In Support of Environmentalists
Letter to the Editor of The Hepburn Advocate, July 2002 I am writing this letter in support of environmentalists and their very difficult work of teaching humanity to care for the planet Earth. If we do not do this, we will suffer shortages of timber, oil, petrol and oxygen in the not so far off future, with food shortages already being a problem in many countries. Most of humanity lives from hand to mouth, not daring to realistically consider the near future which is looming for our children, a time of shortage of the resources that they take for granted, due to habit. Each human being has a responsibility for the environment. Many business people conduct acts of terror against nature, not because they are ignorant, for environmentalists have taught us for over twenty years what we should do, but for money, showing lack of consideration for future generations. Nature is often abused, and we are starting to suffer the consequences in different parts of the world. Old trees are felled for purely commercial reasons and, although environmentalists have warned of impending danger to the Earth’s climate and well-being, too many close their eyes and ears to these warnings, pretending that there is no danger to the population on Earth when forests are felled. This is likely to bring humanity to asphyxiation one day, due to lack of oxygen. If the general public would just understand how many opportunities for business, for employment and for growth there are in the renewable energy sector, then there might be a true support of that industry. There is a lot of know-how out there, but few care to listen. Now they are discussing further mining of brown coal in this state, well knowing, I am sure, that coal pollutes the air so that respiratory diseases, not to mention lung cancer and even tuberculosis, will increase considerably. I believe that we should start to train the children in schools about the serious conditions lurking just around the corner with regard to our very basic needs. Politicians in power and most business people dare not face the general opinion which is often callous and careless and plays down the near future, not caring sufficiently about the coming generations. There is a general display of a total lack of vision for the future amongst the Australian population as well as in many other countries, such as America. This I call playing ‘Russian Roulette’ with the lives of our children and grandchildren. Politicians and business people obviously do not have the courage to stand up against this apathetic attitude that ‘it will surely all work out in the end.’ I am writing this letter as a concerned mother and a concerned citizen of this planet. I have for 30 years been involved in healing individuals and conducting Healing Services for the Earth. I have personally come up against disinterest and a strong hopelessness, more so in the younger generation than in the older, as if the children have no hope or future on Earth, and depression and lack of inner drive and joy are widespread. Dear reader, who will support those who have the fervour and drive to act according to the knowledge that, if we do not act soon, we can’t turn the situation around and we will all suffer dire consequences of an apparent lack of concern for the life and health of all of us. Use the power of the people who have the right to vote, to speak and to act when injustice and unfairness threaten to overcome us. Only a smaller percentage of humanity is, today, aware of the true dangers waiting around the corner. My suggestion is to think very carefully before you vote in the next election. Vote for politicians who show a great concern for the environmental health of this country. Support industries which show the same concern that you do. More wake-up calls are needed, especially in the schools, so that the new generation has a chance of turning out with a realistic understanding of environmental issues. More money should be spent, therefore, on educating the children about how to care for our country, how to care for the planet globally, for when it comes down to it, we are all one big family. |