Heart Flow and Global Awareness
May 2002 Heart Flow acts as the eye opener that will open many eyes to the message and revelation of the New Age. The Lord Maitreya is content with the development which is ongoing on Earth, working as He does, joining in some of humanity their heart centres and minds to establish a balance between their hearts and brains. Heart Flow builds the necessary bridges between all peoples, nations, and religions to lead humanity to a safe standing place from which they can build the bridge of true goodwill and humaneness upon which all who wish it can reach the spiritual Hierarchy and Shamballa in their inner being. Heart Flow is the flow of loving kindness that flows from the Lord Maitreya’s Heart into Earth and into the heart and mind of humanity as a group as well as into individual hearts and minds. Heart Flow is therefore the energy that we see and feel can save humanity from self-destructing. Emotional waves as high as mountains threaten to flood the Earth, with sad effects noticeable everywhere. Neighbouring nations are ready to take up arms, which if used will bring about mass killings and ultimately lay whole nations to waste with infected water, destroyed crops, scarcity of food products and barren landscapes where no human beings can survive. Prayer Prayer without appropriate action will lead nowhere. When a person prays, he or she has to act accordingly. All people can offer their services, no matter what education, what skills, if of reasonably healthy body; they can put to good use meditation, prayer, mantras and invocations, transforming them into necessary actions. Global Awareness Global awareness is the first step into world service. The next step is to find out how you can best serve the world. Further steps involve acting upon your inner guidance. If you need to take courses, shorter and longer, to obtain the right skills for your world service, you will do so gladly and with dedication, for the more skills you offer the world and the light, the more of use you can be. If you pray for peace, you have to do daily deeds that promote peace on Earth. If you pray for better health, you have to start eating a better diet and take the necessary remedies for strengthening your physical body. If you pray for a loving relationship, you have to be more loving yourself to attract a loving partner. If you pray for a child to help that child improve his or her life in the world, you have to show the child how to live a moral and ethical life by being a fine example of a well-meaning citizen of the world who contributes to your society by trying to express your Buddha nature in all actions. To pray for others is beneficial, but to follow up the prayer with action will see positive results that you help manifest. Take an active role in life. Become a co-creator with God, one who flows with the cosmic stream. Put no limitations upon self, but live every moment as a human being who wishes to better life for all. In The Theosophical Fellowship and Heart Flow Worldwide, when we speak about meditation, we speak about going within, into your silent, sacred place where you unite with your higher self and your I Am Presence. This is done by breathing peace, invoking silently, praying, contemplating, and ascending into a higher consciousness where you feel the union with all that breathes, all that lives, and finally in meditation becoming 'lost' in cosmic awareness. Reaching the level of contemplation induces in itself the ascension into a higher consciousness where you begin to feel a oneness with people whose hearts are enthusiastic and fiery, burning like yours to improve life on Earth. This is where you touch upon global awareness, which indicates that you feel for other peoples, other nations, and sincerely and deeply wish to alleviate suffering in the world. Global awareness makes you wish to make the world a better place for all and you put energy, time and finances into work that promotes positive results to that effect. Practising meditation, saying prayers and mantras, and taking part in healing services give the instigation, the ideas and the inspiration now to offer your personal contribution to the healing of the Earth, to the establishing of right human relations and to the social and psychological welfare of humanity. |