but not more than once per day. National Deva of Australia, Australis Guardian Angel of Australia, Southern Star Take charge of this nation's immediate future Protect Australia for the Lord Maitreya against the darkness that is attracted to Australia because of certain actions performed by some of its people who act out of greed and total ignorance of the Divine Laws. Bring the Angelic Kingdom into their loving effect. Put a stop to the raging fires that threaten to ravage the forests of this country. Still the waters that floods may not devour the crops, and let no drought strangle the fertility of the land. Dispel the dangerous illusions and glamours of the states of New South Wales and Queensland which make life an artificial dream that is not built upon realism and truthfulness. Solve the abuse of the native people of Australia. We pray, therefore, that the Spirit of Resurrection will take Australia's destiny in hand so that Maitreya may vanquish in state after state, so dispelling the darkness that prepares itself to overcome this vast abode before the Children of the Heart can fulfil its spiritual purpose, healing its conflict and violent past, and with tireless efforts truly make it the gateway into the western world for Maitreya. Australia, regain your dignity become the first Land of the Heart where Children of Maitreya can live in peace with Nature Australia, respond to the Call of Maitreya become the first country to be governed by the Laws of the Heart Prayer for Scandinavia and other countries If you wish to pray for other countries, just replace 'Scandinavia' with the appropriate name. Use as often as you like, but not more than once per day. Spirit of Resurrection living in Jesus, Lord of Light and Justice, Law and Love, Healing and Liberation, Peace and Resurrection. Protect Scandinavia from the irresponsible actions of those countries with an uncaring attitude towards their own population and their neighbouring countries. Jesus, make Your auric emanation of Peace and Lovingness descend over Scandinavia. Invoke Your Christed angels to keep the waters still and activate people of goodwill to find ways of making food and accommodation to aid those who will come to Scandinavia to escape life threatening floods and earthquakes. Humanity's true enemy is hopelessness, inertia, and apathy. This enemy has invaded many countries. We pray that that enemy will be defeated by our prayers and invocations as we give strength to the Christed life that lives within us, and that makes us Children of the Heart or Mind with the specific purpose of letting You, Lord Jesus, Lamb of God, rely upon us to serve You well with truthfulness and honesty in all things. May the Power of God reign on Earth May the Love of Christ uplift the Earth May the Light of Spirit heal the Earth So be it Aten† † Aten is the Egyptian word for the true God. Prayer for America Use as often as you like, but not more than once per day. O Holy Lord Master R, Angel of Mount Shasta and violet angels of transmutation, protect America which now stands upon the threshold of great upheavals due to its coming transformation. O Holy Lord of Civilisation, Your flame is violet as the Grace of God and emerald as the Healing of God – let these flames envelop America and its people, for now begins the transformation where waters shall rise, cities shall quake, fires erupt, and human suffering shall teach many the necessary lessons of how to live in the New Age. Maitreya, hear our prayer, You Who have stood in the waters of Seattle with Your hand in blessing. You saw the change as it would happen in America, and now we ask that You envelop the Children of the Heart, and the Children of the Mind who are pure in heart, in Your blessed Mantle. Kindle the flame of love in all, and strengthen hope and faith that all people will be able to bear the effects of the transformation without giving in to despair. Divine Mother breathing within the White Tara Lady Mary, Isis, and other representatives of Yours awaken America to its future Help America in its coming rebirth So be it Aten† † Aten is the Egyptian word for the true God. Invocation for World Peace Suggested use is once a day when there is crisis. To be said facing East. [Editor's note: Ananda also wrote a second version of the Invocation for World Peace. Please see: The New World Prayer - Invocation for World Peace] Avatar of Synthesis Lord of Justice through the Spirit of Peace from the hidden place come forth Lord Jesus, through the Spirit of Resurrection from the Heart of Love, come forth Humanity wails the children suffer Nations quail the peoples thirst the lands quake under the burden of war Spirit of Peace, rend asunder the secret veil to let humanity behold the countenance of Him they seek whether it is of He who carries the Sword of Spirit or of He who is One with the Sun Thus He shall still the trembling waters upon which blood and chemicals make floods of tidal waves that shall drown the innocents in a fiery burning death if the Hordes of Darkness are not stopped The Evil One and his legions are trying to slay Humanity as well as the Earth itself Their warfare of poison warfare of terror must be stopped Blood of man, blood of Christ shall be spilled in vain to quench and satisfy an undying thirst for blood and destruction It is now we must stand united as one family, one nation or the World of Darkness shall descend unto our world and kill all life Spirit of Peace through the Heart of all hearts Maitreya intervene in this world crisis Respond to our call Prayer to the World Mother A prayer for personal use World Mother – Queen of Nature – Mother of Earth You holy and blessed Lady, let me dwell in Your purity I have erred, made many mistakes, left my path lost my honour, my dignity – make me perfect in Your eyes Cleanse me in Your lily white tranquillity Balance my polarities in my bodies Let neither the masculine nor the feminine side take control, but let me be but an empty vessel filled with Holy Spirit, directed and governed by my Christ Self, so that I can abide Your Law of Nature without further stumbling on the path to righteousness. I AM the balance and the harmony of Nature I AM all human vices transmuted in the fire of Your Love Let my lips only speak Your Truth my eyes shine with Your Wisdom my body consecrated to Your work I AM whole – Now! |