Heart Flow
16 January 2002 An energy that we call Heart Flow is now streaming down onto the physical-etheric level of Earth, reaching into the Heart of Humanity. Heart Flow is the love and light of the Heart of Maitreya, radiating from the inner heart of the planet Earth into all hearts who are open to the vibrations of the Heart of the Universe as it has transformed its energies down so that Heart Flow can be felt by all who wish to walk the Way of the Heart now and in the future. On New Year’s Eve of 2001, an energy that we refer to as Heart Flow was felt streaming down upon the physical level of Earth. What happened on that New Year’s Eve was an historic event in the spiritual history of the Earth. The Lord Maitreya 'incarnated' on the etheric level of Earth – meaning that He became the inner Spirit of the Earth. His auric emanation now overshadows the planet with its soft rose and golden hues. Heart Flow, the love and the light of Maitreya as it is felt on the physical plane, is the downpouring of Maitreya’s great love for humanity, and it comes to us through a cooperation between the Lord Maitreya and the Mother (the feminine principle), who is the gateway to the physical-etheric level. The Lord Maitreya holds the office of the Christ – the Risen One on Earth, and He is Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Inner Government of Earth. The Lord Maitreya is a Mānushya-Buddha who will incarnate in 500 years to take the initiation to become the Buddha of Earth, an office which is now held by His Brother (in Spirit), Gautama Buddha, who at that time leaves the office and also the Earth. The Buddha of Earth is a reflection of the Amitābha-Buddha. The Buddha Gautama and the Lord Maitreya are also aspects of Avalokiteśvara. 'Technically Avalokiteśvara is the Dhyāni-Bodhisattva of Amitābha Buddha – Amitābha-Buddha is the kosmic Divine Monad of which the Dhyāni-Bodhisattva is the individualized spiritual ray, and of this latter again the Mānushya-Buddha or human Buddha is a ray or offspring.'* Lord Maitreya forms a triangle with Gautama Buddha and the Lady Yasodhara (the twin flame of Gautama Buddha). This triangle is sending out the combined energy we refer to as Heart Flow, and the energy is transformed down in the following way: Buddha Gautama and Maitreya merge and send the energy of the heart into the Heart of the Lady Yasodhara, who is the Mother who is being used as the entrance into the Heart of Humanity. The Lady Yasodhara is aided in this work by the White Tara, the Mother of Christs and Buddhas, so that the Lady Yasodhara becomes the Spreading Light of Earth, whereas the Lord Maitreya is the Rising Light of Earth. Heart Flow is, therefore, the energy of the heart which is felt on Earth as a great encompassing Heart, boundless in its compassion for humanity, and which flows into every human heart that opens to it. Heart Flow is an action of Divine Love, and Divine Love is the highest energy of all divine energies. It causes immediate change in those who open to it. Divine Love is not, as many might believe, only a soft, gentle energy; it can be very challenging and fiery in its flow, and when it touches the human heart, unexpected reactions occur, many of which will prove to be breaking new ground both physically and spiritually. When Divine Beings manifest on lower levels, They most often do so by the overshadowing principle. Overshadowing means using the inner bodies and outer bodies of another Divine Being or human being by whom the higher being can then manifest Him/Herself on a lower level. A classic example is that of the Lord Jesus being overshadowed by Lord Maitreya thereby becoming the Christed vehicle on Earth. Lord Jesus was always being overshadowed by the Spirit of Peace, a cosmic being, and the Holy Spirit, thereby becoming the Peacemaker and the Great Healer. The Holy Spirit overshadowed the apostles to the degree that they became healers and speakers of Spirit. The Lord Maitreya’s Heart Flow reaches into all human hearts. He is 'down-transforming' His loving flow into Heart Flow, which is felt on the physical level of Earth. He utilises the Lady Yasodhara, a female Master, as a vehicle through which He can reach closely into the physical level. All heart-enlightened beings can transfer Maitreya’s Love and Light to living beings; however, the vibration we refer to as Heart Flow comes, as mentioned earlier, through the triangle between the two Brothers in Spirit, Maitreya and Gautama Buddha, and the Lady Yasodhara. Heart Flow clears the mind and awakens the heart to the higher self more rapidly than any other energy, for it purifies you of darkness past and present with an accelerated speed, especially when you combine the healing of Heart Flow with violet flame and other flame decrees. Heart Flow takes you forward towards higher spirals of consciousness. It helps you to make wiser decisions in relation to handling life’s many challenges. Heart Flow softens your heart and your mind, which in many people have become hardened and rigid with incarnations of selfish actions done without remorse, hurting and harming others as well as yourself. We have all lived lives of badly motivated deeds, either because we were pushed into selfishness or we were actively greedy, malicious, and so full of hatred that we could not feel for others, blinded as we were by our anger and rage. But past is past, and Heart Flow is not only the needed eye-opener, but the releaser of cemented thoughtforms and rock hard feelings which disturb the inner equilibrium and destabilise our personal self to the extent that we no longer know what is right or wrong. All positive energies create openings in the personal self and start a cleansing process which leads to purification of self, but Heart Flow is such an energy that this cleansing takes a much shorter time to purify the self, for it connects the personal self with its soul. The light of one’s soul then takes an active part in the process, thus stimulating the effects greatly so that enlightenment can be realised within the consciousness of the heart and mind in a shorter time than if Heart Flow had not stimulated the self. *de Purucker, G. (1972) Occult Glossary p.16. Pasadena, CA: Theosophical University Press |