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01. Power is needed to create magic and to stand steady in the light. That’s the energy of power, and I will get into that. It has two wonderful effects. One is to give you the power of divinity, the power to be co-creator with God. You discover that, by your actions utilising the first and the seventh ray*, you can actually create like God creates – you are a little god within yourself. It’s not that you know it, because you haven’t used much of your god-self, but more your negative self. 02. So, every human being is a being that is both physical and divine. Every human being can create but doesn’t know it. What you learn in spiritual work is to create. If you have a first ray in you and seventh ray, or just work with those rays, you actually can create. You can create – you put your mind to the business, you concentrate. See, people who are successful business people are concentrating a hundred percent on their business. It becomes their life. 03. But many spiritual people are also involved in business today. It is not a negative trait to concentrate totally to expand the business – it can be used negatively or positively. It is a matter of why do you want to expand the business? Why do you want to get money? Is it for the power you get over other people, or is it because you become powerful with God, and can create for God? 04. Say that you have a business, and you want to spend twenty percent of that business to create a home for homeless children. You become a co-creator with God. You are allowed to live a good life. You are allowed a car or two in the garage if there is a purpose for having two cars – if not, only one car. You can have a good home with lots of rooms if you need them, a beautiful kitchen. You can have a park landscape around your house. You have to have the purpose. The purpose has got to be right and then you become a powerful person within yourself. 05. You don’t use that power to bind other people to you, or to ride over them and use them and abuse them in the business so that you can get money out of it. No, you become a person of charity, a Samaritan, a healer. You help with your success and your power. 06. The problem is power is sweet and many people, especially politicians, run on that energy called power. Have you ever wondered how they can take being so slandered and gossiped about, and how they can take all the words in the parliament and how they can get energy for one meeting in this town, and three hours in another town? Where do they get the energy? Because they are needing and wanting power so much, it feeds them. We don’t have many positive politicians. We don’t have many positive politicians – by that I mean, who are ruled by goodwill and wanting to actually help humanity progress. 07. No, they’re interested in being the politician, in being that, in holding that office and being that person that people look up to, or even look at with hatred or jealousy or greed, whatever. 08. And that energy can be so strong that it creates tyrants. It creates slayers of humanity. They will that power so much, they are willing to kill for it. And you don’t understand that you may have that in you as well because you haven’t got that kind of power in this life. And you may not know that you still have the need for power over others, and you don’t know what would happen if you got power. 09. See, for you in this lifetime, really contemplate and ponder upon what would you be like if you got money? What would you be like if you got power? Work with it, because you may get it in your next embodiment and then do it right this time, and you will see that you actually can live happy lives on Earth. 10. But power, and having power, being leaders of armies, of countries, of nations, we fail. We have failed utterly when we’ve had it because we have abused it. Everyone who stood in our way, we got rid of them. That’s why we, many of us, have not-so-good incarnations, where power is for us a disease, or could create disease in us. 11. Abuse of power comes about when it is used to create circumstances, forms, events for personal gain and ambition. I always say, we have holy ambitions, and we have unholy ones. I call them that – ‘ambitions’. If you live life with holy ambitions, you are allowed to have ambitions. You are allowed to have the drive to do good – to do good, you know, for humanity. You are allowed to wish for money for power so that you can work in humanity. You are allowed. 12. How are you going to get anything done, if you don’t have money and you didn’t have some power? And if your ambitions are only to help other people, then you will get a wonderful spirit to use. And those who have unholy ambitions, it is only for themselves they work. They don’t care about anyone else. Whatever they say with the mouth, they don’t care about anything else, or anyone else, but themselves. They live by something false, and they fall. Sooner or later, they will fall, which means many suffering incarnations afterwards. 13. Even though the Lord D.K. says a large number of people are living by the wrong use of money, a large number of people are not dominated by love of money but understand the higher values in life. People like you are coming to understand money is good, but only if it’s channelled into the right cause or causes. When you have higher values, and when you really know what you want the money for, then you will be given an idea how to use the money correctly. 