Garden of the Heart
circa 2000 The Lord Maitreya is one of the most beautiful flowers in God's garden, and He is the head gardener in the garden of our souls. In the heart there lies a garden which is not beautiful in itself, meaning planted with the loveliest flowers. In many, the garden is full of weeds. In many, the garden is neglected and deserted. In the garden of the heart, the development of the personality and the soul is shown. The garden grows beautiful with good actions, feelings and thoughts. The Lord Maitreya employs the assistance of the angel kingdom for taking care of the garden, and the angels, who love this work, happily flock to the gardens, to the energy of the heart, and respond to the call of Maitreya. Without contributing daily effort, your garden will never be beautiful and well cared for, and this appears to be so in the many gray and darkened gardens without life and joy. By constant cooperation with the power of light, your garden can become like the one you dream of – perhaps the sweetest rose garden, perhaps a magnificent English park, or a garden with a profuse wild plantation in the most glorious shades. What a joy for you who can sit or wander about your own delightful, well laid out garden and enjoy the rays of the warm sun – the sun being here your own soul made to glow by the Lord Maitreya, Who is the Son of the Sun. |