Decrees to the Buddhas of the Earth
May 2000 Gautama Buddha was a Chakra Varta (He who turns the wheel of the Law), a Teacher of ethics and morality in its highest and most sublime form. The term 'Buddha' refers to a stage of spiritual initiation and enlightenment as well as to an office in the Spiritual Hierarchy. Thus, one can speak of Jesus, the White Tara, Lady Yasodhara, Lord Maitreya, and other great Masters as Buddhas. The life of Gautama Buddha and His Teachings preceded and led to the life of His Brother, the Christ, Lord Maitreya, the future Buddha of Earth, Who continued the Teachings from the point where Gautama Buddha left them. Gautama Buddha and His Brother Maitreya today appear united as the Guru of the Earth for all humankind, and They are inspiring a new world religion which shall unite all people in Their Loving Hearts. In Them, peace shall finally become a reality on Earth. These texts can be said aloud or silently. They can be said, for example, while showering, cleaning, or performing other simple tasks, or while sitting in meditation or contemplation. Please do not say them while driving or performing tasks that require your full concentration. Repeated use of these texts (one alone, or several) for 15 minutes or more each day brings healing. Fire of Buddha Fire of Buddha Fire of Buddha Touch the Earth (You may replace the word “Fire” with words of your choice such as Light, Wisdom, Heart, Emptiness, and so forth.) Holy Mother, sacred White Tara So full of grace Blessed be Thy Being Make light on Earth Make light in all Lift us into Your glory Maitreya Buddha Glorious Sun Buddha of my heart Heart of Earth Beloved Buddha Glorious Sun Heart of Compassion Lover of Earth Maitreya Buddha Glorious Sun Redeemer of my heart Redeemer of Earth Jesus Buddha Glorious Sun Healer of my heart Healer of Earth Gautama Buddha Glorious Sun Buddha of my mind Mind of Earth Yasodhara Buddha Glorious Sun Buddha of my heart Heart of Earth |