14. Say that you have ten dollars. Try it in a small way. Give five dollars to something you really believe in. See what happens. See if you don’t get another twenty dollars. Then give – again, give something. Try it out. Try out the system. Try it. The law works. The law works perfectly. See what happens when you give, not only of your time and your love, but of money to the cause that is God’s Cause, and there are many of such. 15. It’s simply the most valuable life you’ve come to live. You are supporting God in the higher, as well as God within, and you suddenly have good incarnations where much of the suffering will actually be disappearing because Christ takes an active part in your life, and He helps you and the family, He protects. 16. There are so many insecurities and uncertainties on Earth and in people. Money is a means for many people to find security. We feel so insecure here. We don’t know if the Earth is coming or going. We don’t know if the governments are falling or succeeding. We don’t know if the money market is collapsing or staying. 17. Money bestows power upon people, so the very rich people feel that they are elevated above average and ordinary humanity – which they also are in a certain way. But people look up to rich people as experts on all world-related issues. See, what really, really annoys me, is when this world goes to a fashion model; an actor who has an intelligence like a pea; a business person who only understands about that little business, but the business makes money – suddenly you are an expert, a mouthpiece of God on all issues religious, political, social, on marriages, on relationships – on anything. And you sit there and watch on television these poor people who haven’t got a clue about anything at all, but are being asked these questions. And what are they going to answer? 18. It’s interesting with the church. I saw on television the other day, the Archbishop of Canterbury – he had been followed for a year. And you know something – every time I see a person in the higher hierarchy of the church who is a good person, who loves his fellow human beings, then I applaud because it’s not the case with most people. For most people, power positions, money or they have no problems with money, they are cared for – it creates something negative in them. 19. But this Archbishop, he was a nice man, and that was a wonderful thing to see, that also the nice people can get up into these hierarchies of churches and governments. 20. Many people say they’re religious people, but you know something: money is their religion; power is their religion; sex is their religion. They don’t believe in God. They believe in something they call the mind, the higher mind – the mind – and the mind gives good life or bad life, and only one of them. That’s what most people believe in when it comes to the crunch. 21. Even people who say they believe in reincarnation, well their actions in their daily life show differently. So, the real god on Earth is mammon for, I think, seventy percent of humanity. Mammon is money, that is the god on Earth. That’s what rules the television, the media, the journalists. All are ruled by money, the need for money. And they interview people who have money and make them experts, and that’s why the Earth is collapsing because if they let people who know discuss the issues at hand, we would see that the Earth would change face and appearance. *First ray: This ray represents the Will of God *Seventh ray: This is the ray that brings about law and order, transmutation, transformation and transfiguration. It is governed by the Master R... and His Lady Portia, the Lady of Justice. Excerpts for Contemplation
The following pieces of text are excerpts taken from part I of the talk by Ananda Tara Shan about the three complexes. The number after each excerpt indicates the paragraph in the transcription of the talk from which the excerpt is taken. A piece of music is available, should you wish to have that to accompany your contemplation.
Power is needed to create magic and to stand steady in the light. (1)
So, every human being is a being that is both physical and divine. Every human being can create but doesn’t know it. What you learn in spiritual work is to create. (2)
Say that you have a business, and you want to spend twenty percent of that business to create a home for homeless children. You become a co-creator with God. (4)
You don’t use that power to bind other people to you… you become a person of charity, a Samaritan, a healer. You help with your success and your power. (5)
The problem is power is sweet and many people, especially politicians, run on that energy called power.
… positive politicians… are ruled by goodwill and wanting to actually help humanity progress.(6) What would you be like if you got power? Work with it, because you may get it in your next embodiment and then do it right this time, and you will see that you actually can live happy lives on Earth. (9)
People like you are coming to understand money is good, but only if it’s channelled into the right cause or causes. When you have higher values, and when you really know what you want the money for, then you will be given an idea how to use the money correctly. (13)
The law works… See what happens when you give, not only of your time and your love, but of money to the cause that is God’s Cause, and there are many of such. (14)
You are supporting God in the higher, as well as God within, and you suddenly have good incarnations… (15)
Study Questions - Power
1. How does power help us in a good way? 2. How can you help with your power? 3. What characterises a positive politician? 4. What would you be like if you got money? 5. What would you be like if you got power? 6. Why is it important to contemplate and ponder upon questions 4 and 5 above? 7. How would you describe holy ambitions? 8. When are you given an idea of how to use money correctly? |